-=> Scenery Competition - IV <=- (Staring at the Sun) - Semi-Final Poll - CLOSED

  • Thread starter GrumpEone

Staring at the Sun.... and the Winner is....

  • [URL=http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb272/Rotary_Junkie/IMG0041-1.jpg][IMG]http://i210.photobuck

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [URL="http://img240.imageshack.us/my.php?image=staringsun6bpv6.jpg"][IMG]http://img240.imageshack.us

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [url=http://img180.imageshack.us/img180/7934/img0018hz2.jpg][IMG]http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [URL="http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/5397/fullld6.jpg"][IMG]http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/1

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [URL="http://a280.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/11/l_02dc02a8b6ab8d6d18ad1027a333a537.jpg"][img]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
United States
Rochester, MI
In this competition, we vote keeping in mind, the Rules and the Theme (If someone didn't follow the rules/ theme don't vote for them). Also we do not vote for our own Entry.

Scenery Competition IV - Semi-Final Poll

(Theme chosen by: Swiss Legend)
Theme: Staring at the Sun (This week I want to see the sun, high in the sky, sunset, doesn't matter, any track. Any editing tools may be used.)
Cars: Open (Car if you want, but Modern Looking)
Tracks: Open/ Any Fitting the Theme
PhotoTravel: Okay (if you must)​
  • Entry must be marked 'Final Entry' in Red Text.
  • Submit only 1 Entry, must be your own work and must not appear in any other Competition.
  • All Elements of your Entry, must come from GT4.
  • This is a Free-Edit Artistic Competition, meaning you may use any photo manipulation software at your disposal..
  • You may Change your Entry once, please clearly indicate why your entry was changed.
  • Please do not: ask others to Vote for your Entry, try to sway the poll, and do not vote for youself.
  • Feel free to PM me, with any questions, concerns, or suggestions.

The Semi-Final Poll & Final Poll will last 5 days (Final Poll will contain the top 3, or more in case of ties).

Sorry about the delay getting the poll up, between OT at work, and a tooth infection, I had little time to go online.
surprisingly I'm not going to vote, I don't like any entries here...either Overdone or too bland :/
surprisingly I'm not going to vote, I don't like any entries here...either Overdone or too bland :/

Are you serious? I can agree that their are a few that are a bit meh, but too overdone?
Not everyone has studied art or is a master of Photoshop (or GIMP for that matter), so it's obvious that, as in any other comp on this forum, things don't look professional.
I'd say that only 1% of all the shots could ever pass for something done professionally.

And what does perfection have to do with picking the one you think is best (ot that sucks less, according to your logic) and vote for it?
woot i are winning with zero!!

I'm suprised though, really. I thought my shot was pretty good :(
surprisingly I'm not going to vote, I don't like any entries here...either Overdone or too bland :/

Don't like yours either huh?

Picky Type when it comes to art. Perfection, man..

So you'll only vote for perfection?

You honestly can&#8217;t figure out which shot is at least the best of the crap.

It&#8217;s time to get your coat.
The best of the crap? haha

By that, you are meaning that your entry is perfect. So why isn't it winning? Please, tell me, I am confused...:confused:

True that LdS!

You may as well just vote for yours then Uno, since all the other ones "aren't perfect and too overdone or bland" :sly: j/k
you misread something, i clearly wrote I don't like ANY entries, including mine.

Yes im a perfectionist but my work never shows it. Impatience + Perfectionism don't mix that well, sometimes im patient enough sometimes i'm not. Forget what I said earlier.. so much fuss over one sentence...
I'm just giving you crap man.
I was just asking if you didn't like yours, (no sarcasm meant)I didn't know you were including yourself. I agree about the impatience + perfection don't mix. But to each his own. 👍

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