School, what is it for you ??

  • Thread starter DJ-CiviC
Well thanks for suggesting me man, I really appreciate. I'll see if I trully want to get back in the books, but like you say, it would worth the time and efforts...

I guess during the past 2 weeks I've been realizing that I've messed up a part of my life and in some ways I dunno how to get back in the good way... I thank God to finally make me realize it before its too late, and I thank you guys for answering this thread, I think every replies made me think alot more about it...

The decision is in my hands now... :)
I might've missed this already, but when did you drop out?
Yeah, going back and finishing high school would probably help you a lot for your future. Like you said, "for now I got nothing", and these days you really need some kind of schooling to "go places". So many more possibilities would open up for you by finishing high school. Post-secondary education becomes an option, and any career that you want is yours if you want it bad enough.

Just my 2 cents, the decision is yours of course. :)
Yeah, you should seriously get back in school.

Do the homework, drop the ego and ask for help until you understand it.

Try to make it interesting... know when to stop joking though.

I personally like school... I get decent grades. I would have had straight A's but I had 2 zeroes in the first week of school in Social Studies. How gay. Yet I still got a 91.

I try to enjoy it as much as possible.

And I could teach you Algebra man. I am in Freshman math in 8th grade and will be in Honors Geometry my freshmen year.
School for me is exactly what it's supposed to be: an education. Whether I adhered to that purpose is a different story. In a way I regret a lot of the time I wasted, though in a way I don't. Still, I didn't like most of the teachers (most were over-paid and under-educated), I didn't like most of the students and I didn't like the environment.

Thank God I only have one exam left - this Wednesday. Then I'm done.
I personnally think it would be a good idea, but the thing is when I'll be there, do I'm gonna have enough endurance and intelligence to stay ?? Thats what affraids me... If I go back to school I dont want to quit it back... I guess I should really think about that and get some motivation first.
I have a lot of friends who were in the same position. The hated school, were in the least-advanced classes, skipped and failed a lot. Once they knew what they wanted to do, they all aimed for that goal, and now they had enough motivation to attend classes and put in an effort. I know one kid who in grade 9 or 10 was facing complete failure, but he had a relative die of cancer. It affected him so much that he wanted to be able to help, now he's well on his way to becoming a doctor. He's got the motivation, now it's just a matter of time.

At least 3 of my good friends had the same problem. They got through highschool and now two of them are doing mechanics school (the third is in grade 11 still). That's something many car-enthusiasts like to go into, I'd suggest taking a look.

And DJ, you live in Quebec. An education costs next to nothing compared to the States and many other places in the world. Take advantage of the near-free education system here. Too many people in Canada take it for granted.
I think college is a waste of time personally. I mean I have a job with GM, and they are teaching me everything I need to know. At college I'm learning about why World War One was fought, and the different muscles of the human body, along with a lot of other useless crap. The only reason I'm still going to college is to get a little sheet of paper with my name written all cool on it saying I completed the course. But really I'm not going to use 90% of the stuff I learned. Most of the stuff I need I've learned on the job.

As far as high school goes, you need to go to that. I mean if not for the learning at least the social aspect. You learn how to work with other people. Not to mention you learn how to be on time and stuff like that. But I can honestly say I didnt' learn much in high school. But I still felt it was important to go.
I have a lot of friends who were in the same position. The hated school, were in the least-advanced classes, skipped and failed a lot. Once they knew what they wanted to do, they all aimed for that goal, and now they had enough motivation to attend classes and put in an effort. I know one kid who in grade 9 or 10 was facing complete failure, but he had a relative die of cancer. It affected him so much that he wanted to be able to help, now he's well on his way to becoming a doctor. He's got the motivation, now it's just a matter of time.

At least 3 of my good friends had the same problem. They got through highschool and now two of them are doing mechanics school (the third is in grade 11 still). That's something many car-enthusiasts like to go into, I'd suggest taking a look.

And DJ, you live in Quebec. An education costs next to nothing compared to the States and many other places in the world. Take advantage of the near-free education system here. Too many people in Canada take it for granted.

Well thats a good question, what I want to do... I dunno what I want to do, thats what the problem is... I'm a car enthusiat, but mechanic classes is alot of maths, and I aint good at all with this ****... Maybe I need to do some orientation classes or I dunno... I never really found what I wanted to do.
As far as I know, it's only practical. You can even do a condensed course which is only 2 semesters I believe.

Unless you mean a lot of math as in you missed a lot that you need to get in, then yeah, but you have to buckle up and do it at some point...

Open houses and stuff like that are also good ideas. I don't know too many mechanics schools in Montreal, the only one I know is in Pierrefonds, but that probably isn't close to where you're at.
Here's my take on education.

High school is total bull. Four years of my life completely wasted due to numerous factors. I didn't really learn much, I was stressing out over stuff I would never need to do outside of the public education system, but at least I made a few good friends and managed to break out of my shell (I used to be very shy). But those last two things have nothing to do with school; I owe those things to myself. I really wish I could have learned something useful, like a second language, but Ontario high schools have very few teachers who can teach such a subject (aside from French, although that program is a joke in itself, but that's a whole other topic for debate).

But you've definitley got to stick through high school at least. It may be a load of crap, but if you don't get you're diploma, you're just making your life a helluva lot harder.

I'm in University now (1st year mechanical engineering), and its much better than high school. Since I'm in a program I'm interested in, I don't have to take any useless courses like in high school. The pace is much better too; you don't have lame assignments to do 24/7. Mainly you just have to worry about midterms and exams. So really, you can learn at your own pace, which is a much better idea to me. Also, the whole social life is better at university. I have yet to meet a person who enjoyed their social life better at high school (although everyone does miss their old friends).
Here's a story I should share for those of you limping through high school. My dad was a terrible student in high school. He was never interested in anything there, did poorly in a lot of classes, and barely graduated. He never would have gotten into college right away, but he decided to go to community college. He spent 2 years training to be a mechanic (cars were his one true passion), then started thinking about how things like cars are designed. He decided he liked the prospect of designing stuff, so he spent another two years at community college working on a pre-engineering curriculum, then transferred to a university to complete a degree in mechanical engineering. He's had a very successful 30 year career at Boeing, is at the top of his profession, and is compensated hansomely.

Dad was never interested or motivated by school until he found something in college that could tie his one passion to a career. You never know at what point in life motivation will strike, so why close almost every door in high school just because you don't like it? Would you trust a 17 year-old to determine the outcome of the rest of your life? I certainly wouldn't (though I did let a 19 year-old pick my major :)).
Montreal also has a bustling aerospace industry. Take a look at that, it might be just the thing.

And don't complain that it's college so you can't do it. That's something you really should've thought of before dropping out. Nobody's fault but your own. It's never too late to get back into it. You may end up being a year or two behind, but that's a price you'll have to pay.
Montreal also has a bustling aerospace industry. Take a look at that, it might be just the thing.

And don't complain that it's college so you can't do it. That's something you really should've thought of before dropping out. Nobody's fault but your own. It's never too late to get back into it. You may end up being a year or two behind, but that's a price you'll have to pay.

Did I've complained about something ??? lol I didnt blame anyone or anything but me about this... I must think you misunderstood me in some way... whatever :)

I'm pretty much into my thoughts today, I cant stop thinking about this...
Did I've complained about something ??? lol I didnt blame anyone or anything but me about this... I must think you misunderstood me in some way... whatever :)

I'm pretty much into my thoughts today, I cant stop thinking about this...

Did I say you were complaining? No.
School was a real ride through good times and bad, I think I first found school generally intresting around year 11 when I finally was not depressed and done the subjects I chose (At the end of year 9 you have choices as to what you wanna take in GCSE, some you have to take but for some you chose) I chose:

Maths (Had to)
English (Had to)
Double Award Science (Had to)
R.E. (Had too and i was in the last frickin year that had to..)
Double Award ICT (Had To)
Geography (Chose To)
History (Chose To)
Systems And Control (Chose to, also known as electronics)

Year 10 was where I hit absolute rock bottom, I was in depression, I feared I would never learn anything and in result too days off school, too many it seems. At the end of year 10 I snapped out of my depression after staying up 4 nights in a row trying to find out what I wanted from life and how to achieve it, it was mentally exhausting btu morally the best thing I ever chose to do, summer hols I spent mostly inside (Didn't have too many friends due to the depressed period)

(These were my predicted grades in year 10)

Maths: D to C (I'm better with numbers than letters)
English: D/E
Science: D/D ( I was on for B/B at one point...)
R.E.: G
Geogrphy: C :)
History: D to E
Systems And Control: E

Then year 11 came along and I started to pick myself up again, I made new friends got on with school and found it generally intresting, its also where I sparked up my intrest in politicts and activism, i spent about the equilivant of around 2 weeks off in the whole year, year 10 must have been around a month and a half and genuinely started to knuckle down to catch up with everyone in my subjects.

Heres my final results:

Maths: C
English C,D (D in Enlgish Lit)
Double Science: C,C
R.E.: D
Double ICT: No grade (I didn't complete the coursework from year 10 in time..)
Geography: C
History: D
Systems And Control: D

So in the 3 main subjects (English, Science and Maths) I caught up to a C standard, which I give great thanks to my teachers for sticking with me as i caught up (I could easially have been chucked off the course) and in geogrphy a C too which didn't surprise me since I've always had a keen intrest in the subject.

I went on to have 3 weeks of 6th form before reconsidering that option and therefore leaving at the end of September, and I've been unemployed since but looking to get into a politics course next year at college.

So all in all school blowed, untill it really mattered in year 11 where I had the time of my life.

(Sorry for the size of my post but I couldn't really shorten it much more)
I didn't like school at all. For me it was mostly just hearing the same **** getting repeated over and over and over and over again for the dumber kids. I received grades worse than they should've been often, simply because of not having paid attention at times that I should have, but didn't because of this. Once I did find out how to use the books my grades got better.

I also didn't like most of the people at my school. Most teachers hated me because I was annoying to them (gotta do something while bored) except for the select few that got to know me better later on. None of my friends in the early years of high school are friends of me now. They were considered the "cool" guys... at least they started becoming that once I I lost touch with them.... which I found out is all relative... because they weren't cool. Backstabbers.

Looking back at school I also made it a crappy place for myself, got in more trouble than I should've. Never got kicked out of school or something like that, but did enough to get teachers and students angry at me more than once. I definitely wouldn't mind to be able to do it all over again, from scratch. But since that isn't possible I'm glad that it's over with because university is a lot better... not saying that the quality of the education improved that much, but at least it isn't obligatory. You decide what you want to do.
I didn't like school at all. For me it was mostly just hearing the same **** getting repeated over and over and over and over again for the dumber kids.
Which is why AP and Honors classes are a godsend – I would’ve gone insane years ago if it weren’t for those classes.
If I could only do french, english and history, I'll be so glad... Maths is the thing that make me lost any motivations I got... Its ****ing hard to understand even if you could teach me 100 methods to do them... :(

As far as my thinking goes, I really think I'm gonna go back... I must take a final choice soon, and need to prepare myself for it... I talked with some friends and found a "adult" school where you only do french, maths and english (history and science are optional)... It could be good considering that you run your things at your speed. Its pretty much the kind of school I need, I'll give them a phone call this week about an appointment but first I need to find my last "bulletin" (I dunno this word in english lol) and it'll be ok... I think I'm gonna get into this after the holidays, just to make sure I'll be enough prepared mentally to do it... :)
Awesome. Getting into an ‘adult’ school would be good for you, you could concentrate more on the work and get more specialised help. Hopefully you’ll get things sorted out for next year.

Which is why AP and Honors classes are a godsend – I would’ve gone insane years ago if it weren’t for those classes.

Oh, I know; my AP english class when I was a senior was a whole different world than my other english classes. I think the biggest difference was that people actually cared.
See, Sage is the perfect example of why to do good in high school: you can be admitted into top-tier universities like the University of California. I'm jealous! :)
Awesome. Getting into an ‘adult’ school would be good for you, you could concentrate more on the work and get more specialised help. Hopefully you’ll get things sorted out for next year.


Thanks dude, I think that your replies made me think alot more than the others... But I guess I could not do worse than I used to do in high-school. If I can get really motivated and be 100% mentally prepared for this, I think I would be on fire right away... I know I can do good things, lets see how can I do it lol...

I'll keep yall informed about the situation as it grows up. :)
Oh, I know; my AP english class when I was a senior was a whole different world than my other english classes. I think the biggest difference was that people actually cared.
Exactly. I took regular English Freshman year, and it was about the most un-intellectually-stimulating experience ever – I felt alien amongst that group of knuckleheads who didn’t give a damn about learning. It was almost scary to be in that environment.

Honors and AP classes though – not only do you have peers who care, but because the teachers know this, they’re more likely to let loose and be much more comfortable with more intellectual discussions. Even though I’m probably going into engineering, my AP English courses have probably been the most worthwhile courses I’ve taken in high school.

See, Sage is the perfect example of why to do good in high school: you can be admitted into top-tier universities like the University of California. I'm jealous! :)
For someone living in Maryland, you have a rather interesting infatuation with the UC system, don’t you think? ;) Or is it like that amongst most in the east? (Here, it’s sort of the standard path for anybody in the top tenth percentile of their class, unless they can afford to go out-of-state.)
Exactly. I took regular English Freshman year, and it was about the most un-intellectually-stimulating experience ever – I felt alien amongst that group of knuckleheads who didn’t give a damn about learning. It was almost scary to be in that environment.

Honors and AP classes though – not only do you have peers who care, but because the teachers know this, they’re more likely to let loose and be much more comfortable with more intellectual discussions. Even though I’m probably going into engineering, my AP English courses have probably been the most worthwhile courses I’ve taken in high school.

Honestly, I think my AP English class in high school was considerably better than the English class I'm in now (at my university). In high school it was mostly people who were in the top of the class. We'd have pretty unstructured class discussions with our teacher only guiding what general topics we should cover. Here, that's definitely not necessarily the case as the discussions are far less fruitful and interesting, and I'm not in the honors college. Also, the fact that its at 8:00am doesn't help one bit.

For someone living in Maryland, you have a rather interesting infatuation with the UC system, don’t you think? ;) Or is it like that amongst most in the east? (Here, it’s sort of the standard path for anybody in the top tenth percentile of their class, unless they can afford to go out-of-state.)

Heh, well not necessarily the UC system; it's more along the lines of "any college that's not Towson". It's a total party school, and I can't help thinking I'd do better in a more academically-based environment. I was accepted into the University of Delaware, but it was far too expensive considering my lack of academic scholarships.
Hiya! :D :embarrassed: :lol: Meow! (='.'=)

Here is my take on school!

High school for me was a very important experience since it is the last building block before the real competition heats up. What I really love about high school is being recognized by fellow students and staffs for being a high achieving in every class. :embarrassed: When I do good things, I get special treatments in the class that poor achieving students don't get. I even get to do things that isn't allowed in every class such as eating and and playing with my PSP. :embarrassed: Being a teacher's pet may seem dumb, but it is really worth it if you can become one. 👍

I love to be around those who take school seriously because those people are the ones that can help you later on in life. It can be a financial problem or give you a big discount when you show up at their work place. Some students may not be in those Honor or AP classes like me and my groups of friends are, but they are always welcomed to the group if they show proof that they are on the Principal's Honor Roll! :embarrassed: 👍

There is only ONE thing and only ONE thing I didn't like about high school....low achieving students who either gives up or make little effort to learn the materials given to them. What is it with them? :odd: There must be a reason why they have this jealousness toward good students.

Too much notes to copy down? Draw pictures of cars that you have a high chance of never owning(MKIV, C6 Z06, Honda S2000 and such). Excuse me, copying down those important notes given by the teacher WILL help you. They are written because they WILL be on the test.

Feel intimidated or loss of confidence because some school nerd or Honors/AP student is in your elective class? Thats because they are in your class it doesn't mean you can't get an A. You too can get an A and this apply to all classes.

Motivational speakers are talking to you about the advantages of continuing school after high school. Don't believe it? Start applying to low paying jobs now and don't complain how those super smart students took your medium to high paying jobs from you.

Here is my favorite tip for new or confused students in high school:

"If you want to be a loser, go hang with the loser. Do what they do and be ready to "work" for a living. :scared: . If you want to be successful in life, go hang with high achieving students. 👍 Do what they do and be ready to have fun for the rest of you life. :embarrassed: 👍

My conclusion about high school and college education is that it is becoming more and more important as time goes by. New technology demands more educated people and YOU must keep up if you want to go along with the world. If you are unwilling to learn, you will definately miss out on all those fun things you can do if actually work hard. :embarrassed: 👍
Me in "Public Schools" thread
As many of you may know already, I'm home educated. I'll get to why later.

Right, first of all, I'll say my overall opinion about the system. I think subjects that you learn in class just aren't learnt for long enough. For example, doing fractions in Maths, you'll do it for a certain amount of weeks then move on. Some people may have not even learnt that subject properly in that time, resulting in having no idea, when the test questions, come what the answer is. I think this only includes with English, Science (this to me) and Maths, as I find these important subjects. For ICT classes (getting more and more important now as this is a more computerized world than ever before) at my old school we didn't even do at all for year 8, as there was no teachers whatsoever to teach the subject. If not that, a teacher teaches the subject that they hardly know about themselves!

I also found that some lessons in Seconday school were completely unessacary, like R.E and Drama for example. OK, people may like the subject and you can drop it in year 9 (to a degree) but I feel that the subject should be dropped altogether from the beginning if you totaly dont like it. People should focus on what they want to do and learn the more important subjects like Maths and English, as they are an everyday thing (ok, Maths isnt, but you will do it sometime in your life.) You should have the option to forget the lessons you dont want to do at all and get more time to do the the subjects you like. You learn much more easily if you do a subject you like. Being taught at home is like this, I have the freedom to do the subjects I'm really interested in instead of doing something I'll never do. It's just a waste of time.

Now, getting onto the main point. I've found over the years that behavior in classes have been declining, and because of this educational quality in classes have been dropping. Shouting, throwing things across the class, not listening to the teacher whatsoever resulting in the teacher telling them off all the time, wasing more educational time. Sometimes there were even random fist fights in class, and two cases of chairs being thrown across the room because he didnt want to do what the teacher told him to. All this really did disrupt me and affected my education. OK, the teachers most of the time do give out detentions, but the students dont care. They get the detention, stay in at breaktime or whatever they do, then just go back to the same behavior again afterwards. Also, the teachers do shout but they are just not disiplined enough. They shout, but most of the time students dont notice. Because of this I was picked on in class, rude things said to me, things throw at me and I couldn't tell the teacher they were doing so, because they would just do it to me more for "telling the teacher". I had to put up with it all day then tell my Tutor at the end of the day what had happened. OK, the tutor would help and I did get special help for handling situations, but that didnt really help. I was called names, blamed for doing things that I didnt do etc, no help would sort that out. Later I was told just to ignore them. OK, I tried my best, but because of the damage that had happened to me years before that was quite impossible as nearly every little thing upset me.

Breaktimes it was a different thing. It was more physical than anything. I was the type of person to walk around on my own or with a few friends because everyone were such idiots. But once I was cornered, told to say horrible things, then they would let me go. This was about a group of 6. In the end I done what they told, I couldnt ignore that. I was headbutted once, a piece of wood whacked on me, a piece of ice was thown at me and a teacher did see it, and she said that wasnt bullying and never told him off. I WAS SO PISSED AT THAT! This just shows that the teachers sometimes dont even care.

In the end, all this just made me ill. I have that type of mind to blow things out of proportion, but this really made me ill. The lack of education, the physical and mental bullying. I must admit, the school did try to help me and my parents with what was going on and what meetings will be happening to sort out my future, but the system just isnt strict enough. When we did consider homeducation to them, the headteacher was very for the idea, which made everyone think that the head just wanted to get rid of me! I'm not surprised at all that this has been on the news, and that people are complaining like me.

My brother is still at school, and has his own problems but he is a little different to me, so he's just coping at the moment. He has special needs, so he does get extra help that he needs which is a great thing (for once!).

So overall, I dont detest the ability of the teachers (apart from ICT), but their abilities are put back because of the disruptive students. I dont think seperate subjects are learnt for long enough, unessacary lessons are taught, schools arent strict enough and bullying should be taken more seriously. People may like the school envorment (if you dont like to learn), but homeducation is better overall and is for me.
That's what I think.
There is only ONE thing and only ONE thing I didn't like about high school....low achieving students who either gives up or make little effort to learn the materials given to them. What is it with them? :odd: There must be a reason why they have this jealousness toward good students.

Heh me in year 10. :indiff: