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I was in top class for everyhting. But since yr 7 I just used to mess about partly to the fact that it was too easy. I just breezed through the tests regardless and made fun at all the "geeks" who always listened and never had fun yet I got better grades than them. Then I hit halfway through yr 10 and stuff started to get hard where I hadnt been listening. I never did homework so I never did coursework. I fell behind in every subject and then in yr 11 I started getting depressed where I was so behind I thought I might aswell not bother. I didnt really care too much as no one really cares about gcse grades. I knew that regardless in some subjects I would still geta C and just ride thoes through.
Then one day I was forced to do some maths course work and I saw the light that if I just did coursework every night I could still do it. So I did the quality wasnt very good always at grade C or D but it was better then nothing. I passed my I.C.T GNVQ as you dont need to take tests for that and I was failry relaxed. Then on study leave I didnt study at all for some reson as Id open the book and Id just stare at it.
So then I took all my tests and I got C in everything I did. 5 years of messing about and I did ok. I suppose the "geeks" got the last laugh overall as most of them got B's and A's in a school that got mostly D's and E's. However I know that quite a few of them would have been disapointed that I didnt do alot worse.
Now Im doing plumbing at college but Im having second thoughts about it. I want to go to uni but im not sure they cater for people like me? I also wouldnt mind doing A-level politics and buisness and maybe doing some kind of engineering a-level or degree or something. I will evaluate my position after Ive finsihed my one year course.
Then one day I was forced to do some maths course work and I saw the light that if I just did coursework every night I could still do it. So I did the quality wasnt very good always at grade C or D but it was better then nothing. I passed my I.C.T GNVQ as you dont need to take tests for that and I was failry relaxed. Then on study leave I didnt study at all for some reson as Id open the book and Id just stare at it.
So then I took all my tests and I got C in everything I did. 5 years of messing about and I did ok. I suppose the "geeks" got the last laugh overall as most of them got B's and A's in a school that got mostly D's and E's. However I know that quite a few of them would have been disapointed that I didnt do alot worse.
Now Im doing plumbing at college but Im having second thoughts about it. I want to go to uni but im not sure they cater for people like me? I also wouldnt mind doing A-level politics and buisness and maybe doing some kind of engineering a-level or degree or something. I will evaluate my position after Ive finsihed my one year course.