School, what is it for you ??

  • Thread starter DJ-CiviC
I was in top class for everyhting. But since yr 7 I just used to mess about partly to the fact that it was too easy. I just breezed through the tests regardless and made fun at all the "geeks" who always listened and never had fun yet I got better grades than them. Then I hit halfway through yr 10 and stuff started to get hard where I hadnt been listening. I never did homework so I never did coursework. I fell behind in every subject and then in yr 11 I started getting depressed where I was so behind I thought I might aswell not bother. I didnt really care too much as no one really cares about gcse grades. I knew that regardless in some subjects I would still geta C and just ride thoes through.

Then one day I was forced to do some maths course work and I saw the light that if I just did coursework every night I could still do it. So I did the quality wasnt very good always at grade C or D but it was better then nothing. I passed my I.C.T GNVQ as you dont need to take tests for that and I was failry relaxed. Then on study leave I didnt study at all for some reson as Id open the book and Id just stare at it.

So then I took all my tests and I got C in everything I did. 5 years of messing about and I did ok. I suppose the "geeks" got the last laugh overall as most of them got B's and A's in a school that got mostly D's and E's. However I know that quite a few of them would have been disapointed that I didnt do alot worse.

Now Im doing plumbing at college but Im having second thoughts about it. I want to go to uni but im not sure they cater for people like me? I also wouldnt mind doing A-level politics and buisness and maybe doing some kind of engineering a-level or degree or something. I will evaluate my position after Ive finsihed my one year course.
Would make sense, so who you in support of?

I know its a tad off topic but I just wanna quickly see.
Well Im a labour man. Dont really like tony blair too much I think the blind geezer is a dick and I think that Gordon Brown should take over. I hate conservatives with a vengenace but if I was very rich I would want them in power if I was selfish.
Well Im a labour man. Dont really like tony blair too much I think the blind geezer is a dick and I think that Gordon Brown should take over. I hate conservatives with a vengenace but if I was very rich I would want them in power if I was selfish.

Yeah Im on the same wavelength as you, im socalist and in support of labour, just not their leader...

Anyway back to topic!!
School is a place where they teach **** all just for the sake of teaching.

The curriculum sucks and teaches nothing. Why do I want to know how to analyse classic literature and compare it to modern day interpretations? If I want to be a book analyst, I'd take up a course on it. Instead they fill a term with mindless garbage I won't even need in my chosen career.

Thank god SOSE (Study Of Society and Environment) isn't compulsory next year... :indiff:
Shakespeare is another subject which is ****. I mean, come on, after you have done some will you ever do it again in your life? OK, some people like it but many of us that dont should get the option to not do it, along with many other unnesessary subjects.
I always found PSHE lessons to be a waste of time. (Physical Social and Health Education) You learn all that in something called life.
i wish i had a good english class where that actually had shakespeare, poe, lovecraft... but noooooo... we had to read the lord of the rings. wtf is that.
Now Im doing plumbing at college but Im having second thoughts about it. I want to go to uni but im not sure they cater for people like me? I also wouldnt mind doing A-level politics and buisness and maybe doing some kind of engineering a-level or degree or something. I will evaluate my position after Ive finsihed my one year course.

Hiya! :D :embarrassed: :lol: Meow! (='.'=)

Sometimes you REALLY do need to have second thoughts about transfering to a university because you can tell how how it is compared to college. You can look around at researches of how people go there and drop out. College to me is just for people who barely passed high school while university is a place for those top level students from every high school in the nation.

University would be a much better atmosphere also. Everyone is motivated into doing what they need to do in order to succeed and they all seem to be nice people to me! :embarrassed:

Young Warrior, I would advise you to finish the requirements to transfer to a university. University is worth every penny spent on it because it will help you for the rest of your life. It is always worth to give university a try because I think I can say you are brilliant. 👍

University > College
By telling this, I dont want to encourage any of you to quit school, it would be the badest idea ever, believe me... I did it, and look at me now

Ok, here's a little tidbit you missed since you quit school... "badest" isn't a word. The word you're looking for is "worst".

School is critical. Sure it's a lot of information, but that's just because you have a lot to learn.
I always found PSHE lessons to be a waste of time. (Physical Social and Health Education) You learn all that in something called life.

:LOL: I had pshe spent most of the time running along walls throwing stuff. I used to be a real comedian :cool: Used to walk with my trousers between my ankles and purposefully dropping condoms infront of my teacher.

Shakespeare is another subject which is ****. I mean, come on, after you have done some will you ever do it again in your life? OK, some people like it but many of us that dont should get the option to not do it, along with many other unnesessary subjects.

I liked shakespeare.
Hiya! :D :embarrassed: :lol: Meow! (='.'=)

Sometimes you REALLY do need to have second thoughts about transfering to a university because you can tell how how it is compared to college. You can look around at researches of how people go there and drop out. College to me is just for people who barely passed high school while university is a place for those top level students from every high school in the nation.

University would be a much better atmosphere also. Everyone is motivated into doing what they need to do in order to succeed and they all seem to be nice people to me! :embarrassed:

Young Warrior, I would advise you to finish the requirements to transfer to a university. University is worth every penny spent on it because it will help you for the rest of your life. It is always worth to give university a try because I think I can say you are brilliant. 👍

University > College

Schooling a bit different in the US compared to the UK. In Enngland you can either stay on at your secondary school and do A-levels for a two years after gcses when compulsery learning stops or you can go to college and do your A-levels there your do some kind of diploma etc.

Because I was a naughty little boy in school I was tired of having to sit behind a desk listening and writing and wanted to get out and actually work and do things with my hand as although I liked secondary school I was always in trouble with teachers and I was tired of live that way. Now that I have refreshed and done a couple of plumbing tests I find that I cant hack being around so many dumb people and that my mind will go to waste in such an enviroment and know I actually want to get behind a desk again.

As it stands I think I will probably end up doing A-levels. Except know Im gonna be a year behind some of my friends :indiff:
As it stands I think I will probably end up doing A-levels. Except know Im gonna be a year behind some of my friends :indiff:

Hiya! :D :embarrassed: :lol: Meow! (='.'=)

I suggest you try to catch up to your friend so you can experiance things together. :embarrassed: It really isn't fun at all when everyone looks at your friends and relatives and wonder why you are worth less than them.

Here is what happened to one of my relatives when he disobeyed his parents and decided that school is a waste of time. This story is from my mommy by the way! :embarrassed: 👍

This relative say that school is so hard for him that its pointless to even try. He always said he studied at home for hours when he actually sneaked out of his room nearly everynight to go out with his "gangsta" friends. Since school is so hard for him, he decided to try to get into business since his uncle is a very successful business man making loads of money. He think its so easy.....invest money in a shop, get profit, open up another one. Rinse and repeat for more money.

On the day of his graduation, he coulnd't walk because his GPA was 1.1 or something. He didn't care because he believed that he can get away with it by trying to be successful business man like his uncle. He at least understood that to be able to get loans from the bank for investment, he needed a job. He applied and applied to many different places, but kept on getting his application thrown in the trash since managers would rather want a kid with a future instead. Finally, he got a job at some fast food place making a little over minimum wage. Since then, no one ever heard from him again. Until....

2 years later...2004. He got in a big fight with one of our cousin when they were debating about cars. He also got in a fight with his own girlfriend about some financial issue. Sadly, his girlfriend spilled everything about him to everyone she knew, including my mom.

Barely makes 20K a year.
Spends about 1/4 of his income on alcohol and cigarette alone.
Buys fast food about 5 times a day.
Very lazy and doesn't clean the apartment.
Always talk about how he is going to get a 1993 RX-7 and beat all the relatives car.
Wants to invest in some business, but is nearly broke every week.

Low income, poor health condition, and dreams about things way behind his reach.

I will fill in on more information of this sad story later on. The next section will be what happaned to him last week when his parents organized a family reunion. I was there and witnessed everything. 👍

Young Warrior, when you go back to school and get that diploma. Yours parents would be so proud of you and so will everyone else on GTP! :embarrassed: 👍 Its ok to fall down a bit in life, but there comes a time when you need to get back up and start fighting for your share of the fun. :embarrassed:
Hiya! :D :embarrassed: :lol: Meow! (='.'=)

I suggest you try to catch up to your friend so you can experiance things together. :embarrassed: It really isn't fun at all when everyone looks at your friends and relatives and wonder why you are worth less than them.

Here is what happened to one of my relatives when he disobeyed his parents and decided that school is a waste of time. This story is from my mommy by the way! :embarrassed: 👍

This relative say that school is so hard for him that its pointless to even try. He always said he studied at home for hours when he actually sneaked out of his room nearly everynight to go out with his "gangsta" friends. Since school is so hard for him, he decided to try to get into business since his uncle is a very successful business man making loads of money. He think its so easy.....invest money in a shop, get profit, open up another one. Rinse and repeat for more money.

On the day of his graduation, he coulnd't walk because his GPA was 1.1 or something. He didn't care because he believed that he can get away with it by trying to be successful business man like his uncle. He at least understood that to be able to get loans from the bank for investment, he needed a job. He applied and applied to many different places, but kept on getting his application thrown in the trash since managers would rather want a kid with a future instead. Finally, he got a job at some fast food place making a little over minimum wage. Since then, no one ever heard from him again. Until....

2 years later...2004. He got in a big fight with one of our cousin when they were debating about cars. He also got in a fight with his own girlfriend about some financial issue. Sadly, his girlfriend spilled everything about him to everyone she knew, including my mom.

Barely makes 20K a year.
Spends about 1/4 of his income on alcohol and cigarette alone.
Buys fast food about 5 times a day.
Very lazy and doesn't clean the apartment.
Always talk about how he is going to get a 1993 RX-7 and beat all the relatives car.
Wants to invest in some business, but is nearly broke every week.

Low income, poor health condition, and dreams about things way behind his reach.

I will fill in on more information of this sad story later on. The next section will be what happaned to him last week when his parents organized a family reunion. I was there and witnessed everything. 👍

Young Warrior, when you go back to school and get that diploma. Yours parents would be so proud of you and so will everyone else on GTP! :embarrassed: 👍 Its ok to fall down a bit in life, but there comes a time when you need to get back up and start fighting for your share of the fun. :embarrassed:

:embarrassed: :bowdown: ;)
Well I'm still thinking about it and cant make a decision right now yet...

I would still like to have your opinions about going back and finish my highschool, and maybe go even far... MOTIVATE ME !!! lol
Look, we could spend all week telling you why you should go back to school, what you could do in life, and telling you bull**** inspirational stories – but, in reality, you know what your choices are, and you know what the best choice is.

The ball is in your court now, you have to make the choice.

Hiya! :D :embarrassed: :lol: Meow! (='.'=)

I suggest you try to catch up to your friend so you can experiance things together. :embarrassed: It really isn't fun at all when everyone looks at your friends and relatives and wonder why you are worth less than them.

Here is what happened to one of my relatives when he disobeyed his parents and decided that school is a waste of time. This story is from my mommy by the way! :embarrassed: 👍

This relative say that school is so hard for him that its pointless to even try. He always said he studied at home for hours when he actually sneaked out of his room nearly everynight to go out with his "gangsta" friends. Since school is so hard for him, he decided to try to get into business since his uncle is a very successful business man making loads of money. He think its so easy.....invest money in a shop, get profit, open up another one. Rinse and repeat for more money.

On the day of his graduation, he coulnd't walk because his GPA was 1.1 or something. He didn't care because he believed that he can get away with it by trying to be successful business man like his uncle. He at least understood that to be able to get loans from the bank for investment, he needed a job. He applied and applied to many different places, but kept on getting his application thrown in the trash since managers would rather want a kid with a future instead. Finally, he got a job at some fast food place making a little over minimum wage. Since then, no one ever heard from him again. Until....

2 years later...2004. He got in a big fight with one of our cousin when they were debating about cars. He also got in a fight with his own girlfriend about some financial issue. Sadly, his girlfriend spilled everything about him to everyone she knew, including my mom.

Barely makes 20K a year.
Spends about 1/4 of his income on alcohol and cigarette alone.
Buys fast food about 5 times a day.
Very lazy and doesn't clean the apartment.
Always talk about how he is going to get a 1993 RX-7 and beat all the relatives car.
Wants to invest in some business, but is nearly broke every week.

Low income, poor health condition, and dreams about things way behind his reach.

I will fill in on more information of this sad story later on. The next section will be what happaned to him last week when his parents organized a family reunion. I was there and witnessed everything. 👍

Young Warrior, when you go back to school and get that diploma. Yours parents would be so proud of you and so will everyone else on GTP! :embarrassed: 👍 Its ok to fall down a bit in life, but there comes a time when you need to get back up and start fighting for your share of the fun. :embarrassed:

Jesus christ!! Y_W if that ain't motivated you im surprised because it sure has motivated me.

Think I will go for that politics course next year now...
I honestly think everyone knows what will happen if they make choices in life. I think that most people will have a good idea of the consequences. But as with most things in life, we shrug our shoulders thinking that somehow we'll be able to overcome what no one else has been able to. Then once you've screwed yourself over you start to realize how bad of a decision it was. I guess what I'm saying is, just think things through and make the right choice, don't just choose the easy way out like so many of us do. Yeah, I guess this is off-topic. Sorry.

Look, we could spend all week telling you why you should go back to school, what you could do in life, and telling you bull**** inspirational stories – but, in reality, you know what your choices are, and you know what the best choice is.

The ball is in your court now, you have to make the choice.

The best post so far?

University > College

Don't tell that to Boston College - a much more selective school than Boston University.

My advice? Go back to high school. You really do need at least a high school degree.
Hiya! :D :embarrassed: :lol: Meow! (='.'=)

I am back and will proceed to finish up with what happaned to this lazy relative of mines. 👍

Last week, his parents organized a family reunion in the house. There were so many people there that I simply lost count of them. :indiff: One thing I noticed was that "he" was not here. I soon found out that he wasn't even invited according to his younger brother. I ask him why and he said, "My mom don't care about him anymore. She doesn't even want me to talk to him too." :guilty:

1 hour later in the party, "he" actually came to the door and pressed the doorbell.

The little brother yelled across the room infront of everyone. "Its him!"

"Don't open it. I never seen him in my life." Everyone in the room was looking at her like :confused:

The reunion went on again from 10 am to 7 pm, while he waited at the doorsteps the ENTIRE time. His little brother came up to his mom several times within those hours about letting him in the house, but sadly no. After about 7:15, his mom had enough of him waiting at the doorstep and stormed out of the front door.


That is all I heard as his mom kept on pushing him away from the door and yelling at him. He instantly shed lots of tears and sob to his own mother. Helpless he was as he went to his knees and try to apologized. Nearly all of the kids and teens were watching this scene from the window. My dad then came, turn me around and took me away from the scene. 👍
You really do need at least a high school degree.

Hiya! :D :embarrassed: :lol: Meow! (='.'=)

To me, I see high school as something that is starting to become less and less valuable as time passes. High school is simply a normal thing for every teen. Taking the time to get more educated beyond high school is what bring more respect to you and your family in my opinion. 👍

The reunion went on again from 10 am to 7 pm, while he waited at the doorsteps the ENTIRE time. His little brother came up to his mom several times within those hours about letting him in the house, but sadly no. After about 7:15, his mom had enough of him waiting at the doorstep and stormed out of the front door.


That is all I heard as his mom kept on pushing him away from the door and yelling at him. He instantly shed lots of tears and sob to his own mother. Helpless he was as he went to his knees and try to apologized. Nearly all of the kids and teens were watching this scene from the window. My dad then came, turn me around and took me away from the scene. 👍

Wow and you didn't do anything?

If that was a relative of mine I would have went over to him even if my mum said not to, its family you can't just not let him stay there all day.

But I guess thats down to family values...
PSE is so useless. They teach you all kinds of crap. One day my sister came back from her school and said one of her friends got in trouble in PSE so I asked her what happened. Here's how it went:

Teacher: What are the five K's in Sikhism?

Sister's friend: I'm not Sikh, how the hell am I supposed to know!

Definitely made my day!:lol:

Education is pretty important to me, as I want to do very well in life.