Screenshots & Pictures (PS4, XB1, WiiU)

- PS4
- Screenshots
- The Walking Dead Season One

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The Walking Dead_ Season 1_20151230150449.jpg
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The Walking Dead_ Season 1_20151230174801.jpg
The Walking Dead_ Season 1_20151230214402.jpg
Someone at Sony please release the Driveclub track update, otherwise @RL_23 is going to flood every other game screenshot thread possible :D

Great pictures, as always and nice diversity there :cheers:

:lol: :cheers: Today there should be already new tracks in Driveclub :mad: I was planning to do a lot of new tracks shots, so while waiting for them I've visited few other games :D You can also expect new album with pictures from Uncharted Collection ;) Now I know that all games should have at least free camera mode with no hud :)👍 It's also a shame, that on WiiU you must be always online and do posts in Miiverse to download pictures :( if there was only normal way to save pics on WiiU HDD, but... maybe it's good, one console is enough for me ;) And thanks MeanElf :cheers: 👍
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Awesome pictures in here. Those Witcher shots look impressive but it is a game I can't get attracked to to buy even when it seems it has a lot I like. It probably has to do with the magic side and wizard stuff. Really hate mages, witches and stuff. More of a warrior type ;)

Just got back into Skyrim and will add some pics soon. Doesn't look as good as the Witcher but it has great atmosphere.
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doblocruiser The Witcher III is my first Action RPG (in the past I was playing from time to time JRPG's), so when started it I wasn't sure if I will even like it, but in the end CDP Red has another fan :D Gameplay is based on sword fight, and after finishing whole game I've got feeling, that magic is only small addition and not the main dish, witchers are close to extinction, mages are also very rare ;) Game has unique style, so you can love it or leave it :) But I must say the world is huge and really beautiful 👍
Very moody shots from Skyrim 👍👍👍
And one more thing doblocruiser, I've got few photos with hud from the past, are they permitted or do you prefer rather no hud photos in this thread ? :)
doblocruiser The Witcher III is my first Action RPG (in the past I was playing from time to time JRPG's), so when started it I wasn't sure if I will even like it, but in the end CDP Red has another fan :D Gameplay is based on sword fight, and after finishing whole game I've got feeling, that magic is only small addition and not the main dish, witchers are close to extinction, mages are also very rare ;) Game has unique style, so you can love it or leave it :) But I must say the world is huge and really beautiful 👍
Very moody shots from Skyrim 👍👍👍
And one more thing doblocruiser, I've got few photos with hud from the past, are they permitted or do you prefer rather no hud photos in this thread ? :)

Thanks for that RL_23. It seems I have the wrong image of the Witcher. I really was under the impression it was all about the magic. Those RPG's take a lot of time so maybe I will give it try somewhere in the future. Do I understand correctly there is only one character you can play with?

Pictures with hud are no problem at all :) Feel free to post your screenshots with or without it 👍
In The Witcher III you play almost only with Geralt, only in few levels (maybe 7% of main campaign) you've got control over Ciri and that's all :) In two DLC you control only Geralt 👍 When figthing you've got 5 signs (aka magic attacks) and I used/developed mainly shield. From time to time mind control (for enemis with shields) and magic trap (for ghosts etc.). There are also two other signs but used them rarely :) The most important weapons are steel sword and silver sword, learning how to parry attacks or evade them :) Of course you can place stones in weapons, use some power ups, help with signs or other white weapons etc. But sword fight is main dish 👍
Witchers are like mutants in The Witcher, you won't meet too many of them, only few. There is more mages than witchers, but most of them look like normal people, they hide from witch hunters (living/working underground) and only sometimes they cast few small or very big spells here and there 👍