Screenshots & Pictures (PS4, XB1, WiiU)

- PS4
- Screenshots
- Everybody's Gone to the Rapture

They play volleyball and do a lot more other "dirty" things in newest DOA Xtreme 3 :lol: These screens are only from F2P version of Last Round ;) You can always check how many costumes sets they have released and how some of these costumes look like... you can be sure that many of these guys knows hentais too well :sly:
I like this kind of games MeanElf :cheers: After No Man's Sky when you don't know at the beginning what is going on and simply discovering mystery worlds, now it's time for abandoned valley and discovering what's happened ;) And I like this kind of apocalyptic/disease etc. feeling 👍 I will be entering final part of this interesting game soon ;)