Searching For Evidence of Hidden Things GT1 Version

Interesting that the second one explicitly mentions it's testing the XA music, rather than the SEQ stuff used for menus. I'm assuming the names are some sort of internal references to each track, useful to know.
Thanks guys, happy to have posted a little something. These days I'm reading scanners from old magazines, in case I find something interesting I'll post it.
Found this. Same guy who made the Western soundtrack. Sounds like something that could've been in the game.

Jason Page is pretty open about his career if you DM him on Soundcloud, I asked him about this track, and he said this:
"H" wasn't written for GT. It was a track that I most likely wrote soon after finishing GT, so I was still writing in that style - and with those instruments! I've actually no idea what it was written for. As I may have told you previously, I used to just write tracks and then other departments in Sony would use them for whatever purposes that they required - without informing me. The lead sound in "H" was from the Korg Prophecy. It's a unique sound, and I liked it a lot... So I used it a lot too....!

Unrelated, but I also asked him why the soundtrack was changed for the western release:
GT was changed for overseas, as the producers felt that the original music wasn't to western players tastes. As you say, it's about appealing to a demographic. It was about setting the atmosphere that the producers / marketing departments and so on wanted to create that would appeal to those who would buy the game.

I did this for a number of other games. CoolBoarders2, for example, has a different soundtrack for Europe than the USA regions, as the original USA tracks were thought to be too "rock guitar" based... They weren't in the style that would appeal to those who like snowboarding and games in Europe.
Who would've guessed.

Last year I also asked him where he got the samples for the menu music and everything:
Not sure what samples you mean, but they're likely recorded from either a Korg Prophecy, Korg Trinity, Emu Orbit, Roland JV2080 or Kurzweil K2000R, as those were my main synths at the time.

Other than that, it was just grabbing stuff from various sample CDs.

Also, how he created the menu music (for those who don't know):
For the menu music, I used the SEQ and MIDI tools that were part of the PlayStation SDK.
So, I created Standard MIDI Files and converted those to SEQ. And I created a VAB file with the samples (This is then split into VB - containing the samples, and VH - containing sample volume/center pitch information).
I knew about the SC account, not about the additional info

The last part might be useful to us too. Thanks for that. I have the SDK tools, including the correct things for sure, I just don't know how to use them (and they don't work on 64-bit machines, that's where VMs come into play haha)
I knew about the SC account, not about the additional info

The last part might be useful to us too. Thanks for that. I have the SDK tools, including the correct things for sure, I just don't know how to use them (and they don't work on 64-bit machines, that's where VMs come into play haha)
Maybe I can help... I have a 32-bit machine, although I don't have it with me right now (now I'm using a 64-bit crap Acer laptop.) Though I don't know much about the PS1 SDK either.

Unfortunately though, I can't DM him more questions because SoundCloud won't let me send any more DMs without a verified email, and my SC account is very old and I registered it using my previous email account, which I don't have access to anymore because the site (Mail) says my password is incorrect and that the mail address doesn't exist when I tried to recover it. I tried to verify my Gmail address on SoundCloud but that didn't work since I didn't get a verification email, and I'm pretty sure you have to verify your primary address in order to verify your account, which is my old one and you can't change your primary email... I think I may need a new account if I want to ask him more questions (or find his email address.)

I wanted to ask him what happened to the original MIDI files...

Also, does anybody know what in the world happened to the two Del Sols that were in the new Honda dealership in the Japanese version?
Don't worry, my win XP 32 virtual machine does the job for those. As for the DS they're hidden on PAL and i would guess USA as well for some reason.
In this demo version a different photo of the same car was used in Mazda Used car dealer.
Also demo timer is not present so you can actually finish the race.
Bumping up the thread.
It's probably a bit off-topic and been answered before here somewhere (I tried finding where exactly, but couldn't, sorry), but is it possible to change the AI sound for an actual car sound?
I mean, I just watched a video of the Japanese GT1 Store demo and the AI cars there have the exact same sound as the stock Eclipse GT and actually sound like cars - rather than vacuum cleaners or something like they do in the final version.
It should be possible once gt1 is able to be modded, however actual sounds tend to saturate when there's multiple instances overlapping from my testing in gt2.
It's impossible to get ai cars to use their own car sounds however.
Yes, I read about that, it was because of limitations (hardware or software, or even both, I don't know). But it would be great if they all used the same sound, from a Skyline GT-Ror something similar, it was done in that demo I mentioned. Everything will be better than what we got in the end.
If I had free time like I used to I'd try to find a way to do it myself, but I don't anymore...
pez2k was able to write a little program that decompressed the .DAT files. thanks to that and using a few other tools we were able to get GT1's car textures (but no bodies yet), nameplates, and other stuff like these images. Still nothing on the game's actual data however.
Ever since that, pez has been porting/remaking most/all of GT1's special colored cars for GT2. He'll include them as well as some others in his next patch :D

EDIT: I've updated the GT1 car data spreadsheet with how it currently looks. I'm progressing slowly because it's actually veeeeery boring to make xD

So refer to this post above and see the new stuff. I've also updated the xlsx download to the new file (v1.1)
hi, I was wondering if you can share or link me to the tools for exatracting gt1 textures/tracks/cars.
I know about gt1 car viewer but it only work with a single specific CARCADE.DAT file unfortunately. Also I have DAT splitter but there's no really use of it — I get texture/mesh (GT-C.TEX/GT-C.AR) in a bin format and can't open it with anything. I really want to get the cars/tracks models and textures. I'm looking through the web for about two weeks without anything. Maybe if not tools but some methods to convert mentioned resources? I'm lost.
Nothing much new, only that they wanted to have 12 car race grids, so thats why some tracks have more grid slots than 6 in GT1 and if modded, can be played with more than 6 cars, but 7th car and on will only be a ''shadow'' car.


Read full article at

Also they maybe wanted to use the seasons (icons to be seen at the beta demos) to give the tracks a different time of day. Or it is only a bad translation. :)

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Well, I don't know to put that, being a sort of modification, but here I made that: I changed the car switch animation in Arcade Mode (found that by chance in reality), and remembered me GT3 one...


Found worse quality recording of this video on my PC, so i looked it up and here it is. PS Underground about Dual Shock with nothing much other than beta GTS map layout to be seen here :)
I just started playing a November 13 1997 proto. Cars can fly there, physics are very wonky different :)
Sunday Cup much harder and rubberband more rubbery.
selecting manual gearing seems impossible in Gran Turismo mode.

Is the Jul 29 any different from Aug 2nd which i have?
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Found this on the playstation demo disc. I think you could not see this screen when playing the demo if i am right


  • ENDSCRN.TIM0_p00.png
    33.1 KB · Views: 21
Is this a never before seen version of Gran Turismo?
I think i have never seen some of the icons here and Machine Test inside Special events??

map without licences and obviously without machine test
And SUbaru screen
Concept car was still called Copperhead

From PSM FRA 15 issued around 1997 November
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I always thought that ''PRIMO'' was some made up word by PD to put on Race mods of Honda cars. Turns out i was wrong.
Primo, Verno and Clio!

That's why the Renault Clio went to the Lutecia in Japan.
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I don't think that car wash is hidden thing in GT1 or GT2, but can somebody tell me is it working at all or not? For me it seems that car has no difference when it's new or driven 100 laps on any track. No dust, no lack of shininess, nothing. Even car performance still the same. Is this feature broken in those games or what? Does anybody knows the true?
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