See the prologue Intro.

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Originally posted by ZZII
:drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:

That sums it up, I noticed they've changed the menu music from the GT3 one. It's still the same on the Prius edition.

ofc my real opinion is that PGR2 is the best racing game out atm until GT4. GT3 was DULL, races were boring, with it's 3 mile wide tracks, pedestrian pace, and just general lack of fun. I expect alot from GT4.

Well with that attitude you'll probably be saying the same thing about GT4 in a few years. And yes I do have an X-Box.
"Well with that attitude you'll probably be saying the same thing about GT4 in a few years. And yes I do have an X-Box."

What? I expect ALOT from GT4, why shouldn't I? GT3 was FAR from being perfect, and it just wasn't much fun after the initial wow factor wore off (it looked great in 2001). And you own an xbox...umm ok, what relevence does that have to do with anything? I'm not bothered which system GT4 is for, all that matters to me is how good it plays, and how much fun it is.
Originally posted by code_kev
What? I expect ALOT from GT4, why shouldn't I? GT3 was FAR from being perfect, and it just wasn't much fun after the initial wow factor wore off (it looked great in 2001). And you own an xbox...umm ok, what relevence does that have to do with anything? I'm not bothered which system GT4 is for, all that matters to me is how good it plays, and how much fun it is.

Meh, it's just funny that you compared GT3 (A simulation driving game) to PGR2 (An arcade one), don't get me wrong i'm impressed with it, but the two are non comparable. I mean PGR2's physics engine is no way as good as GT3's, the cars steering is to twitchy and there is little or no difference in handling betweeen cars of different drivetrain. I've had GT3 since 2001 and i'm still playing it now, so are allot of people. As for the tracks being wide, have you only been racing the test course and super speedway?
Have you played PGR2 Race Idiot.

"the cars steering is to twitchy and there is little or no difference in handling betweeen cars of different drivetrain"

Yes they do.The AC Cobra feels totally different to a four wheel drive like the Subaru Impretza.

GT3 has stupidly wide tracks all the way through, not just the test course and the speedway.

Why are you lot total idiots. You all believe that GT4 will be the most realistic game ever, and everything will be perfect. BullS**T. Lets face it, every game that has ever come out...EVER....... has had some flaws in it. Its the nature of the industry. I mean, i worry for cobragt. Once he buys GT4, he'll think thats real life and then look out of his bedroom window and declare that the real world isnt photorealistic!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by Race Idiot
Meh, it's just funny that you compared GT3 (A simulation driving game) to PGR2 (An arcade one), don't get me wrong i'm impressed with it, but the two are non comparable. I mean PGR2's physics engine is no way as good as GT3's, the cars steering is to twitchy and there is little or no difference in handling betweeen cars of different drivetrain. I've had GT3 since 2001 and i'm still playing it now, so are allot of people. As for the tracks being wide, have you only been racing the test course and super speedway?

Good points race idiot.;)
Originally posted by code_kev
"Well with that attitude you'll probably be saying the same thing about GT4 in a few years. And yes I do have an X-Box."

What? I expect ALOT from GT4, why shouldn't I? GT3 was FAR from being perfect, and it just wasn't much fun after the initial wow factor wore off (it looked great in 2001). And you own an xbox...umm ok, what relevence does that have to do with anything? I'm not bothered which system GT4 is for, all that matters to me is how good it plays, and how much fun it is.

For your information GT3 is considered to be the best racer out for any console. After the original pgr came out GT3 was still better and this time around it is no different with pgr2.
GT3 may be more realistic, but it's also more boring. WOW 30 mph on 10 meter wide tracks...whoopee. Better physics...2 words, rally mode :lol:

If GT3s handling was so perfect, why are they changing it completly in GT4? I rest my case, well I rest it until the next time :D

PGR2 owns all atm, GT3 WAS the best, but well the best just got beat. GT4 will reclaim the best racing game ever title, but not for a while. Askia, I bet you aint even played PGR2 have ya, or if you have it was for like 1 minute on a crappy display machine :lol:
Originally posted by ricademus
Have you played PGR2 Race Idiot.

"the cars steering is to twitchy and there is little or no difference in handling betweeen cars of different drivetrain"

Yes they do.The AC Cobra feels totally different to a four wheel drive like the Subaru Impretza.

I have the demo of PGR2 and I spent a fair amount of time playing it at a gameshop. Ok, maybe I was wrong to say all cars handled the same, . Say we take the skyline M-Spec nur, then we take the Impreza there seems very little difference in the handling. Wheras in GT3 the difference in handling between the two cars is noticable (The skyline won't understeer as much because it uses the Attessa and hicas systems, wheras the Impreza has fulltime AWD). I'm not saying it's the most realistic game ever, or it has the best graphics. I'm just saying that GT3 has better car physics than PGR2. Does that make PGR2 a bad game? No, i'm still going to buy it because it's still fun.

Why are you lot total idiots.

Yes, insulting everyone will get your point across. 👍

You all believe that GT4 will be the most realistic game ever, and everything will be perfect. BullS**T.

Could you please direct me to the thread where we all say that. I certainly don't think it is, although being a major improvement over GT3's car handling physics engine is an improvement (I have a version of GT4 and had a fair amount of time to play the early E3 demo).

Lets face it, every game that has ever come out...EVER....... has had some flaws in it.

Yup, that's true.

GT3 has stupidly wide tracks all the way through, not just the test course and the speedway.

Could you please explain why this is a problem? They look no wider than some real circuits, maybe you should hate Monza for being too wide.
Originally posted by code_kev
GT3 may be more realistic, but it's also more boring. WOW 30 mph on 10 meter wide tracks...whoopee. Better physics...2 words, rally mode :lol:

If GT3s handling was so perfect, why are they changing it completly in GT4? I rest my case, well I rest it until the next time :D

PGR2 owns all atm, GT3 WAS the best, but well the best just got beat. GT4 will reclaim the best racing game ever title, but not for a while. Askia, I bet you aint even played PGR2 have ya, or if you have it was for like 1 minute on a crappy display machine :lol:

I have played PGR2 alot! My friend has X-box and he has the Game. I play it from time to time with him.
Gt3 is stil better though.
GTC is better than GT3 imo, better handling, car models & gfx in my books.

Of course its missing the full career mode, but in GT3 I felt it was pretty dull. GT1+2's was far better.

As for PGR2, I'm buying an XBox mainly coz theres a cheap one with 4 games :D + its more powerful than the dated PS2, but also for PGR2 + Sega GT Online since I'm bored of waiting so long for GT4, which I'd be pleasantly suprised if it makes April since GT:P has come out.
Originally posted by T5-R
GTC is better than GT3 imo, better handling, car models & gfx in my books.

Of course its missing the full career mode, but in GT3 I felt it was pretty dull. GT1+2's was far better.

As for PGR2, I'm buying an XBox mainly coz theres a cheap one with 4 games :D + its more powerful than the dated PS2, but also for PGR2 + Sega GT Online since I'm bored of waiting so long for GT4, which I'd be pleasantly suprised if it makes April since GT:P has come out.

Yeah, I really wanted the First Sega GT but I could never find a copy of it. I'll get the new one though. One day i'm going to buy the S controller, the normal one only feels comfortable when i'm playing FPS's on it.
I showd that intro to everyone I knoow and they were amazed, the car models are the same, I looked the intro like 10 times, those car models are the same as ingame.
Get something to do, a person with GT4P said the intro isn't CG. The car models in the intro are ingame like the cars in the gt3 intro.
Originally posted by cobragt
I showd that intro to everyone I knoow and they were amazed, the car models are the same, I looked the intro like 10 times, those car models are the same as ingame.

No, the models in the intro are not the same. They are rendered on a PC like in the intro of GTConcept.

But yes they are the same cars I suppose.
I saw the intro of GTC and I know for sure that's rendered by a computer but that GT4P intro does not look like a computer has rendered it, the cars imo look the same and have the same detail. I don't know lol
"I saw the intro of GTC and I know for sure that's rendered by a computer but that GT4P intro does not look like a computer has rendered it, the cars imo look the same and have the same detail. I don't know lol"

Your stupidity and blindness holds no bounds. What about those 3d ppl in the video, they in game? Your such an idiot cobra, please just think in future, show us you have at least some form of inteligence in you.


note the difference in quality between THIS piccy and the intro vid. Cobra, do you have some form of mental disease? Seriously. Could be eye problems coming back, for real :D

"Get something to do, a person with GT4P said the intro isn't CG"

Who said that, you? BWA HAHAHAHAHA :lol:
No really cobra, find us this stupid person who thinks the intro isn't cg. Don't tell me, the intro to tekken 3 is in game to right?Get something to do? What? That an insult or something?
Man, I bet you just enjoy flaming me don't you? You seriously need help or something, I dont have time for your childish insults. Dude get a life, I bet code feels good about him self. You sir are a sad individual than needs attentions, that's all. I think it's sad when a fool tries to get his point across by insulting other but you can't fight with a idiot, it's impossible to win.
"but you can't fight with a idiot, it's impossible to win."

I AGREE, mr human element.

And yes, I do enjoy flaming you, it's easy, but funny.

I need attention? Well in that case you need fricking medical attention to counter act your stupidity. Oh and cobra, answer the question, who told you it was in game? No one, you made it up :lol:
All I can do is laugh at you code. You must have a crappy life or something. Did ppl pick on you or something. You need to flame on others to make yorself feel good or something, sad. *laughs at code* :D for real
In the intro the clip of the Focus going round Grand Canyon is definatly CG. And honestly I think that bit actuallly looks crap abd very unreal! But there are some clips in there which I could easily imgine and believe are ingame.
Flame the Flamers!!! Anyways let ppl comment about the game that have the game please. Most games the intros will look better as they arent live rendered and are there for the artistic reasons not to show the technical skills of the ps2.
And code, you said I made someone up to say the intro was ingame :lol:

Originally posted by cobragt
One question, the car models in the intro movie are amazing and just looked real, are those car models in that intro ingame models? I kind of doubt it's all CG because GT3 had the same car models in its intro movie.

I doubt it too.But some GT fans said that the intro is not a CG.
the thread
But code, flaming others won't get you anywhere.
I don't believe all of the intro is CG, the tracks are the same: same detail, same look :D, and same everything. The car models are indeed eye catching imo but they do look like they are ingame but if I'm wrong let me be wrong, no need in flaming. it's not that serious code.
Cobra, I made nothing up. You just edited your earlier post so it looked like im accusing of stuff with no proof. Oh dear cobra, your not too bright are you.
Yea I've heard some where else that the intro movie isn't CG. But then again as I said earlier the Focus bit just has to be CG otherwise I am very dissapointed. Though I'm just gonna sit back and wait for the proper GT4 to come out.