See the prologue Intro.

  • Thread starter GTXLR
I believe the scenes with the animated crowds is CG but I'm talking about the car models, they imo do not look like CG, but ingame. I could be right or wrong but I'm going by what my eyes are showing me.
Fair enough.:)

Now that wasn't too hard for me to type now was it. I just accepted that, that's what he thinks and got on with my life. :)

Now lets all play nicely. Anywayz Code Kev I though t you announced you'd quit the Cobra GT fude.
It's obviously cgi. OH FFS who cares, it's just an intro vid. Cobra, I fear your gonna be VERY dissapointed when you load up GT4 and find it doesn't look as good as the intro vid.

quid the fued? NAHHH too much fun, I couldn't resist. Ill stop flaming when he stops talking crap, agreed?
Originally posted by cobragt
I believe the scenes with the animated crowds is CG but I'm talking about the car models, they imo do not look like CG, but ingame. I could be right or wrong but I'm going by what my eyes are showing me.
It is ingame, its the same as the intro for GT3 where they used normal GT3 replays for it. Or atleast thats what it looks like to me... I'm no graphics specialist.
I just watched the vid and must say I am blown away!!! While I agree that the vid is probably CG, I am completely confident that GT4 will feature the best graphics ever seen in a racing game when it is released. Anybody who goes to the Gran Turismo forum and says the game is going to look crappy *cough* Code_Kev *cough* and that everyone will be soooooo disappointed when it comes out should get on with playing their beloved PGR2. Regardless of the graphical abilities of the PS2, all I have to say is:

More than 500 accurately detailed cars from nearly 40 diffrent manufacturers? GT4: Yes. PGR2: Nope.

More than 50 tracks including such real life circuits as Tsukuba, Fuji, and Laguna Seca? GT4: Yes. PGR2: Nope.

Free online competition? GT4: Yes. PGR2: Nope (must pay yearly subscription to Xbox Live).

Highly detailed physics engine capable of recreating a "real life" lap on a real circuit to with a tenth of a second in-game? GT4: Yes. PGR2: Nope.

A video game that has been deemed by many auto clubs and racing schools as an accurate enough driving simulation to teach young racer car drivers real world handling skills? GT4: Yes. PGR2........well, guess!!! :lol:

Has been universally hailed by nearly every video game publication as the greatest racing series ever conceived for any system? Gran Turismo: YESYESYES!!! PGR: Um, not quite!! :lol:

I'm sure that you can get many people to agree that PGR2 is the best racing the PGR2 forums.

This is Gran Turismo country here, bub!
Calm down Majin, I love GT, I don't need you to draw up a fanboy style list and comparision as it's obviously an unfair list. Your comparing the main points of GT4 to areas where PGR2 is obviously going too lose out, such as realism (as its an arcadey style game), and sheer content (bizarre being lazy). PGR2 does have alot going for it though, great graphics and engine sounds, 4 player split screen mode, kudos style system, fun game modes, a fps show room, well intergrated online play (not free, but cheap at least), downloadable content, good selection of cars including ferraris, 100+ tracks in 10 cities (lets not forget the 13 mile long nurburgring track), and it plays great. Arcadey but with subtle hints towards realism. Tbh I love em both, GT games and PGR games are just ace, GT for my serious racing, PGR2 when I wanna slide round corners like a maniac :D. Majin, I challenge you to quote me saying that gran turismo 4 looks crap. Your only moaning at me as I said the intro wasn't ingame. And people, remember, I WOULDN'T POST HERE IF I DIDNT LIKE GT GAMES.

my point about people being dissapointed was meant as sarcasm (was also directed towards mr human element), I was saying that cobra would play it, see the crowds were 2d and hate the game while the rest of us wouldn't care, and would love it anyway.

the end.
Laugh all you want, but you aint even played it, so once again I think it's clown shoes and clown car time again for you cobra.

Plus why does a game have to be realistic to be fun? Was Half Life anyless fun because it didn't have 1 hit kills?
PGR2 is quite relistic, not as good as GT3's handling IMO, they have made it easier to slide the cars, not Ridge racer easy or anything like that, it's only done to a slight degree so you don't notice, it just comes naturally. I personally still prefer GT3 but I would like anyone who hasn't played PGR2 to stop bashing it, it's a great game and it's for the X-Box, get over it.
I'm just messing around, I'll be getting a xb soon and pgr2 will be the first racer I get. But gt3 imo is the best. You really can't compare a arcade game to a sim though.
Um, I never, ever, said that PGR2 was a bad game. Go ahead, read all of my posts. In fact, I've said that the ability to walk around the cars FPS style is a cool feature GT lacks. However, I don't believe that PGR2 is as good as GT3/C (and yes, I've both played and seen the game, gay kudos points and all) when you consider both games in their entirety. Admittedly I much prefer a racing sim to an arcadey racer (in fact I hate games like RR), but taken as a whole, my only point is that the GT series is simply the greatest racing series ever. If that makes me a fanboy, so be it. But I can tell you this: There are about 45 million or so more fanboys in this world just like me! Just look it up.
Originally posted by cobragt
I think it's sad when a fool tries to get his point across by insulting other but you can't fight with a idiot, it's impossible to win.

I'm sorry I just felt I had to quote that for its pure ironic + comic value.

for real :D
The bottom Line....

No racing game will ever be perfect, near perfect for that matter, true GT4 will be very realistic but if you want realistic you wont find it in a game, you'll find it in your car racing around streets or going to a track and racing it yourself. Now in Real life the physics are real the damage is real the sound is real everything even the scenary is real :lol: anywho who cares how great and real the graphics are or whatever, if i wanted super real then i'll drive around in a real car, I play games for the sheer joy and excitment, thats what games are for, to escape the real world, just like PS2's saying goes.. "live in your world play in ours" If people have to "fight" over graphics and games play and pretty much a game to me you really need to get out of the house and enjoy life. If your trying to get away from life just play the game you want and the game that brings you the most fun and just sit back and not worry about graphics and physics and whatever and just play for the excitment. I come on here every now and then and all I see are people flamming eachother over idiotic things, if someone wants to belive in something who are you to tell them what to belive or not, let them belive in it and you belive in your own things. Until the game comes out everyone is right and wrong in there opinions of the game, and if you take things to the heart over someone on the net then sorry but you have problems IMO, so just forgive and forget and enjoy life and enjoy GT4 when it comes out for the excitment of it and not the realism..
Originally posted by code_kev
Calm down Majin, I love GT, I don't need you to draw up a fanboy style list and comparision as it's obviously an unfair list. Your comparing the main points of GT4 to areas where PGR2 is obviously going too lose out, such as realism (as its an arcadey style game), and sheer content (bizarre being lazy). PGR2 does have alot going for it though, great graphics and engine sounds, 4 player split screen mode, kudos style system, fun game modes, a fps show room, well intergrated online play (not free, but cheap at least), downloadable content, good selection of cars including ferraris, 100+ tracks in 10 cities (lets not forget the 13 mile long nurburgring track), and it plays great. Arcadey but with subtle hints towards realism. Tbh I love em both, GT games and PGR games are just ace, GT for my serious racing, PGR2 when I wanna slide round corners like a maniac :D. Majin, I challenge you to quote me saying that gran turismo 4 looks crap. Your only moaning at me as I said the intro wasn't ingame. And people, remember, I WOULDN'T POST HERE IF I DIDNT LIKE GT GAMES.

my point about people being dissapointed was meant as sarcasm (was also directed towards mr human element), I was saying that cobra would play it, see the crowds were 2d and hate the game while the rest of us wouldn't care, and would love it anyway.

the end.

not again LMAO :lol: :lol:
I click on "See prologue Intro", I get a worthless PS2/Xbox flamefest. :irked:

How about taking your arguement offline?
will there be like a GTA bonus for mowing down as many ppl as possible :mad: ? i'd just love to run an impreza into them guys on grand canyon :lol:
the 5 Gordini turbo is in 3!
A Cobra on Grand Canyon rally :lol: in 4

Edited Oooopps:
Yeah its a viper in 4 and 5, i was over excited at the prospect of all rallyable cars!:mischievous:
Great Vid's, and yessssss the 5 GT turbo rally car is in video 3, I thought you were wrong at first, I watched for over a minuet and it didn't show any of the game just the testing.

Oh and it's the Viper not the Cobra. Looks like you can rally any car you want in GT4, or at least a wider range of cars.
It's great to see some gameplay footage of GT4:P!

However, can the driver at Game Informer be any CRAPPIER?! I assume he was playing with one hand or something...or reaaally drunk.

The new third-person camera angle is weird. I hate games which have this view, cos the car is always stationary and it's the scenery that moves past. It's just weird...but I always use first-person viewpoint so it doesn't bother me at all.

Nitpicking, I hope they fix some of the popup textures on the New York and Fuji tracks. Citta Di Aria looks amazing...I actually wonder if we'll be able to race other cars on that narrow track. In real-life, rally racing is always one against the time, and drivers get their turn sequentially. If GT4 is taking this realistic route, then there's less courses for us to play our friends against...
Originally posted by enzojr

The new third-person camera angle is weird. I hate games which have this view, cos the car is always stationary and it's the scenery that moves past. It's just weird...but I always use first-person viewpoint so it doesn't bother me at all.

I was about to comment on that. I really don't like that at all, and i don't recall GT & GT2 doing that, and they had that camera view.
I guess they decided that they wouldn't have exactly the same camera view just a bit higher and further away.

The only thing it has going for it is that when you spin, the world spins just as if you're in the car.
The new third-person camera angle is weird. I hate games which have this view, cos the car is always stationary and it's the scenery that moves past. It's just weird...but I always use first-person viewpoint so it doesn't bother me at all.

That was my EXACT thought after watching the gameplay videos. It looked like you were rotating the scenery... and the car didn't move AT all. I was excited to hear about the 3rd view... but that looks kinda annoying. Graphically, it is quite amazing.