Sej's Gallery ~ Competition Entries

  • Thread starter sejtur
Thanks all of you! Loving the comments! :)
I'm just back from a nice weekend holiday in Holland, so when I fire up the PS3 again I'll be sure to make some new pictures.
Both Enzo and 458 are insane! I think you should do the whole Ferrari lineup with your awesome style.
Thank you Franz! I probably would have done it even if you didn't say so. I love Ferrari's. :)
Thanx for that sweet comment Alguem!

I tried a couple of new locations with this shoot. I saw an inspiring picture of this car, and it was kind of a desaturated, dark picture, and that's the feel I'm trying to get in the pics. I hope you enjoy them.

Chevrolet Camaro

I like the mature tones, and the dramatic feel to the last shot.. emerging from a tunnel into the unknown.. the bright bloom effect looks good. Looks kinda surreal. Nice work. 👍
Great Camaro update Sej, I like the second and third shot the most, the subtle use of noise is great
Thank you all! I hope everyone had a nice christmas with family and friends! I haven't had time to comment on galleries too much but I'll try to do that this week. I'm looking forward to seeing all those cool pictures. If you want to see some more cool pics, I selected the top25 for the week 4 poll of the 2.0 advanced competition, so when it's up go over there and cast your vote! 👍

Blackbird: The noise level was around 2-4% in these pictures. Thanx! :)
Nice nice!!!!

Indeed the last shot does it all!

Noise around 2/4? wow, i can't get that to look right and not overdone. Did you aplly it on the end resolution or did you shrunk the image before applying the noise?

Sometimes it helps for myself to get a more realistic feel if i do it first and then shrink the image size.

Your quality seems to never drop! :dunce:👍
Loving that last shot of the Camaro in the tunnel - the over-exposed light fits the scene beautifully, and there's a great sense of motion. (Takes guts to intentionally over-expose a shot - not everyone knows when it works... you clearly do!)
Just now getting around to all the galleries. Sej, I LOVE that first shot, where is that location?
Speedthrill: I apply the noise before resizing, so that's probably why it doesn't look as much. I didn't do it in these pictures to get a more realistic feel though, the pictures were "telling" me to do it. Yeah that is freaky. Haha :P Thanks alot! I aim to try new things while still retaining thesame quality. Lately I notice that almost everyone has a different favourite photo of that particular update. I think that's pretty nice. :dopey:

Sixtoes: thank you very much! :)

RG: Thank you! I think it was Ahrweiler gate.
Nice work! The aggressive colour scheme and angle really reflect the aggressive nature of the car and the company well. It certainly stands out, just as Lamborghinis are supposed to. 👍
I imagine you are going to enter that shot in the 2.0? I'm definitely staying on the Ferrari side of things lol. Love the punchy color in this! Great work as always sej!
Wow that looks fantastic. Kind of a hyper-real, almost illustrative shot. The colour intensity really hits you and the clarirty is superb the headlight detail comes up well. Plus I also love the way the driver is lit up and is well defined too.

Just very well balanced overall. One of your best in my mind. 👍 👍
Looks like an advert, or a poster you might buy of that car. The colour is wonderful, so vivid and bright! Nicely done.

By the way... isn't that an LP640? The SV has more carbon fibre around the nose I think, plus a spoiler.
Thanks guys! Rev, you're totally right.. major typo! Haha!
RG: I don't know if I'm gonna enter it... I might do another shoot, because I feel this one won't do the job with all that great competition! ;)
Wow! Amazing gallery! I love the 'loudness' of the Lambo, very stunning! Keep up the awesome work!
Yet another outstanding picture from you, Sejtur! You illustrated the specific characteristic of the car very well by increasing the colour saturation and by using that angle. 👍
Thank you! 👍

I don't have as much time anymore as I used to in 2010, so I can't play around in PM as much as I want to and the pics and comments I post are even fewer. Because of college and some other things. It's the way it is, I guess. But I still try to at least get an entry in for the comps. Here's my entry for week 7. Clearly inspired by Mog's awesome entry for the Lambo comp this week. 👍

Jaguar XKR Coupe '10
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