Sej's Gallery ~ Competition Entries

  • Thread starter sejtur
Oh no.. it's the Enzo. Again! :P

I was doing the PD cup at Trial Mountain and in the 1st and 4th lap my car took to the skies on the back straight. This is me controlling it, trying to make the corner. Execution went well both times. :) I know I'm doing thesame car all of the time, but I just didn't have time to make pics of other cars yet. Enjoy! :dopey:
Wow these Enzo pics are amazing. The first and third there have to be my favorites, the second is a bit more video game like but it's still fantastic, the other 2 are just astounding.
Very stunning pictures. These past couple days I thought I had been seeing a lot of great pictures, but you have raised the bar.

One question, what compelled you to put a wing on a Ferrari Enzo? It's certainly not the fastest Ferrari (So im assuming you didn't do it for performance reasons), but is is the most beautiful Ferrari in my opinion.

But to each their own. Impressive pictures none the less. 👍
Thanks alot guys! Maybe some of you have interpreted the title in another way than what it was really meant, but that's okay. ;) I changed the title now.

zdawood89: Thanks, means alot to me. 👍 I tuned it heavily (now 935 hp) so it needed a change in looks IMO so that's why I put it on it. And yes, also for performance reasons. ;) But too bad I can't change the front downforce so I had to change the spring settings a bit to make the handling lean more towards oversteer. It now almost beats an AI 787B. :)
Thank you!
440: It seems your eye really picks out the best shots instantly! I always have a hard time to figure out which photo to enter for a comp. Also, because you after-edit them you kinda become attached to them and not look as criticly anymore. It's like people you know for a long time - you look differently at them than if you would just see them walk by on the street, first sight. Plus my zodiac is a balance. :ouch: hehe.
All 3 have a ton of personality but I agree with 440, the last one captures the moment the best. Congrats on tearing it up in the "red" comp, looks like I was almost going to face you with my blue shot, but not anymore.
Thank you!
440: It seems your eye really picks out the best shots instantly! I always have a hard time to figure out which photo to enter for a comp. Also, because you after-edit them you kinda become attached to them and not look as criticly anymore. It's like people you know for a long time - you look differently at them than if you would just see them walk by on the street, first sight. Plus my zodiac is a balance. :ouch: hehe.

It's all in the wheels. If the wheels don't have that flare and they don't catch your eye, then it's mediocre in my opinion. Not that your first two shots were mediocre, but the last one is just like... "YES!!!" (Like the scene from the movie ELF that has the midget book writer in it. Miles Finch. If you've seen it, you know what I mean.)

Wheels can totally make or break a car or a photograph. It's one of the trickiest parts of photo-moding in my opinion. That's why it's such a let down for me that none of the standard cars are capable of wheel changing. Although, from the latest news, it sounds like some of the standards will get premium upgrades!
Thx for stopping by RG! :)
440: Hmm I think you make a great point there. When I look at those pics, it's exactly the last one that pops out when I look at the rims. The other's don't really look right for some reason. I will take this into account next time I have a shoot. 👍 I haven't seen that movie I think. :P Well, my next update doesn't have rims in it, but I hope you like it nonetheless.

I was so inspired by Rev's Alfa 8C pics that I decided to try out some new things, and I think it's very clear I have drawn inspiration from his pictures. I tried new angles, looked at some real car photographs and some new stuff in PS.


Wow, that second shot is probably in my top 5 shots that I've seen so far! The colors, angle, all of it is just perfect! Bravo! I could look at it all day!
Nice work. The second picture is outstanding with its perspective and I really like the blur. Imaginative thread title, as well. 👍
I really like your gallery!!!!

Love it!
The angle reminds me of this :P (OUTRUN SERIES)
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What's this?! Where the heck is the Enzo?! :lol:

What RG said: second shot is awesome! I personally find front dead-on shots to be one of the 458's least flattering angles, so it might be a personal preference, but from a technical standpoint, the first shot is still good too... but the second, it just draws me into really studying all the finer points of the design. The lights for example; I never realized how utterly bullet-shaped they are, and combined with the insane angle and blur, it just feels like being shot out of a cannon. Great stuff, Sej!
Aaah Sej I'm flattered! The 458 is a fantastic car, you've captured it well. All the little reflections and little highlights dancing over the body of the car, the bright backgrounds with that almost faded sort of feel... Great work.
Just at work browsing the photos, why oh why havent I seen these yet. Fantastic shots, I like the processing your using. Excellent, I will be keeping an eye on this thread. 👍
can I say that... your work has really been impressive, even back when you were in GT4 lol. The Enzo just looks splendid in my opinion... Keep it up mate! 👍