Sej's Pix ~ Toyota 7

  • Thread starter sejtur
Thx all. For the comments and the votes. :)

For the ones who want to know it: I got it so shiny with washing it. It aint really a secret I think. :dopey:

And NTX, I've seen you do it a couple of times now. It's supposed to be "outstanding". Just so that you know it. :)
I'm not really in the mood to comment right, now as I'm amused once again with the off topic forum. I see a few people are starting TT galleries. Sejtur, it'd be neat if you got Tourist Trophy and started up a gallery. But I think you should wait until it gets its own forum, hopefully, and then you can make a fashionably late entrance, like the Audi Q7. Sure, it's one of the last, but it's also one of the best. Maybe these TT galleries will renew my artistic side.
Oh, and great pictures. You know the rest.

Wait, hang on. I just looked at your last Stew picture and it made me smile. I guess I do still like an aweome pic when I see one! I have no idea what the hell you were thinking or what you did, but the colors on the car make about as much sense as the Wave Partical Duality Theory. Actually that does make sense, but it sounds complicated, right? Anyhow, the picture has the speed and the blur, but the car is too sharp. I can see pixels, but not jaggies, you know? And what ever happened to your old noise filters? I haven't seen one of those from you in a while. Keep up the good work, and go buy TT while your at it!
Thx Keef. It aint fair that the game is getting shipped so late to europe. So I have no choice, I will have to wait till may, and I dont want to spend 60 euro's on it, I don't think the game will be worth that. And over here in Holland noone knows about the game, so it aint getting hype either. So I think i'll make an entry in the TT forums when the game is 30 euro.
Nice gallery setjur, I thought your entry to the tournament was really good great work 👍
60 Euros!? Holly Jesus! I thought the Euro was worth more than $1, like $1.10 or something. The game is only $50 over here, so you 'opeans must be getting gouged with taxes. Oh well, I can't see me getting the game any time soon either. I'd like the game and I love looking at the bikes, I'd love to own one too, but I'm not that interested in motorcycles like I am with cars.
Obviously my comment is :WOW!!! The pics are just astonishing.
But i have a question.
How do you make those motion blur lines, like in the S2000 GT 1 pic. I have been trying but still can't make them.
Thanks for the replies.

Keef, we share exact thesame opinion about bikes. You're right about the taxes thing too. I can get it shipped from Amazon or something like that, but that would be thesame price and ofcourse I need the PAL version. I don't know why they made different PS2 versions for each continent. But whatever.

Gabibyte, thanks. To get those lines I most times motion blur with much pixel movement like 300 or something, alot of layers too, but before blurring it, put some noise on the road. Also I advice to blur road and the other things of the enviroment seperately, if you didn't do it already. I like your pics too, the CLK-GTR was top notch. 👍

The last two weeks I really were in an inspirational dip, but I think I'm on the normal bandwagon again. Here's a shot of the RX-8 LM, obviously for this weeks H2H comp. And for a change I post it full-size. It's only one pic ofcourse, so it wouldn't be too much violence for the 56K's.

Wow, the environment looks unreal (as in the s***). The front half of the car has some really sexy reflections too. The rear end, as you already know, looks a tad bit sketchy but overall the shot is pretty bad ass.
Thx for the replies people. 👍

Div, I didn't even noticed the wing was gone when i posted it, but it just got lost in the contrast darkness. The wing was almost as dark as the background already, and it started just left of the rear window.

Here's the original, it's hard to see it, but its visible. :)

Just fixed the shadow under the car in the pic, the white line is more fluent now.

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