Sej's Pix ~ Toyota 7

  • Thread starter sejtur
Thanks 440 and PB! :)

Yeah the cut and paste wheel method is really handy. The only problem i have sometimes is that if the camera is too close to the wheel, and cant zoom away, or the angle is right next to the car, it's difficlut to get the wheel good looking, no matter what shutterspeed. But it works really good still. 👍

Oh thx again 440, I did the blur with almost all motion blur except for the road, I used radial blur for that one.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I try to stay away from crazy angles like that usually. But if you are a decent distance away from the car, it's the best way to go, and not loose any detail on the wheels.
That's awesome Sejtur 👍
Nice choice on location (nice corner and the road glare)
The camera angle is very unique
and the blur job is simply flawless
one off is the polygons edges really showing
not your fault ... just say there is room for improvement
but this part can be quite a lot of work :)
Nice Sej, especially like the Aston... fantastic shot.

The Triatlon is really cool too... great angle and the colours are nice and vibrant as well. I'm a fan of great contrast, it's really strong in the triatlon shot. I like it... big thumbs up from me dude...
the blur and lighting are superb, if i may concure with your mildy ego stroking self. *its hard to comunicate the delicacies of underlying blur skills jelously through messege boards. (?) i think you get the point. hats off... :)
That's awesome Sejtur 👍
Nice choice on location (nice corner and the road glare)
The camera angle is very unique
and the blur job is simply flawless
one off is the polygons edges really showing
not your fault ... just say there is room for improvement
but this part can be quite a lot of work :)

Thanks Franz. The blur-talk means alot coming from you. 👍

I first didn't know what you meant with the polygon edges, but now I think i got it. They're too linear-like to be real, right? The back piece of the cockpit behind the rear driver is do-able, but the bow above the driver seems very difficult. I can always try though.

Also thanks for all the other replies. Mean alot to me. 👍
Do you guys mind if I call this my best work? ;)

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