Heh, thanks for all of the comments guys!
Matt & Cod Father, maybe that 'look' is just style??
Cascada, I do have a few bad shots in this gallery and I'm brave enough not to delete them!
I had a few bad days & bad day = bad pic... so I got alot of good days I guess.
Slipz, I don't mind at all that you think my tourney pic is the one-to-worst, that's just how different everybodies taste is. I said at the touney that I doubted between 3 shots, well, they had to have smoke so I guess you know which ones they are now, #2, 3, 4.
I'm pretty proud of that scenery shot, I have seen alot of them at that place, but this one is a lil different. Also I like how soft it is, only with B&C. 👍 To me, and to LGforce (
), the 4th shot is the most realistic one. Just look at that car, ain't it beautiful?
And at the 1st pic, the car was simply standing still at the start, so maybe that's why it is that clean.