Senna content coming soon?

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Have ever announced any date regarding Senna content?

I think not.

PlayStation blog said that we would get the DLC yesterday. And, to be fair, saying that things weren't announced on GT official website as it is some way to defend them, or argument about "did they, or did they not,, miss another deadline" is just another sympton of PD strange communication practics.

It's not an excuse, it's just an admission that they can't (or don't wanna) be clear with their fan base about their product. A problem so huge that GTPlanet got the man himself to, hopefully, answer some questions.

But, back to Senna and GT. Doesn't really matter who is to blame, since the date was announced on the press, specially in Brazil. And the game was put to sell, in december, with Senna name on it, creating a huge expectation amongst brazilians.

I'm not trying to start a wild argument with you about this because I know stuff happens.

But I also think one can defend PD admitting their hickups.
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Why in hell they did not ask the licenses before hand?

Nowhere has it been announced that they "did not ask (for) the licenses beforehand".

The probable cause is that negotiation over some detail or details became protracted. Parties in negotiation are difficult to schedule. Jumping to the conclusion that they are at fault may be good exercise, but has no other benefit.
Look l love gt and still play it but PD are just too slow and late to the party on GT6 content.

It should have been Bam Bam Bam a big dlc each month after launch to keep the fans excited and bring more fans in.

Instead it's a slow trickle of mismanagement and delays. I'm sad that PD have missed their mark with the Senna content but it seems to be par for the course and expected almost now.

Not to be a Debbie Downer, but they've told porkies to Jordan before, unintentionally or not.

Just because they think they're going to get it out by the end of the week, doesn't really mean anything. They thought they were going to get it out by the 27th, and that didn't turn out so well.

I don't see what makes "by the end of the week" any more reliable than any of the other dates they've missed. It's entirely a lottery as to what actually happens.
You must stop throwing all faults on PoDi.

The vast majority of the communication is made by Sony. Certification procedures are made by Sony.

PD are only developers after all.

I am confident that we will have Senna content this week. We saw that it was ready ....
You must stop throwing all faults on PoDi.

The vast majority of the communication is made by Sony. Certification procedures are made by Sony.

PD are only developers after all.

I am confident that we will have Senna content this week. We saw that it was ready ....

Likewise everything can't be thrown on Sony. PD do and have made mistakes, missed goals and failed to deliver on their own deadlines even if you like to believe they haven't.
It should have been Bam Bam Bam

Yes - Senna content should have been one big bam on 1st of may. (unintentional reference to the accident there - sorry). No release dates no interviews no comments just update on the most important day of commemorating Senna. That would have been classy. Every schedule other than that is just struggle. Given how long they must have had the senna content ready (the opening movie since day 1), it should have been all prepared and a push of enter when 1st of may arrived.

but world is not perfect. not PD nor SCE. I will be happy when ever this content comes - just that the delivery COULD have been smoother. :indiff:
Can the all time highest selling Playstation video game franchise really be as incompetent as everyone seems to think? Part of me thinks that if Polyphony Digital really are the clowns that people on gtplanet seem to think they are they'd have made it nowhere, or at least have been left behind by the competition by now, but on the other hand the list of delayed and cancelled content is sky-high.
Can the all time highest selling Playstation video game franchise really be as incompetent as everyone seems to think?

How else would you explain a): all those PS1-2 era assets ported to a 2013 game, and b): the eternal failure to meet deadlines / promises and not being able to communicate about the reasons why neither?
"a few regional licensing issues have complicated a simultaneous worldwide launch of the new content" leave out all idiotic comments about Gran Turismo / PD - this is purely a bureaucracy issue. Only thing PD has overlooked here (once again) is publicity - they really should pick up that ball as giving first hand information before rumors and saying sorry usually tends to make people less frustrated.

I have noted this earlier. Some countries / officials are a bi#### to work with. From what I have heard from the game developer community I believe its once again Italy or Spain. Or then the F1 licence holders - I dont know just how many institutions there is that "own" rights to these old F1 things and to Senna. I am pretty sure these "rights" have been given, taken and sold under pretty loose control during past decades. Call it corruption if you will - they call it a days work.. :( (not referring to italians or spanish - but to institution and licence holders) Some institutions just like to slow down others work if its anything for them in doing so.

Only thing I am a little surprised of is companies size of PD / Sony havent double checked the licensing issues a month ago, but I guess not every problem can be foreseen..

and I think at this point for PD this is a case of doing it right or doing it in time - and we have seen they rather do it right even if it take a little time. (..or sometimes A LOT of time. :rolleyes:)

What comes to this, I must say I think the person/institution selling rights to such car for a single game is just incompetent. The car is part of motor sports history - everyone should be able to get the licence for a reasonable compensation. They would get the same money and more from several deals instead of just one, and hopefully use the money in a good way. The same goes with the Porsche licence - just doesnt make sense.

Finally, someone expressed the licensing issues.

I cannot thank you enough orz orz
Not to be a Debbie Downer, but they've told porkies to Jordan before, unintentionally or not.

Just because they think they're going to get it out by the end of the week, doesn't really mean anything. They thought they were going to get it out by the 27th, and that didn't turn out so well.

I don't see what makes "by the end of the week" any more reliable than any of the other dates they've missed. It's entirely a lottery as to what actually happens.

Actually, Polyphony had finished the content before the 27th. Sony messed up here with the licencing in some regions. That's all...
Now we just have to wait till Friday. If the content won't be released tomorrow, it will definitely be released on the Friday morning. And don't forget that we know these because of Jordan. He had to find what's happening, that's why we are here now.

So you're telling me, unequivocally, that a small game developing company with no effective PR management, where they basically make DLC the week before they say it will be released, can be one of THE leading video game series for sixteen years?
So you're telling me, unequivocally, that a small game developing company with no effective PR management, where they basically make DLC the week before they say it will be released, can be one of THE leading video game series for sixteen years?

No, because they weren't so incompetent back then.
Can the all time highest selling Playstation video game franchise really be as incompetent as everyone seems to think? Part of me thinks that if Polyphony Digital really are the clowns that people on gtplanet seem to think they are they'd have made it nowhere, or at least have been left behind by the competition by now, but on the other hand the list of delayed and cancelled content is sky-high.

Switch clowns with people. Welcome to GTParody
So you're telling me, unequivocally, that a small game developing company with no effective PR management, where they basically make DLC the week before they say it will be released, can be one of THE leading video game series for sixteen years?
No, because they weren't so incompetent back then.
Samus sums it up pretty good, back in the PS1-2 era they released finished games (although they took years to complete also), that were for their time both well designed and groundbreaking in many ways. Since PS3 came along it looks like they didn't want to move ahead with the times, and basically just cash in on the formula that made them successful in the first place (hence all the porting and them not willing to revise their formula).
"THE leading video game series" is just a remainder of the fact they gathered so many fans in the era where they still shined and everyone and his mother had a playstation + it was basically the only such game on the platform.

That fanbase is rapidly diminishing though both because of what they released in the last 4 years, and the incompetence that pursued it, and also because the competition has catched up and surpassed them.

Switch clowns with people. Welcome to GTParody
Thanks for calling a big part of GTP'ers clowns...
I would have guessed 8-9000 at best. It was the early 80's after all:lol:
Peak power between 5000 & 7400 which is about right for early 80s 2 litre engines. The Revs F3 sim from 1984 revved to around 6000 I think, hitting 5500 flat out in top down Hangar Straight and that was developed with accurate car & track data by (Sir) Geoff Crammond who went on to do the Grand Prix series.
Perhaps not in this thread but in other threads you always claim that PD don't make any mistakes or miss any deadlines.

Not at all.

I talked about deadline for Senna content. And indeed, PoDi has not failed.
The content is ready and it's always "Late May", today.
Now we just have to wait till Friday. If the content won't be released tomorrow, it will definitely be released on the Friday morning.

And your certainty on this is because...?

We've had Zahara, and you may remember Jordan's last suggestive post:

Not that it's Jordan's fault when things go wrong, he can only go on what information he's given, and it's great that he goes and chases these things up for us. But what he's given is not necessarily reliable. While it's great that we know what's going on, any date given after missing a date surely has to be taken with a giant grain of salt.

And don't forget that we know these because of Jordan. He had to find what's happening, that's why we are here now.

For which I thank him. Doesn't mean that the information is any more likely to be correct than it was when they said the 27th.

If they can't stick to the 27th, what makes you think they're such a dead cert to stick with their May statement?

I'm as hopeful as the next person that they actually manage to get it out during May, but it would seem that as usual events are conspiring to delay things. If this were the first time, I might say it was just unlucky.

It's not the first time.

Polyphony and whatever branches of Sony they use to do their bidding are simply not reliable at meeting dates.