September 10th 2008, CERN

  • Thread starter GT4 genius

Which do you believe?

  • Money well spent, looking forward to it.

    Votes: 56 88.9%
  • Too dear and dangerous, mankind has no right to attempt to play 'God'

    Votes: 7 11.1%

  • Total voters
Well i cant wait for the results, it should be amazing on what were going to find out and does this mean if it does turn up that it was the big bang that made us doesnt that count out that there is so no such thing as god. Or that he made the earth anyway? Also the whole doomsday has just snowballed out of control it would be expected though anybody heres the word black hole on earth haha.
people are starving and dying.
will it help them? NO

will it be a cure for cancer? NO

will it end the wars: NO

what is it for then?
just for brain masturbation
people are starving and dying.
will it help them? NO

will it be a cure for cancer? NO

will it end the wars: NO

what is it for then?
just for brain masturbation

True but, will not doing it help any of those scenarios?? Eh no. And dont say the money could have been spent on those issues, because much bigger amounts of money are spent on those issues.

What is it for then?
To further advance mankinds knowledge, and by doing this we may be able to save ourselves in the future. No not in our lives, probably not within our grand childrens lives, but these experiments will one day prove pricelessly worthwhile. Do you believe Gallileo should have helped the poor and starving in his time rather then point glass tubes at the sky....etc...etc? 💡

At the very least, it might provide a little entertainment to any alien race who happens to be monitoring our planet from afar. Vastly more intelligent beings currently residing on a planet 2,000 light years away, who have their most powerful optical telescopes pointed at our very planet, (and are currenly watching live pictures of the People's Front of Judea fighting with some Roman centurions) will, 2,000 years from now, come to get their daily update of what is happening on Earth, only to find the ruddy thing has gone.

2000 years delay? They should really make the upgrade from dial up.
Do you believe Gallileo should have helped the poor and starving in his time rather then point glass tubes at the sky....etc...etc?

I see your point but we are far away from those days. Famine in Africa is a well known issue over 100 years but we still cant find a proper solution for that and things get even worst. I'm not against that kind science experiments ofcourse they will help mankind in the future.
people are starving and dying.
will it help them? NO
Do you know that? What if it leads to cheap and clean energy? It will benefit everyone.

will it be a cure for cancer? NO
What if it produces some form of radiation that can negatively effect cancer without practically killing the host?

will it end the wars: NO
Again, cheap and clean energy. That will help out a lot.

what is it for then?
just for brain masturbation
How many things do you have that you don't need except for personal entertainment (hint, you are using one to view this site)? Even if their money isn't going toward solving the things that you think it should, at least it is going toward something to benefit mankind.

I see your point but we are far away from those days. Famine in Africa is a well known issue over 100 years but we still cant find a proper solution for that and things get even worst. I'm not against that kind science experiments ofcourse they will help mankind in the future.
I don't know why Famine has been in Africa for 100 years, but he'll probably leave if you ask nicely.
will it end the wars: NO

Again, cheap and clean energy. That will help out a lot.

help what? is it gonna make wars much cheaper? lol. and do you really think that energy is the main reason of wars?

obviously you stucked with cheap and clean energy thing but you should know if it will be exist they will probably use it for arming. not for famine (starvation) in africa.
I was reading and watching alot about this LHC and finally its going to happen.

I am really hoping they will find the Higgs bossom. If it will be found i believe we will have a major break through in science and so many more things.
Anybody knows when exactly its going to happen other then 10 sept.?

Looking forward 👍

people are starving and dying.
will it help them? NO

will it be a cure for cancer? NO

will it end the wars: NO

what is it for then?
just for brain masturbation
This line of thinking (if it doesn't help cure cancer or something similar to that than it is somehow a waste) has always pissed me off. Saying stuff akin to scientists are wasting their time in life if they don't spend all of their intelligence on cancer research is incredibly narrow-minded and hypocritical. Its much like saying that people should only ever care about certain charities, and that they be forced to donate all of their money to charity; and it completely ignores the fact that science is a specialized field depending on what you go to college for. The word "scientist" does not mean one can research anything.
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Well, they switched it on an hour and a half ago.

Particle physics is bloody difficult to understand, and there's probably only a handful of people who can truly comprehend what it is CERN are looking for. But all this pop-science about it create black holes is a bit of a double-edged sword; people think that it's a doomsday device when it isn't. But their ignorance probably means that they'll have forgotten about it by the time CERN actually start doing the experiment because they'll think the experiment is already over when they're really just making sure the thing does what it was designed to do.
Was it by any chance at 5:37PM? (GMT10+)? That's when I heard it was meant to be.

Anyway, interesting experiment.

It was a success, no bear bottles stuck in it this time! But it could be next year before the send 2 flying at each other in opposite directions. So the doomsdayers just lost a load of credibility, not that they had any. Why would they complain that we were all going to die today, when the experiment hasnt even begun yet??
Because they don't understand what's going on and get guided by news reports from idiots who don't understand what's going on.

BBC Radio News today:

"The machine was turned on this morning. Scientists hope that by smashing atoms into each other they can recreate the conditions of the Big Bang and help them understand gravity better..."

I count four inaccuracies in there. And this was national radio news.
I count four inaccuracies in there. And this was national radio news.
Exactly. It's pop-science, kind of like the whole "if you look up and to the left it means you're lying because you're accessing the creative component of your mind" crap that is popularised by Hollywood. Now that they've flipped the switch on the machine and the world hasn't ended, people will believe it's not a danger and never was, even though they haven't actually done anything yet. Seriously, search for "CERN" under groups on Facebook and see some of the misinformation in the "petitions to make them stop".
Exactly. It's pop-science, kind of like the whole "if you look up and to the left it means you're lying because you're accessing the creative component of your mind" crap that is popularised by Hollywood. Now that they've flipped the switch on the machine and the world hasn't ended, people will believe it's not a danger and never was, even though they haven't actually done anything yet. Seriously, search for "CERN" under groups on Facebook and see some of the misinformation in the "petitions to make them stop".

IMO, say nothing, let the idiots who thought/think that protons were smashed together today believe that. It'll mean that when CERN are ready to do just that they wont be met with a ignorant wall of critism, petitions and court cases.
IF science believed the average joe and listened to them,well we sure as s**t wouldn't be doing what we're doing right now(idlely chatting in our homes to others across the globe).Go hard guys bring on the technology, I don't have to fully understand or use it for whatit was originally designed for, but the ideas flow after they "know" what they are capable of.e.g.computers for racing car games,bet that wasn't on the agenda when the first computer was in design.So as the pole shows we all love it .(that is discovering)
What would happen if you stood in the collider while it was on? What if two particles collided through your head?
What would happen if you stood in the collider while it was on? What if two particles collided through your head?

The collider is a pure vacuum at very near absolute zero -273*C. Before any particle has a chance to reach you you would explode due to lack of atmospheric pressure then the bits of you would vaporize as if they were being boiled, even though the temperature is so low. If, by some bizarre means, that didnt happen you and you got hit with one of these things, chances are I doubt it would kill you. These collisions are tiny sum atomic sized, yes the energies are huge, but the momentums are tiny. So if a collision occurred in your head I guess you would probably get a severe tumor in a few years, or you would turn into a super hero! :dopey:
If we did all get sucked into a black hole, would be dead? Or just cease to exist? Or by ceasing to exist, have we effectively died?
If we did all get sucked into a black hole, would be dead? Or just cease to exist? Or by ceasing to exist, have we effectively died?
I believe Stephen Hawking amended his theory on black holes a while ago to say that if you went into one, you would come out somewhere else. However, I don't think even he knows how you would come out as you can't escape the pull of gravity, and you certainly wouldn't be able to send a signal back through.
If we did all get sucked into a black hole, would be dead? Or just cease to exist? Or by ceasing to exist, have we effectively died?

Well, this is were it could get really weird. Black holes have an extremely powerful gravity field around them, depending on how much stuff is in them. And as time appears slower in a gravitational field, we could feel like it is taking us ages to be sucked in! If we do get sucked in we do die, because we would be compressed, but if you believe in reincarnation or something were do we reincarnate too??

But dont worry, it wont create black holes, and if it does they wont grow and pull everything in around them.

@Do you race: when did he amend it? As far as I knew black holes squeezed everything they consumed into a tiny spot until eventually through some odd occurances with anti matter they eventually exploded out again, releasing everything they consumed. If they things they consumed went somewhere else well then how would they be released later?
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Crap, the world didn't end and I had to come to work. I was really looking forward to using that excuse too.
well, I woke up to sunshine.. I wondered if that was glow from the big bang-wannabe, but of course it wasn't.. just good ol' sun..
Oh, many lols in Google's direction.

help what? is it gonna make wars much cheaper? lol. and do you really think that energy is the main reason of wars?
I said it would help, not stop. First of all, nothing will stop wars, so you even bringing it up is silly. But some wars are fought for resources. Biggest resource worldwide would be oil. Oil is what some believe the Russia Georgia thing is about. Oil is why people believe that the US keeps screwing around in the Middle East.

And while reasons outside of oil are also involved in our interest in the Middle East you can't tell me that not needing that oil wouldn't make much of the international community ignore them.

obviously you stucked with cheap and clean energy thing but you should know if it will be exist they will probably use it for arming. not for famine (starvation) in africa.
Nuclear power = nuclear bomb. Gotcha. Oh wait, nuclear power plants too. Yes, if it can be weaponized it probably will be. But just because you have it doesn't mean you will use it. And it doesn't mean that you don't use it for other things.

This notion that if it doesn't immediately solve the world's problems (all of the ones you named are as old as civilization, by the way) is ridiculous. Imagine if Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand had told Columbus that they were going to give their money to poor African children and not fund his expedition across the ocean. Or the Wright Brothers decided to work in a soup kitchen on December 13th, 1903. Or what if Philo Farnsworth had decided that a cathode ray tube was a waste of time and instead went to join a protest to keep the US out of World War II.

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