Just to continue the search for an impossible cure for this bug (other than running 270 degrees full time, which seems to be working for most people) I got an idea to try something I don't think Ive seen anyone mention they've tried yet.
Much like i was trying before w/ starting the race w/ a controller, and then switching to the wheel (which didnt work), this time Im starting the race w/ the wheel in 270 mode, and once i get rolling I pause the game, switch it to 900, power it off and on, and run my race. Then before the end I pause it again, switch it back to 270, power it off and on again, and finish the race.
I did 3 F class races in my toyota 2000gt (which for whatever reason seems to usually give me the most 0 credit glitches) and got credit on all 3 races. Im not going to call it a result until I do more races, but so far its off to a better than normal, cuz usually I can only do about 1 race and then I stop getting credits. haha.
I dont really have much faith that this will continue to work, but its something to try at least, cuz Im not aware of anyone thats tried this yet (at least that ive seen). I know someone started at 270 and went up the scale all the way to 900, and got glitches on pretty much every setting except 270, but Ive never seen anything about anyone switching mid race.
I gotta watch the Korean F1 quali now, but I'll probably go back later tonight. I'll report back when it glitches again