Serious bug?: No XP or credit payouts

  • Thread starter 12thgear
I have run an experiment on Indy Oval and verified that if you run a smooth lap at 900 you will get 0 payout every time, but if you induce the counter-steering assist by getting the car badly out of shape and then bring it back, you will get a payout. Of course, booting your wheel into 'OFF' will generate a payout every time even on the smoothest of turns around Indy Oval. Got an Indy badge and Flat Out badges doing this experiment. IMHO, this explains the seemingly randomness of the bug and why it still pays out occasionally at SEN = 900 which would be when our driving induces the counter-steering assist. This is in no way meant as a fix, but just information for T10 to do some code checking/fixing for our next Title Update. This also correlates to a previous post about starting the race in 270, pausing, resetting wheel to 900' and then resuming the race. As long as 270/OFF is seen during the race there will be payout.
Absolutely never get credits in rivals now. This has cost me over 1 million credits! Time for this to be fixed. It is really getting old.
^ Man, Rivals too?!?! I feel bad for you guys. I have been lucky I guess. I haven't had one problem yet. Been using 900° since day one.
I hate to say also I've never had a single missed payout.
Around level 27 ish now.

Fanatec user 400 degrees. (I'm not so certain it's a wheel thing, that would be crazy).

Still, crazier things have happened.
After hours of experimentation, I think I got that little sucker :

Use more than 270° worth of steering during the race = Credits ! :)
(that means more than 135° actual rotation on either side in 900° mode)

Use less than 270° worth of steering during the race = No Credits ! :(
(that means less than 135° actual rotation on both sides in 900° mode)


Now it's up to Turn10 to patch the game.

Note : The 135° threshold is of course lower with lower than 900° modes, proportionality and all.
After hours of experimentation, I think I got that little sucker :

Use more than 270° worth of steering during the race = Credits ! :)
(that means more than 135° actual rotation on either side in 900° mode)

Use less than 270° worth of steering during the race = No Credits ! :(
(that means less than 135° actual rotation on both sides in 900° mode)


Now it's up to Turn10 to patch the game.

Note : The 135° threshold is of course lower with lower than 900° modes, proportionality and all.

Oh OK, so using say 540' is 'safer' than using 900 in terms of gaining a payout?
Oh OK, so using say 540' is 'safer' than using 900 in terms of gaining a payout?
You have a higher probability of triggering the "more than 135° worth of rotation" threshold, yes, because your actual wheel movement is somewhat "amplified". But in the end, it all depends on your driving :)

Edit : Okay, did a bunch of additional testing. These are reliable "repro steps". You get credits as long as you steer for more that "270°" at least one time during the race. You don't otherwise.

Edit 2 : To clarify, this glitch seems to occur only on 900° wheel mode (that means 280° and above sensitivity setting).

Actually, I wonder if it could occur on 270° setting if you don't steer for more than 81° ?

I'm gonna test that.

Edit 3 : Confirmed !

You don't get credits in 270° mode if you don't steer more than 81° (well, half of it on each side).

That explains why the glitch seems to occur more on ovals :)
Good work HBK this glitch was really starting to bug me, Lets hope T10 get it sorted since we know whats causing it now with your help :)
lol, this glitch is actually completely independent from the steering device. I just did a "wall grinding" oval race with minimal steering input, using the 360 gamepad. 0 cr/xp.
Forza site is grinding so I'll ask over here what I asked there: Just to play Devil's Advocate here, but wouldn't this mean almost nobody is getting paid on drag strips?
We know of "repro steps".

We don't know what triggers the issue yet (and most likely, only Turn10 will ever know). It may be that drag racing uses different portions of code not triggering the issue.

Edit : Did a quick test. Drag racing seems fine. As I said, we don't know what really is the problem, only how to trigger it. Most likely some problematic portions of code are not involved in drag racing.
Maybe it's the code that determines if your over locking the front wheels and causing understeer as that wouldn't be a problem in drag racing.

Cause thats pretty much what im getting,
No turn in and driving straight off or over locking and understeering
I've been playing event list races only and it's never once happened to me. I've always gotten paid. Even messed with the steering wheel settings on my CSR, maybe you guys should try doing races from the event list instead of world tour mode?

I have the FM4 LE version, any of you with this issue using the 'regular' version of FM4, the one with the red 458 on the cover?

I think JwS has it right, after reading his post I got paid out for every world tour event and rival mode I did in 720 degree. I just made sure to induce the counter steer assist and bingo all events received credits 👍
HBK: Incredible bit of detective work there -well done my friend!

I guess we need to bring this information to the attention of T10 / Fanatec...
Good job HBK. I try to drive smoothly and had the glitch happen often in 900 degree mode. I must be hitting the extremes more in 270 degree mode. I also pinged T10 Ayo Jubo. Hopefully Turn 10 can reproduce the issue and confirm.
Good news!! Thomas at Fanatec has posted the specific nature of the problem on his blog and at



Fanatec wheels are too good to be true?

Thanks to the great feedback. Because of your feedback we have been able to reproduce it. It always happens if you do an extreme clean lap without any countersteering. The most easy way to reproduce it is on an oval.

Special thanks to our members FakeThinkpad and kartman21 who detected the solution.

What happens? The Fanatec wheels allow minimal movements of the steering wheel and extreme precise manouvers so that the game apparantly thinks that the user must be cheating as this cannot be achieved by a human.

The better you drive the more often it happens. It is independent from the steering angle but a clean lap is more likely if you use higher sensitivity like 900°. In theory it can happen with a controller or other wheel as well but so far I was not able to proof that because it is hard for me to drive clean without our wheels. ;)


1. Make sure that you make at least one drift with countersteering per race

2. Reduce your steering angle to 270° to emulate the MS wheel which makes it harder to drive clean but avoids the issue more likely.

Of course, T10 is working on a patch to solve this issue but it takes time until those things go through all internal testing so please be a little bit patient."


So it seems HBK was close, in the sense that it relates to the angles of steering input and with a higher wheel setting it becomes more prevalent.
That would explain why i was seeing it more frequently in F class races, since those cars require so little steering effort......very interesting. Glad we're finally getting somewhere w/ this! Ive kinda gotten used to driving 270 w/ the linearity cranked up, but I really would like to have 900 useable again.
Ok I think I got my first no-payout. I think I was on level 22 and racing the 2010 Shelby GT500 in a Mustang vs Camaro race. My question is I thought that all of the World Tour races could also be raced from the Events list. For the life of me I cannot find this race - I believe a Sedona Raceway Park "oval" race and Mustang vs Camaro. Anyone know where this race can be found in the Events list OR if you know that some World Tour races are not in the Events list?