You won't get your gtr til midnight cause I can only send 1 car per day
Alright thanks and what would you say is the fastest car on that list and what would you want for it?
You won't get your gtr til midnight cause I can only send 1 car per day
rybubby93Alright thanks and what would you say is the fastest car on that list and what would you want for it?
Shalashaska523Wait tomorrow I have to send nicksfix a charger so it'll have to be Monday
symustafa1996Interested in the FT Audi TT or the Infiniti. Only have a Level 11 ticket to offer or even maybe something from the dealership. PM me if interested.
Shalashaska523Sent the vette rm
X13GHOSTWhat would you like for the stratos?
X13GHOSTFerrari 512BB ? (With some upgrades)
X13GHOSTFine by me. jsut edit your OP and stick my name beside it so we can trade on that day