SF Bay Area Gran Turismo Party 1 (14th & 15th July!)

When would you prefer to hold this meeting?

  • Cannot make June 30th / July 1st

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cannot make July 7th & 8th

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cannot make July 14th & 15th

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Staff Emeritus
Hello there! This is a go! Houston, we have ignition.....

SF GT Party 1 will be 14th & 15th July 2007!


Thanks ceiling_fan! :)

I've been thinking about this for a while, and after attending UKGTP V & UKGTP VII I now have some experience (ok, I'll admit it, I watched Famine organise everything!) in how to run a LAN meeting. What's more having acquired a home with a double garage, I have a perfect place to host one too!

What I'd like to know is:-

Who'd be interested?
What hardware you can provide? (e.g. PS2? Ethernet cable? TV? DFP/DS2?)

This will be a tarmac only race meeting with a focus on road and mildly powered race cars, with handicap style events & mix'n'match races right out of the Famine school of thought (assuming I can pinch his patented excel spreadsheets in time! ;) )

Clean-ish racing is the order of the day, so I'd prefer participants to have had some experience of OLR or WRS type racing rules.

Accidental contact is allowable, but deliberate rammination will result in black-flagging! :guilty:

I can provide:-

Venue :) (not far from the IKEA at the end of the Bay Bridge!)
2 x Ethernet switches and all ethernet cabling.
Some power strips
2 or 3 TVs
2 x DS2s
2 x copies of GT4
One old DF wheel & pedals which are ok-ish but have a slightly sticky brake pedal!
Refreshments (and beer if you've got an ID! :P)

So, calling all GT Planeteers with an interest in this...... let me know what you think?



a6m5 (Can't make it)
Viper Zero a.k.a. Solid Fro
KLR142 (Can't make it)
DWA (99.9% Likely to have to work that weekend :()
jump_ace (all the way from Oregon! And now sadly maybe not!:()

Smallhorses :P
juana b. (maybe Sunday only :()
SimRaceDriver :)
ceiling_fan 👍
alrivers :D
Oh come on! do it in NY! waddaya talking about? Every cool member is on the East coast yo.
Pardon my weirdness. I'd love to attend, but my next vacation aside the upcoming one later this month, will be on August.

I'll have to check for flight prices and if they are cheap enough, I'd definitely attend :)

Im sure my parents would find it a little odd that I was going to the city to "play with some people that I met online"

Is just me or does that sound really weird?
Im sure my parents would find it a little odd that I was going to the city to "play with some people that I met online"

Is just me or does that sound really weird?
Maybe you should add "Play GAMES with people you met online."

Wait, that still sounds weird.
I would probably be around in March. I live nearby, I'm just at a boarding school at the moment. You're near IKEA? That's awfully close to Ex'pressions, my #1 choice for college. I could provide:

PS2 (not slim model)
Two controllers (DS2)
TV (possibly)
Yummy cookies and sweets :P
I could bring:

Slim PS2
Maybe a PS3 If I have the money by then
And, well, foodz?

Thats IF I go, 80% chance im not going...
You're near IKEA? That's awfully close to Ex'pressions, my #1 choice for college. I could provide:

PS2 (not slim model)

I know Ex'pressions, I used to live in the apartment complex next door! :)

If your PS2 isn't slimline, (mine isn't either...) then you'll need to make sure you buy, beg, borrow or steal a network adapter for it! (I only have 1, sorry! :guilty: )

@ opendriver19a suggest you get your folks to have a look at the photos from the UKGTP events, which are enclosed in the threads in this Local Gatherings forum. They should get some idea of what's involved. Namely 6 GT4 enthusiasts at a time trying to win races against each other, and having a laugh at the same time! ;) I've been there, done it, survived it, and I'm in some of the pictures! UKGTPV Photos & results (page 14 onwards)
Chances are very slim(1 - 5% chance. yes, it's scientific), but if I do make it, I can bring:

2 DS2 Controllers
normal 27-inch TV
GT4 game discs(probably up to 3)
and my wonderful self. :sly:

P.S. I really do suck, and if I ram your car into the sands, it was totally an accident.
Hmm... I could entertain going to this.

I got a DFP, a fat old PS2 That's probably about it, unfortunately.
I live in Phoenix, AZ, and while I'm interested in going, there's no way in hell my parents will let me fly to San Francisco to play a video game with a bunch of strangers. Besides, I'd suck horribly since I haven't played much in the past year.

However, if I can come (2% chance), I can bring...
  • GT4
  • DFP
  • Two DS2 controllers
  • PSTwo

I could POSSIBLY bring my 26" LCD too, but that's a slim chance.

So, there's about a slim-to-none chance of me coming.
Does anyone have a list of California / West Coast based GT Planeteers? 💡

Off the top of my head, I can think of two people with California in their location: Solid Lifters and Sage. I'm sure there's more, but it's 2:33 AM right now.
Snoopy, Sakiale, Sage, Solid Lifters, Smallhorses...and all the member names that start with an "S" :dopey:

Thanks for the PM Smallhorses.

BTW: You may have already picked up on this, but in your PM, the link to this thread actually sends you to the following URL:

http://sf bay area gt party 1

No big deal, but thought you might like to know just in case.

As for my attending any BA GT meet, I make several trips to the Bay Area each year, but I'm usually tied up in meetings, and then visiting old friends and family... but if I can I will certainly make an effort to attend. I know I'll be in Tahoe over Christmas, and then in SF for New Years.

If nothing else, maybe we can meet over at Fantasy Junction and debate which of the current collection is the best! :)

Maybe you should add "Play GAMES with people you met online."

Wait, that still sounds weird.
:lol: If your parents watch NBC's Dateline on a regular basis... no way on Earth are they going to let you go play ANYTHING with strangers off the net. :)

Refreshments (and beer if you've got an ID! :P)

That I can do!

  • DFP
  • 2x DS2
  • Network Adapter
That's all I have. I gave my PS2 to my best friend. Her brothers went through two PS2s already (DRE problems) and I felt bad. I don't know if PS3 is compatible with GT4 and network play. I was in SF last month, beautiful ocean views, but I'll be damned if I ever drive in the city again.
There's a slight chance that I might be in the San Francisco Area during the first week of March. If I can convince my parents to let me come, I can bring:

1 Playstation 2 with network adapter.
1 DS2 controller.
1 Copy of GT4.
1 Netgear 5 port switch.
2 Ethernet cables.
And maybe a PS3 if I'm lucky.... ;)

Oh, and I'd love to bring some excellent munchables, but airport security probably would think it's a guacamole bomb or something... :rolleyes:
Thanks for the interest so far. I'd ideally like to get at least 6 or more folks with a definite interest before proceeding, I've added a list of possibles & definites to the first post.
We'll definitely need 6 networkable PS2s, either slimlines or old-fatties with network adapters. :)
Thanks for the interest so far. I'd ideally like to get at least 6 or more folks with a definite interest before proceeding, I've added a list of possibles & definites to the first post.
We'll definitely need 6 networkable PS2s, either slimlines or old-fatties with network adapters. :)

Well, I'll be getting a PS3 tomorrow and selling my PS2 'n stuff on eBay shortly afterwards. So, if the PS3 can't do GT4 LAN parties, you can definitely count me out.
Cool idea Smallhorses. I would love to come. But since I'm in the same line of work as you then you know how quickly my availability can change. That's the only thing that would stop me being a def.
As long as I dont get sent to Fargo on 6 hours notice count me in. Also if it is Feb please dont make it around the 14th I'm never available then.

I can bring an original PS2 and network adapter and a small hub if that helps.
Also your old firewire hub if anybody wanted to relive the glory days of GT3 (I only mention it because I loved the Diablo so much :) )
Also a DFP wheel,
My HDTV weighs almost 300Lbs so sorry but I would need a TV :)

With moving home I haven't actually had my PS2 plugged into anything for a couple of months so I'm more than a little out of practice. But if you dont mind me bringing up the rear I'll be there :)
Cool idea Smallhorses. I would love to come. But since I'm in the same line of work as you then you know how quickly my availability can change. That's the only thing that would stop me being a def.
As long as I dont get sent to Fargo on 6 hours notice count me in. Also if it is Feb please dont make it around the 14th I'm never available then.

I can bring an original PS2 and network adapter and a small hub if that helps.
Also your old firewire hub if anybody wanted to relive the glory days of GT3 (I only mention it because I loved the Diablo so much :) )
Also a DFP wheel,
My HDTV weighs almost 300Lbs so sorry but I would need a TV :)

With moving home I haven't actually had my PS2 plugged into anything for a couple of months so I'm more than a little out of practice. But if you dont mind me bringing up the rear I'll be there :)

Well, if Pako comes, that wont be an issue!:D

8insert picture of huge arms*
Hey man, good luck with your party, i know im not invited!


I would obviously love to come, but im sure by the time i get there Touring Mars will have taken the only spare bed....

Have a good one though, and if i manage to get back on this website in the future, then i'll have a look at the pics!

Get some of the bridge in there too, id like to see the golden gate.

Cheers from blighty :cheers:
Hey man, good luck with your party, i know im not invited!

Only 'cos you're waaaaaaay tooooooo fassssssssst! :lol::scared::P

Of course you're invited, heck, the whole of GT Planet is invited, it's just probably not the most convenient location for most of the folks that were at the UK meet, but I'd love to race you all again! :)

My HDTV weighs almost 300Lbs so sorry but I would need a TV :)......

No worries, we bought a 32" Sony Bravia XBR2 LCD a while ago, the old Trinitron just took up too much room in our condo! The great thing is, it's light enough for me to carry up & down the stairs by myself, which I certainly couldn't have managed with the old CRT!

....if you dont mind me bringing up the rear I'll be there :)

This is the beauty of the handicap style of racing, apart from the first few races when everyone is in the same car, the field evens itself out a little as the faster drivers progress to slower & slower cars, and slower drivers get to keep the faster cars until they win. This way everyone gets to win races! As long as you can turn clean-ish laps you should be all set! It'll be kind of like the days of those 3-way i-Link sessions when you'd suddenly end up T-boned going into a Grand Valley hairpin by a marauding RUF RGT with no brakes! :lol:
It'll be kind of like the days of those 3-way i-Link sessions when you'd suddenly end up T-boned going into a Grand Valley hairpin by a marauding RUF RGT with no brakes! :lol:

I remember pausing the game to see my car about 10 feet from the bend with the RGT inches from my rear bumper doing over 100 and still not having started to break :) Ahhhh, How well I got to know those gravel pits thanks to Iain :)

Say what you like about how great GT4 is they REALLLYYYYY need to get online racing sorted out for this series :( AI will never be as much fun as that.
Hi.....I dont post alot.....I live in So Cal (Long Beach, CA BTW hehe) I really like this idea having gathering just to play GT4 and make friends.

Down over here in LA, its in tight resources, all work no play. Ppl think Forza is better....hahah and we have more car accidents, & ppl over here hate bends.

I play GT4 casually at home (with DFP).....I play different racing games like NFS series, SRS (horrible game, but I like it.), Tokyo Xtreme Racer, Initial Arcade Stage, Wangan Maximum Tune 2 (great for 4-player racing).......I can't think of anything else.

Anyways I enjoy the idea....I like to play & race against fun & cool players around my area.
Well, I COULD pass for 21, but im only 17, so I guess not, but I think theres still a 20% chance I could go, I just need an excuse to get down there, any ideas?

You need to visit Fantasy Junction? :) (hopefully my wife'll do her Valentines shopping there! There's still a Ferrari Daytona for sale! :drool: )
You have shopping to do at IKEA? :indiff:
You want to see where PIXAR Animation Studios are? ;)

And in doing any of the above you could accidentally stray under 1/2 a mile and wind up in a GT4 LAN event! 💡

The party, however, will have to wait a little while though, my weekends in February and early March have gotten tied up through a combination of snowboarding, show tickets, and a 10 day trip back to England for some more training. The venue is available indefinitely, since I live there, so it's not a problem to organise. I still have some junk to shift from the garage too, but that's not a serious issue! Anyway, hope to get some more folks interested in getting this going and I'll maybe post a poll for a suitable weekend to plan this for which'll fit in with the majority of potential attendees! 👍