Share your GTS car setups, List on post #1

  • Thread starter diesel97
Brands Hatch tune.
Nissan GTR Nismo N24 schulze brands hatch.jpg

For the gears.
-Final gear maximum
-Top speed minimum
-Set each gear ratio
-Then final gear again

Enjoy your drive.

I would also love to get input and suggestions on features I could add to make this even better! Let me know what you guys think--I think we can make something great. Send me a message if you would like to helpin any way or have any ideas for features!

Just food for thought and I am not sure if it is a big deal but all these"beta tunes" are with BoP in racing as of now, not sure if will make a big difference( I would think it would) but time will tell.
Just food for thought and I am not sure if it is a big deal but all these"beta tunes" are with BoP in racing as of now, not sure if will make a big difference( I would think it would) but time will tell.

Yeah yanno TBH I didn't think about that... You could be right. My plan is to have this as a resource for when the full game comes out, but in the meantime I figured it could be worth getting some content on it. For the time being I could designate these tunes as "Beta" on the site (with a label), and when the games comes out we could either start the database fresh or see how it's affected. Interested to hear what other people think.
Exciting News guys!! :cheers:

Now that this thread is getting quite long, I figured it could be useful to keep a dedicated database of all these tunes that would make it easy to find everything. So I present to you:!

I just started hacking it together last night, and have decent amount of work to do. But I’ve built it in a way that anyone will be able to look up tunes by track, car, classification, and the person who tuned it!

The first thing I have to do is set up automatic conversions of spring rates ride height and top speeds (: I also intend to implement a little comments section at the bottom of each tune.

Down the road I would love to add the ability for anyone to signup be able to add and edit their tunes, but for the time being I will need to manually create user accounts for only certain people to add.

I was wondering if anyone on the forum would like to help me add all the tunes that are currently on this thread to the database (I built it on WordPress). So far I’ve only added one tune (for testing), by the great praiano63 <3 I still have a decent amount of development to do on the site so it would be a massive help if someone(s) could front the entries as I continued building it.

I would also love to get input and suggestions on features I could add to make this even better! Let me know what you guys think--I think we can make something great. Send me a message if you would like to helpin any way or have any ideas for features!

Thanks all!


great idea!
Hello guys
Anyone knows how to change from inches to mm in the game? I have an US account set to up KM and not Miles. But, in the car setup I can only see inches making my life very hard.

@Wardez I noticed your name on top 10 of the Dragon trial N300 with the Evo, can you give me the tune setup you used or any tips on how you did that lap?

Here mate. I dont think Eddie has a lot of time to post stuff but this should get you in the ballpark.. just take t3 different than me :)

Braking points are:
Turn 2 the shadow for the 150 sign
Turn 5 there is a black mark on the outside of the red apron with a break in it half way.
Turn 6 the beginning of the painted guardrail on the right
Turn 9 the beginning of the red apron
Last corner is right at or just past the 150 sign

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Here mate. I dont think Eddie has a lot of time to post stuff but this should get you in the ballpark.. just take t3 different than me :)

Braking points are:
Turn 2 the shadow for the 150 sign
Turn 5 there is a black mark on the outside of the red apron with a break in it half way.
Turn 6 the beginning of the painted guardrail on the right
Turn 9 the beginning of the red apron
Last corner is right at or just past the 150 sign

Amazing lap. I'm doing 3 seconds slower.
Any chance to share the setup?
Amazing lap. I'm doing 3 seconds slower.
Any chance to share the setup?

I can't give the setup, it's not mine to give. A buddy of mine gave it to me and i wouldn't give it out without his permission. I can give you my setup that handles similar than his.

Brakes 5
Ride height and springs min / max
1.5 / 2.5
-0.15 / -0.35


Transmission starts at 4.500 final then max speed to far left


Exciting News guys!! :cheers:

Now that this thread is getting quite long, I figured it could be useful to keep a dedicated database of all these tunes that would make it easy to find everything. So I present to you:!

I just started hacking it together last night, and have decent amount of work to do. But I’ve built it in a way that anyone will be able to look up tunes by track, car, classification, and the person who tuned it!

The first thing I have to do is set up automatic conversions of spring rates ride height and top speeds (: I also intend to implement a little comments section at the bottom of each tune.

Down the road I would love to add the ability for anyone to signup be able to add and edit their tunes, but for the time being I will need to manually create user accounts for only certain people to add.

I was wondering if anyone on the forum would like to help me add all the tunes that are currently on this thread to the database (I built it on WordPress). So far I’ve only added one tune (for testing), by the great praiano63 <3 I still have a decent amount of development to do on the site so it would be a massive help if someone(s) could front the entries as I continued building it.

I would also love to get input and suggestions on features I could add to make this even better! Let me know what you guys think--I think we can make something great. Send me a message if you would like to helpin any way or have any ideas for features!

Thanks all!

CamelHand eh? I believe I know your sister, CamelToe. :sly:
I give up, dont know what you guys do but cant get any faster with group 4 nurb then 7,45..... (all assist off and controller) i do a good fast clean lap but i cant see hoe to get faster whitout putting stabillety assist on (asm) doe everbody do that?
@PorscheHD I'm on the same boat, not sure how you guys are putting down 6'xx laps at Nurb., having a wheel is the only thing I can think of. At the same time I haven't play any GT for 2 years.
I have a T150 and to those who know, what is the best amount of degrees I should set the wheel at? Currently I think I have it on 270.