Shelby cobra 66 - tune for handling?

I'm having massive trouble trying to control this thing, trying to win historic racing car cup on expert, anyone got a tune for improving handling?
I would love one for this also, car seems to have enough speed to mix it but handling is no good for me.

It's one of my favourite cars irl but i've never rated it in any GT cos of it's handling.
Yes please any help will be awsom... i hv the same problem i try doing a setup for more control of this monster but its seems i failed! :-( i will post my setup later on today to see if someone can tell me what i did wrong.
Heh.. I was going to buy this car for that race but then reconsidered. Glad I did now that I hear this.

I would like to do it in a Ferrari 330P or GT40 but who knows how long it'll take to get that.
Notoriously bad handling car in RL so I guess GT is just emulating that. It is fast enough to beat the Ferraris and Lambos if it would only corner...

(Looking for a solution for my Bspec Bob, actually.)
I found the car understeers a lot, so I tuned it nearly like a front wheel drive car. I think it's the huge 427 under the hood... it's like an anchor. I utilized negative toe on both axles, along with a higher rear spring rate compared to the front. I also staggered the camber with a higher value on the front tires.

So here is mine. It is a work in progress, throttle control is key. Sports Softs for the tires. It is maxed, except no super charger. I am going to start trying to tune the LSD.

Transmission- 224 mph
Ride Height- -20/-20
Spring Rate- 6.0/5.8
Dampers (Extension)- 4/4
Dampers (Compression)- 5/6
Anti- Roll Bars- 4/4
Camber- 1.7/1.5
Toe- -0.05/.035
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ok ill check it out when you post it, yeah basically it understeers more then any car you can imagine, you have to go 10 mph around corners and you sitll might crash, ive been messing with the settings a bit hopefully i come up with something decent to win that race atleast
Thank God I'm not the only one trying to get any cornering performance at all out of this beast. Extremely fast on the straights, but understeers so poorly, even with maxed out suspension values and racing tires.
yeah i just dont want to spend the cash on another older car capable of winning that race, thats like a 400,000 investment with all the upgrades
I am also experiencing the same issues. I am trying to complete the historic car race and the only vehicle i have that qualifies and is fast enough, is the 66 COBRA. Mine is maxed out, it is certainly powerful enough and fast enough on the straight aways, but the understeer is horrible, i can seem to tune this thing to handle. Any suggestions or success?

By the way, in my opion the weight of the engine is a factor, probibly the main factor in tuning this to handle.
Hey guys. I have been racing with this car nearly non-stop for 5 days straight now. Spent all day yesterday trial and erroring this beast and would like to share what I have accomplished. I am at work though so there will not be any numbers till tonight.

The current setup is 704HP and there is tons of toe in on the front and a good bit of out on the back. I have dropped the back suspension to lower the center of gravity and add weight to the back tires along with adding some more suspension to the back to compensate. The roll back is set higher in the back then the front which seems to help combat the massive amount of oversteer in this car and the difficulty accelerating. Before, on the Historic Cup without any tuning and racing soft tires I was about 30 seconds behind the lead on lap 2.

Just placed 7th last night after my most recent tweak. That is right, 7th place. Was actually in 3rd into lap 3 when that car which looks to have big fans on the back sideswipped me around a corner.

The current setup allows for weight shifting drifting as well as incredibly hard accelerating. I actually accelerate right in line with the F1 looking car in that race. Taking turns is smooth, with a bit of understeer if you do not shift any weight to the outside of the car of the turn. I think with a bit more tweaking I'll be able to atleast place 3rd in the Historic Cup, Deep Forest and possibly, if 1st is not too far away, i could place 1st if I get caught in a drafting scenario with the leader. Winning the Historic Cup though is not looking likely, as the top ride has 788HP while the Shelby maxes out at 704HP.
yes i have given up on winning with the 66 shelby aswell, the historic cup that is, i tried your settings and its still giving me troubles lotus but thanks for the help, what are some of the faster older cars in the game i need to win this tournament!
I used this car mainly stock for historic & also used it to B spec , Bob needs a lot of input & Bob needs to be fresh & willing to drive .
Heh.. I was going to buy this car for that race but then reconsidered. Glad I did now that I hear this.

I would like to do it in a Ferrari 330P or GT40 but who knows how long it'll take to get that.

you can win this on B-spec in the classic muscle car race. :P

i know someone who bought this car and wanted to sell it afterwards :dunce:
Best car for this event is that Toyota race car from the 70's I can't remember which event you win it from....might even be via one of the B-spec races...anyways once you have it you'll cruise that historic cup race event
With LiveWire's tuning the historic cup was driveable. my dampers (extension) 7/7 made it perfect to drive for me. but its really hard, the only way with cobra is to be 1st after the first corner and hold it (deep forest) ... monaco is easy with cobby ;)
have u tried LiveWire's ? This tuning is superb ...

Thanks. I think there is still more to be had from that car. I was going to work on the LSD settings, but I cut off the tip of my left thumb. Guess it is going to be few weeks before I can do any more A spec. I really need a wheel! Hopefully after christmas...