Shirrako got banned on YouTube for a RDR2 gameplay video

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This is a conclusion, which has a lot to do with your initial post considering it's contained within that:
There's no conclusion, I asked what Jordan thinks that someone here on this site is promoting their channel which contains such content.
The slippery slope might be that some videos get treated differently than others with similar or identical content because they are somehow related to particular social causes.

If there is some differentiating characteristic of one video compared to another, and the two videos get treated differently because of that characteristic, that is the exact opposite of a slippery slope.
If you try to censor something off the internet and it actually backfires, making it spread faster that what initially was, streisand effect happens

Like when Beyoncé tried to get this pic off the internet

I've seen that photo a couple of times but I had no idea it was Bey. I always thought it was photoshopped.:lol:
There's no conclusion, I asked what Jordan thinks that someone here on this site is promoting their channel which contains such content.
Asking why he tolerates it (as your post very clearly says) is a conclusion disguised as a question. You already decided what his stance was, before hearing it out first.
Asking why he tolerates it (as your post very clearly says) is a conclusion disguised as a question. You already decided what his stance was, before hearing it out first.
I know you're from Finland, but I'm sure you know the meaning of the word "if".
Asking why he tolerates it (as your post very clearly says) is a conclusion disguised as a question. You already decided what his stance was, before hearing it out first.
You mean like you did with me? You decided my stance, even though all I did was correct a misunderstanding of a certain point of view.
If there is some differentiating characteristic of one video compared to another, and the two videos get treated differently because of that characteristic, that is the exact opposite of a slippery slope.
Not sure if you're being deliberately obtuse or not but I'll take a final stab at this. Again, I'm guessing at what the original poster meant by slippery slope but to me it would mean, paraphrasing, two videos get treated differently because of immaterial differences which are magnified in importance beyond that justified by objective analysis.
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No, it's just me acknowledging that they're not a native speaker. Nice concern troll try though.
Pro tip: Wording it more politically correct doesn’t discard what you said at all.
Pro tip: Wording it more politically correct doesn’t discard what you said at all.
Pro tip: The way you word something can entirely change the meaning and context of something.
I know you're from Finland, but I'm sure you know the meaning of the word "if".
"If and why". Nope, still seeing a conclusion.

You mean like you did with me? You decided my stance, even though all I did was correct a misunderstanding of a certain point of view.
To quote you once more, "Wondering why it’s allowing it to be promoted." I know I may come across as pedantic, but that statement likewise has an implication that you too think the promotion is being done with the admins' blessings, without hearing any of them out.
To quote you once more, "Wondering why it’s allowing it to be promoted." I know I may come across as pedantic, but that statement likewise has an implication that you too think the promotion is being done with the admins' blessings, without hearing any of them out.
No, it really doesn't as that "statement" was a correction to what the user said, not my point a view. That was just stating what the user he quoted meant, as he got it completely wrong.

I wasn't aware putting a link to an outside source in a user's signature is proof that the administrator is promoting the content found from that link.

He didn’t say Jordan is promoting it, but more so Wondering why it’s allowing it to be promoted.
Maybe you didn't read the whole post and decided to latch on to one thing while ignoring the part that said "He didn't say Jordan is promoting it, but more so wondering why" - you know, the whole first half of that sentence? He being the poster you're responding to. Assuming the poster is actually a He, which I probably shouldn't have done in the first place, but that's besides the point.
Pro tip: The way you word something can entirely change the meaning and context of something.
It makes it passive aggressive is what it does
It’s literally the passive aggressive form of this below
>”lol ur from another country and you have different political opinions from me you’re too dumb to understand english XD”
Also, you didn’t deny it wasn’t ad hominem or try to defend that in any way.
Has anyone who is condemning this category of humor and the things its supporters say in the comments considered that these attitudes were not developed in a vacuum? Or taken care to remember that teenagers are naturally inclined to be edgy and many older members would be lying if they said they never acted edgy as a teenager?

In case it needs to be said, the fact that the (overtly) implied messages of these videos are reprehensible is the point. That's the joke. Maybe not every single person in the comments is joking, but you'll never parse that out without talking to them. Although the ones who are joking are liable to keep leading you on anyway, at least if you approach them over the internet.

Then, understand that this is catharsis for those who tire of the rhetoric disseminated today by or on the behalf of the identity groups being targeted. That's really what it's about. This isn't spontaneous, nor is it a reaction to women's rights, Mexicans, or Chinese people all by themselves.

The audience for this content revels in it because it flies in the face of the dominant narrative across all forms of media, regardless of the audience's actual honest beliefs or the noble intentions of that dominant narrative. They applaud it simply for existing, and the more pushback it gets, the less funny it has to actually be to attract viewers and praise.

I mean, there's really nothing funny about the video of punching the Chinese man, not because I think it's offensive, but because it's a very mundane clip for a Rockstar game. If not for the fact that it is guaranteed to be declared offensive, there is no joke. Outrage is its oxygen.
Not sure if you're being deliberately obtuse or not but I'll take a final stab at this. Again, I'm guessing at what the original poster meant by slippery slope but to me it would mean, paraphrasing, two videos get treated differently because of immaterial differences which are magnified in importance beyond that justified by objective analysis.
I don't think this is anything beyond a hypothetical at this point, though. If someone did make a video that was just shooting white cops in GTA and titled it and made it part of a series of creative ways to kill white cops and drew attention to it being about killing white cops, I'd assume YouTube would pull them too because overreacting to controversial things due to a handful of complaints from singularly humorless people is how YouTube handles everything; which is also their right to do even if they were hypocritical about it.

As such I'm not really seeing where the slippery slope comes into play, even if the pearl clutching responses the videos are getting are grating in and of themselves.
Perhaps you and @G.T.Ace (and all the people liking his post) should consider waiting for @Jordan to actually state an opinion on the youtuber first before jumping to ludicrous conclusions.
I'd imagine @Jordan isn't likely to explicitly state an opinion on the matter, but having the option to take action and thus far not being compelled to do so is itself indicative of an opinion. And, you know, more power to him.

Again, I'm guessing at what the original poster meant by slippery slope but to me it would mean, paraphrasing, two videos get treated differently because of immaterial differences which are magnified in importance beyond that justified by objective analysis.
To your mind, rather than the individual for whom you've chosen to speak, just where does this supposed slippery slope come into play with regards to an entity that cannot be compelled to justify any action it chooses to take?
Not sure if you're being deliberately obtuse or not but I'll take a final stab at this. Again, I'm guessing at what the original poster meant by slippery slope but to me it would mean, paraphrasing, two videos get treated differently because of immaterial differences which are magnified in importance beyond that justified by objective analysis.

"Slippery slopes" happen when one action or policy ends up having wider or larger consequences than intended, nuance gets thrown out the window, and things that are different end up getting treated the same. One favorite example is, of course, that allowing gay marriage will lead to people marrying their pets. Or in this case, that a ban on videos portraying violence against feminist video game characters will lead to a ban on all violent video game videos, regardless of any differentiating context.

But both the OP and you are clearly stating the opposite - that two videos will be treated differently because one lacks a characteristic the other has.

It seems to me that what you and the OP are actually bothered by is a sense that it's hypocritical to ban this video, but not other similarly violent videos*, and you're responding by throwing out a term that's often used by anti-PC types. It just doesn't apply here, though. Slippery slopes don't exist on well-defined surfaces.

*And as @Tornado just pointed out, this hypocrisy is hypothetical, and likely would turn out to not exist in practice
"Slippery slopes" happen when one action or policy ends up having wider or larger consequences than intended, nuance gets thrown out the window, and things that are different end up getting treated the same. One favorite example is, of course, that allowing gay marriage will lead to people marrying their pets. Or in this case, that a ban on videos portraying violence against feminist video game characters will lead to a ban on all violent video game videos, regardless of any differentiating context.

But both the OP and you are clearly stating the opposite - that two videos will be treated differently because one lacks a characteristic the other has.

It seems to me that what you and the OP are actually bothered by is a sense that it's hypocritical to ban this video, but not other similarly violent videos*, and you're responding by throwing out a term that's often used by anti-PC types. It just doesn't apply here, though. Slippery slopes don't exist on well-defined surfaces.

*And as @Tornado just pointed out, this hypocrisy is hypothetical, and likely would turn out to not exist in practice
Slippery slope is only a logical fallacy if there is no actual proof the slope would happen in the first place - if it were just speculation.
It just doesn't apply here, though. Slippery slopes don't exist on well-defined surfaces.

But the surface is not well-defined, it's slippery.

Like I said before, they masked taking down a video behind violence, rather than just coming out and saying what everybody's already thinking, that it's politics. And they leave up other, more violent videos. Ok, if that's not a slippery slope, then, sorry. But that doesn't take away from my point.
I mean it’s just a gameplay video for god sake... The world is so oversensitive it’s crazy. There are so much worse and harmful videos on YouTube but this guy get’s banned because some SJWs mass-report him...
There's literal porn hidden in youtube and people complain about this.
BTW the reaction from medias and those behind it reveal a sudden change in culture and counter culture whereas counter culture being the "edgy joke" against a "feminist activist". I think this whole situation says a lot about modern videogames and their cultural impact, something that deeply changed since gamergate.
Slippery slope is only a logical fallacy if there is no actual proof the slope would happen in the first place - if it were just speculation.

I didn't say anything about it being a fallacy at all. I said it doesn't make any sense to apply to a situation while also saying this:

Replace the feminist with any other NPC and it's just another RDR 2 video that won't get taken down.

If you change the characteristic in question (remove the feminist NPC), and the action taken changes (it "won't get taken down"), then it's not at all a slippery slope.


But the surface is not well-defined, it's slippery.

See above for a quote from you yourself defining it quite clearly.
I don't think this is anything beyond a hypothetical at this point, though. If someone did make a video that was just shooting white cops in GTA and titled it and made it part of a series of creative ways to kill white cops and drew attention to it being about killing white cops, I'd assume YouTube would pull them too because overreacting to controversial things due to a handful of complaints from singularly humorless people is how YouTube handles everything; which is also their right to do even if they were hypocritical about it.

As such I'm not really seeing where the slippery slope comes into play, even if the pearl clutching responses the videos are getting are grating in and of themselves.
This started when someone else mentioned a slippery slope. My take on it is just fleshing out what a slippery slope might mean in this context. I don't follow the political drama around social media censorship closely enough to know whether one exists or not although nothing would surprise me. For me, an example of a slippery slope would be banning a video that's entitled "Killing NPC Feminists in a Videogame" and not banning one entitled, "Killing NPC Black Men in a video game" or "Killing NPC Americans in a videogame" or "Killing any NPC subgroup identifiable by immutable characteristics in a videogame". If isolating a feminist subgroup and killing them is bad, isolating any and all subgroups and killing them is bad, in this context. Unless one believe that certain subgroups deserve more protection than another, which would be the slippery slope earlier referred to.
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