Shooting at the Pennsylvania Republican Presidential Election Rally

  • Thread starter TheCracker

It's crazy that this kid just woke up one day and decided he was going to do a cram session on this stuff.
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Someone tried to assassinate him, and instead of self reflection & taking time to value life, the first thought is, "How can we monetize this"?

Only Trump/MAGA.
@TexRex , I was wrong about the shoes. Donny prefers making money off the shooting using the photo as his new fundraiser image w/ "Fear Not" put on it, & then tying that to mugs & t-shirts with the same caption apparently.
Trump has also referenced the shooting in fundraising appeals to supporters, but mostly obliquely, releasing mugs and T-shirts with the phrase “Fear Not” and an image of him with his fist raised in front of an American flag — a similar pose to the one he took after he was shot, although it is not the same photo.
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This is fun.
Dude writes and produces a song and video in less than 24 hours of the actual events...


Seeing as it was..."produced" such short order, I wonder how accurate an account of said events it actually is.

So what we know is that the bitch what took the shot is a random nutjob that also wanted to shoot Biden...only Trump came closer, sooner. Surely the content reflects those facts?


Huh. Not even a little bit. But when you're one of the aggrieved pussies what this Canadian connie crybitch panders to, jumping to conclusions just to push a narrative and validate a viewpoint isn't merely seen as problematic, but it's actually a virtue.

Mental illness.
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But missed and hit Trump?
Maybe he also was asked by security how a potential assassination attempt would look like, then he just had a living through of the 2007 movie "Shooter".
But the other target was imaginary in his case, at least I didnt see what he wanted to target that could have been missed.