should cats be shot for killing birds ???

  • Thread starter DRIFT GOD
"The whole world now knows what we know; there are lots of Wisconsin hunters that would like to have permission to begin shooting cats legally."

i think this is rediculous, growing up my mom always had cats and on the dairy farm i work at there are cats so ive been around them my whole life and IMO they dont do any harm.

I'm with the hunters on this one. I hate cats too. But, they do some beneficial things like keep the rodent counts low despite being varmints that can cause problems.
The only reason I could justify hunting is if the hunter uses the animal's carcass for food, but I doubt a bunch of people from Wisconsin are going to eat cats. This just sounds dumb.
my mother always kept cat [or cats ] at home when i was growing up. i dont understand why people hate them. hardly anything a cat can do is harmful.
cats are clean, quiet, loyal animals, and also they keep rodents in check. why would they want to shoot them?
hardly anything a cat can do is harmful.
Tell that to the Chinese. SARS was believed to be spread mostly by cats. And, did you know male cats will rip apart kittens to ensure their dominance?
cats are clean
Oh no they're not. Just because they lick themselves doesn't mean they're clean. Cats carry a lot of diseases that can harm and kill humans. No, I'm not just talking about SARS either.
You've got to be kidding me? I guess you're the only person on the face of the earth who hasn't been awaken in the middle of the night by the sounds of two cats 'getting it on.' Which sounds like a bloody rape, BTW. Plus, their constant fighting to protect their turf is just as noisy.
loyal animals,
No, cats aren't really all that loyal. If someone can offer them a slightly better life, they'll leave and never come back.
and also they keep rodents in check. why would they want to shoot them?
I'll give you that one, sort of. They do make great rodent hunters, but it's nothing more than what I can do with a good pellet rifle.
In the house I used to live in, the next door neighbours had cats, they :

Killed birds (we found feathers and remains around the yard) :mad:
in our yard more then theirs :irked:
Crapped in our yard :mad:
Made noise fighting at night :irked:
Walked on our cars leaving paw prints :mad:

Im not a killing type person but this is enough to make me want to knock them off, but I didnt we told them (neighbours) to do something about it or they wont be around much longer. They wernt a problem again.

Also when I was young we had a cat, sometimes it loved to sleep on you when it felt like but when it had enough the cat would claw and scratch you then take off intill food time. Yeah thats real loyal :indiff: , a dog would never do that.
all i said there is my personal experience of first 20 years of my life. my mother loves cats, so we always had some. from 1 to 7.

male cats usually don't kill kittens. sometimes by accident, but they wont fight small kitten for dominance because it takes about 2 years before male cat is really a male cat and starts counting in territory stakes.. female cats sometimes will eat smallest of the lot if they cant support it. normal, its nature.

SARS believed to be spread by cats, even if it was so, so what? all living organisms are disease carriers. and it's not their fault, is it?

cats are clean. healthy cat is a clean animal - first sign of something being wrong with your cat is its dirtiness. take it to a vet. cats can be easily trained to even use a toilet if you wish. they dont eat their own **** as dogs do.
and cats do not carry diseases if taken care of. i mean cats living with people, not on the street. and i have yet to hear about someone dying because of his cat.

cats are much more quiet than dogs for example. they do become noisy around march/april, and they do make noise when they fight. but not as much as dogs, and it is far more tolerable.

not loyal. all those stories about cats left hundreds of miles away from their homes and then finding the way back must not be true then. cat will never leave you if you are just good to it. you dont have to do much, just dont beat it, dont scare it. have you ever tried to hold someone's cat? if it's not some genetically bred monster, but normal cat, you might have problems. normal cat will usually love people it lives with, but won't trust anyone else.if you try to give your cat to someone else after it spent some time with you, it will most probably run away and come back to you. also, it will remember you if you leave for a long time [like to do the uni] and then come back.

we could go on but its pointless. you hate cats and dont have any experience with them, maybe apart form shooting some.
i dont love them, i dont hate them. i know the cats because for many years they were living where i was.

i think that cats are clean, loyal, quiet animals. that it.
I have 2 cats and they are no problem at all, hell if you want animals you must be prepared to live with them and their antics ...

Ok they fight at night somtimes with other cats, but so what, you would too if someone just walked into your house as if they owned the place ... plus there's none of the dog crap to pick up every 2nd day ...

Well you can ask that question about anything ... should lions be shot for killing buck ... should I be shot for catching a fish ... come on ... :yuck:
I dont mind people have cats at all, what ****s me is when they come into my yard and cause problems.

Recently in my current home we are starting to have problems, my car alarm warning beep went off and I ran outside thinking someone maybe fiddling with my Skyline and it turns out to be cats jumping on the car. This make me really MAD!!
i freakin hate cats with a deep purple passion, go hunters, bring down the cats!

if you own a cat...bring it inside if it doesnt wanna get shot
i freakin hate cats with a deep purple passion, go hunters, bring down the cats!

if you own a cat...bring it inside if it doesnt wanna get shot

easy easy. god also created cats, just to let you know. :P
cats are clean. healthy cat is a clean animal - first sign of something being wrong with your cat is its dirtiness. take it to a vet. cats can be easily trained to even use a toilet if you wish. they dont eat their own **** as dogs do.
and cats do not carry diseases if taken care of. i mean cats living with people, not on the street. and i have yet to hear about someone dying because of his cat.


we could go on but its pointless. you hate cats and dont have any experience with them, maybe apart form shooting some.
i dont love them, i dont hate them. i know the cats because for many years they were living where i was.

i think that cats are clean, loyal, quiet animals. that it.
Cats as a pet are clean, loyal, quiet animals. Feral cats are not. I have experience with them first hand. From neighborhood clean-up, capture, neuter and release, to having a previously wild cat as a pet. When it came time, I held him as he was put to sleep.

Lets talk about Feral cats and their population. First, Feral cats are born wild from parents that were previously a pet. Escaped, set free, abandoned, it doesn't matter how they came to be wild. This litter of feral cats has never been a pet. Semi-wild instincts and only a desire to preserve its life. Scared of humans. The Population in the US is near 60 million feral cats ( Now you begin to understand why they want to start shooting cats. (as an aside, google "feral cat" and spend a few hours reading)

Ever heard of Feline Lukemia? FIV? Feline Diabetes? The feral cat that came to live with us had it all. FIV is basically Kitty AIDS, except highly transmittable to other cats and is deadly within a year. These diseases run rampant in feral cat population. What happens when your pet wanders outside and mingles with cats that have this? They contract the disease and bring it home to the rest of your cats. Now you've got one year left with them.

This is where your argument falls apart. You're looking at the cute cat sitting on the couch. The others are looking at the 60 million that are running wild.

The state laws in question are about any free roaming, uncollared cat. Do you let yours run around outside without a collar? If you do, you're giving them a death sentence.

I agree that Feral Cats should be done in. They cause nothing but problems, there was one in my neighborhood a few years back who kept scratching up cars and, needless to say, was found dead in a ditch a few days later.
Just to respond to the DSTC website, they really do gloss over the real problem.

Much like any website with a cause, they spin it for their benefit. Nowhere on that site does it mention anything related to Feral cat population. It doesn't state numbers or consequences. They hype the facts about killing cats to save song birds, which certainly not the driving force behind Question 62 in Wisconsin.

They brush on Trap, Neuter, Releae programs that have shown to be the best response to feral cat population, but sing out that cats are being killed because people think they are eating the birds.

Sometimes I hate people like this.

Cats kill all kinds of stuff. They're very human like in that they will often kill just for pleasure and not eat their prey. People don't like that kind of thing.

So, all you cat owners. Do you have outdoor cats? Have you NEVER received a present from kitty on your doorstep - a mouse, vole or sparrow - in the morning?

Famine likes cats.
here, i wasn't really argumenting anything, just described my experience as an answer to a person who doesn't think that cats are ok. and i was speaking about 'household' cats
i mean cats living with people, not on the street.

presents :), yes, they bring their prey to show off. :)
So, all you cat owners. Do you have outdoor cats? Have you NEVER received a present from kitty on your doorstep - a mouse, vole or sparrow - in the morning?
My cat likes to nibble on leaves of the various plants we have strewn throughout the house and leave presents for us in the morning all over the floor.

And by presents I mean Kitty-puke.
Why do I feel the words 'only in America' forming in my mind?


Exactly what I thought; wildwest style baby....

varmint = any usually predatory wild animal considered undesirable .
Feral Cat = A feral cat is a cat which has been separated from domestication, whether through abandonment, loss, or running away, and become wild .
So aside from the elitist comments from the germans ( they have the French to hunt ) Whats the problem with controlling the problem with hunting ?

So, all you cat owners. Have you NEVER received a present from kitty on your doorstep - a mouse, vole or sparrow - in the morning?

No, oddly enough. My cat is greedy, so she won't come near you when she has a bird or vole in her mouth, which makes it very difficult to stop her.
Im pretty sure that cats kill birds because of instinct. Good luck creating a law preventing them from killing birds, I dont think they would grasp the idea too well. So no, I say you cant hunt cats.
My cats would frequentley catch voles and kill them for fun. They would also bring live voles home, release them (the cats were only alowed in the back room) and kill them by morning.

Feral rats should be controlled, but not by shooting. Trapping maybe? Non lethal attack (Net shot), but shooting is abit harsh. Especially as if you don't kill it you've got a cat wandering round injured waiting to become road kill.
They'd grasp the idea of a bullet fairly well though, wouldn't you say?

If I had a big-ass fish pond and a cat was trying to catch my hideously-expensive Koi Carp, I'd shoot it (to scare it the FIRST time). No two ways about it.
Damn.... I was wrong.

Straight from the wisconsin goverment website:
Question 62 - Feral Cats

Studies have been done in Wisconsin concerning effects of free roaming feral domestic cats. These studies showed free roaming feral domestic cats killed millions of small mammals, song and game birds. Estimates range from a minimum of 47 million up to 139 million songbirds are killed each year. Free roaming feral domestic cats are not a native species in Wisconsin. The above mentioned cats do however kill native species therefore reducing native species.

At present free roaming feral domestic cats are not defined as a protected or unprotected species. Thus Wisconsin should move to define free roaming feral domestic cats, as any domestic type cat which is not under the owner's direct control, or whose owner has not placed a collar on such cat showing it to be their property. All such defined free roaming feral domestic cats shall be listed as an unprotected species. In so doing Wisconsin would be defining and listing free roaming feral domestic cats.

62. Do you favor the DNR take steps to define free roaming feral domestic cats by the previously mentioned definition and list free roaming domestic feral cats as an unprotected species?
Which is honestly about the dumbest reason to shoot feral cats I can think of.

Just goes to show that some people will buy anything.

:shoulder shrug smilie:

Who keeps Koi carp without placing mesh or gridding, even netting across the pond :dopey:

You'd shoot a heron?

No. I'd club a Heron to death with a hedgehog impaled on a garden cane.

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