cats are clean. healthy cat is a clean animal - first sign of something being wrong with your cat is its dirtiness. take it to a vet. cats can be easily trained to even use a toilet if you wish. they dont eat their own **** as dogs do.
and cats do not carry diseases if taken care of. i mean cats living with people, not on the street. and i have yet to hear about someone dying because of his cat.
we could go on but its pointless. you hate cats and dont have any experience with them, maybe apart form shooting some.
i dont love them, i dont hate them. i know the cats because for many years they were living where i was.
i think that cats are clean, loyal, quiet animals. that it.
Cats as a pet are clean, loyal, quiet animals. Feral cats are not. I have experience with them first hand. From neighborhood clean-up, capture, neuter and release, to having a previously wild cat as a pet. When it came time, I held him as he was put to sleep.
Lets talk about Feral cats and their population. First, Feral cats are born wild from parents that were previously a pet. Escaped, set free, abandoned, it doesn't matter how they came to be wild. This litter of feral cats has never been a pet. Semi-wild instincts and only a desire to preserve its life. Scared of humans. The Population in the US is near 60 million feral cats ( Now you begin to understand why they want to start shooting cats. (as an aside, google "feral cat" and spend a few hours reading)
Ever heard of Feline Lukemia? FIV? Feline Diabetes? The feral cat that came to live with us had it all. FIV is basically Kitty AIDS, except highly transmittable to other cats and is deadly within a year. These diseases run rampant in feral cat population. What happens when your pet wanders outside and mingles with cats that have this? They contract the disease and bring it home to the rest of your cats. Now you've got one year left with them.
This is where your argument falls apart. You're looking at the cute cat sitting on the couch. The others are looking at the 60 million that are running wild.
The state laws in question are about any free roaming, uncollared cat. Do you let yours run around outside without a collar? If you do, you're giving them a death sentence.