- 9,347
- Bay Area
- BlackbirdGTP
- Blackbird5150
That's cruelty and why don't you shoot yourself with one once and awhile?
598a. (a) Every person is guilty of a misdemeanor who kills any dogledhedBest bet is a .410 shotgun with # 4 shot . BTW has anyone ever skined a cat ? do they make good pelts ?
BlazinXtremeI've been shot by airsoft guns thousands of times, they just sting a tad. And what you rather me do, take my 30-06 to em? Or how about my .357 revolver? Or even more cruel frozen paintballs?
An airsoft gun just wakes the cat up, it doesn't even hurt em that much no discolor their fur. I'm not going to have cats crawling on my truck scratching it to hell and getting dirty paw prints over it.
Or you could just go up to it and shoo it away.
I thought Wisconsin was thinking of making them varmints ? Its a waste to just shoot them and let them rot. If the pelts were good for something it would be nice ..I dont think I could eat a cat..although dog meat is decent , cat just doesnt sound too appetizing.Solid Lifters598a. (a) Every person is guilty of a misdemeanor who kills any dog
or cat with the sole intent of selling or giving away the pelt of
such animal.
(b) Every person is guilty of a misdemeanor who possesses, imports
into this state, sells, buys, gives away or accepts any pelt of a
dog or cat with the sole intent of selling or giving away the pelt of
the dog or cat, or who possesses, imports into this state, sells,
buys, gives away, or accepts any dog or cat, with the sole intent of
killing or having killed such dog or cat for the purpose of selling
or giving away the pelt of such animal.
California has some laws you need to follow. But, a .223 Remington loaded with Varmint bullets is best choice to kill cats. I use a .25-06 myself. Good for a "one shot, one kill." A .410 shotgun with #4 buckshot works well too, I imagine, but I've never used it.
You can buy cat pelts on eBay. Or, at least you once could...
.Every person is guilty of a misdemeanor who possesses, imports
into this state, sells, buys, gives away or accepts any pelt of a
dog or cat with the sole intent of selling or giving away the pelt of
the dog or cat,
XVIIi freakin hate cats, shoot em for all i care, just try not to make a mess of it if you shoot one in my yard
I don't have a gun either, go figure. But I'm sure you'd have a shovel, or a rake or even a trowel in your garden to use as a weapon. Unless that is you have a tidy-garden compulsion.famineSo, it's kind of akin to saying "I wouldn't shoot over a cat's head if it were attacking my pet Gular. I'd teleport it away with a Goa'uld ring device buried in my lawn."
You haven't actually GOT a Goa'uld ring device buried in your lawn. Or a lasso. Or a long pole with a net on it. Or even a dead hedgehog impaled on a garden cane. So you'd scare off a cat attacking your pet Gular... how?
(assuming you have a pet Gular, which you probably don't).
XVIIi freakin hate cats, shoot em for all i care, just try not to make a mess of it if you shoot one in my yard
He sure does.why? he has a quite rare point of view, with a strong belief in god and the bible, in a by far more extreme way, at least it seems so to me, than the average beliefer;
Nate/XVII takes pleasure in cruelty or other peoples misfortune; so do Satanists.( other one is, how you like the mods ban people and make them look like idiots )
I've noticed that as well, another trait of Satanism.You like to kill god's creation ( cats, birds for cheap gas) you laugh at the "inferiority" of the banned people;
And pure hypocrisy, but that's what the church has always been about anyway.I mean you kind of slap other real beliefers in the face with " My real home is heaven" etc and those statements; that sounds like flaming,
I'd like to know as well.Are you as inconsequent as it seems, or is your belief fake or what ?
Please explain if you can and want.
boombexusCare to expand on that a bit further jreay21?
Here in the Opinions Forum it's usually best to expand a bit further on your opinion than just making a two letter post.
A post that contains one word and a smilie resembles spam more than anything else.
ExigeExcelIf you want to keep cats out of your garden, go pee in a bottle and eposit it at strategic points around your garden. There's an entire internet group that does it, they claim it keeps foxes away aswell.
You can't be serious...XVIIit's not like cats have souls...
XVIIit's not like cats have souls...
BlazinXtremeAccording to religion everything has a soul since it was created by God.
So, what I'm doing is sending a bunch of kitty souls to heaven? That doesn't sound too bad.BlazinXtremeAccording to religion everything has a soul since it was created by God.