should cats be shot for killing birds ???

  • Thread starter DRIFT GOD
Accidents happen, if you go around shooting cats for the hell of it you deserve a bullet in your ass..

Actually you don't since that is unjust punishment for the crime, but you would actually get in more trouble for the unlawful discharge of a firearm within the city. That's even more stupid since you can kill something that matters...a human.
I personally dont want cats sitting on my car wether it causes damage or not. Why accept unnecessary possible damage anyway, if it gets scratched at 30mph because of a stone, well thats bad luck. Also Cats set my alarm off, and leave dusty footprints on my clean car.

What annoys me more is the stupid cats dont have any interest sitting on the owners car (neighbours) but instead everyone elses. So I should put up with that because I may get a stone chip at 30mph anyway?
That cat is most likely someone's pet, a pet is a part of the family. Even if you don't like animals you still have to take the misery you cause in consideration when you kill some 10 year old girl's "Fluffy".
That cat is most likely someone's pet, a pet is a part of the family. Even if you don't like animals you still have to take the misery you cause in consideration when you kill some 10 year old girl's "Fluffy".

Misery? Like I said before I dont like to kill, I would NOT kill someones pet cat. If your were refering to me, reread my post as I never said anything about harming anyones cat.

I have my own pets and I know how much they mean to me.
or another way to look at it...

your beautiful cat that you have owned since it was born and was killed after 17 years


your only son or daughter who you have raised since you gave them life and was killed by someone after 17 years

i think you see a pretty big contrast of personal connection

human life above everything else...all this commotion about cats when really there are more important things to give concern over...such as human life
A cat has lived a whole life after 17 years. A human is only young at 17.

So, all you cat owners. Do you have outdoor cats? Have you NEVER received a present from kitty on your doorstep - a mouse, vole or sparrow - in the morning?

Oh man, constantly. They would go out and bring back this bloody, mangled squirrel or mouse, then want you to pet them. Gross.
viper, the point i was trying to make is that human life is so much more sacred than cat life and sometimes i feel we are getting too caught up in animal life and forgetting whats more important...human life
viper, the point i was trying to make is that human life is so much more sacred than cat life...

That was very selfish. They have every right to live as we do.
or another way to look at it...

your beautiful cat that you have owned since it was born and was killed after 17 years


your only son or daughter who you have raised since you gave them life and was killed by someone after 17 years

i think you see a pretty big contrast of personal connection

human life above everything else...all this commotion about cats when really there are more important things to give concern over...such as human life

Basically your example is correct, but...
well it doesn't matter so much in the end if it is a human being or an animal... imagine somebody on the other side of the planet dies, you don't know him and never would have, then you probably don't care about it at all, if you know the cat, or own it and love it, then you will care....
"human life above everything else" well... I don't know... in a way it is normal that humans care most about human lifes, but you have to realize : a human is by itself not worth more than an animal, it is always about the point of view ! And this thread is in away about ecological problems ( cats vs birds ) and not about dead relatives... that's why there is "all this commotion about cats" ... I mean I could also say " why is there a thread about God, while he doesn't even exist "
;) :lol:
Noooo, I would never say something like this of course :cheers:
viper, the point i was trying to make is that human life is so much more sacred than cat life and sometimes i feel we are getting too caught up in animal life and forgetting whats more important...human life
That sure as hell depends on who you asks... I'd get rid of a good amount of people before our cats !....
:odd: only in america, sure maybe a wild cat, but a pet?! so basically letting people decide what to do to other peoples property. theyr cats ffs thats what they do. while theyr at it why dont they let people discipline other peoples children or something stupidly american, but hey what can i say when the british are bored they make more health and safelt rules.
viper, the point i was trying to make is that human life is so much more sacred than cat life and sometimes i feel we are getting too caught up in animal life and forgetting whats more important...human life

Who has the right to decide what life is most important. Animals have just as much right to live as I do.
Who has the right to decide what life is most important. Animals have just as much right to live as I do.
No they don't.

Humans are more important than animals. Their needs fall short of ours. And if there are too many of them, we need to kill them off. Cats, dogs, rats or otherwise. Cat hunting would help generate money. Having the Government trap them and see to place them in loving homes would waste money.

EDIT: Woo-hoo!
Who has the right to decide what life is most important. Animals have just as much right to live as I do.

um... no.

That doesn't mean that it's ethical to go around killing animals needlessly or torture them, but this is certainly wrong.

Animals (minus dolphins maybe) are not self aware. Think of them kinda like Terri Schaivo - not much going on upstairs.
um... no.

That doesn't mean that it's ethical to go around killing animals needlessly or torture them, but this is certainly wrong.

Animals (minus dolphins maybe) are not self aware. Think of them kinda like Terri Schaivo - not much going on upstairs.

I can guaran-damn-tee you that our cats are self aware Mr. !... And with plenty going on upstairs to boot...
I can guaran-damn-tee you that our cats are self aware Mr. !... And with plenty going on upstairs to boot...

Put a cat next to a mirror and see what happens. It's not aware of its own movements - it has no ability to figure out what it's looking at.
Put a cat next to a mirror and see what happens. It's not aware of its own movements - it has no ability to figure out what it's looking at.
Neither will a 2 year old toddler - So in that sense, no... But they're still pretty aware about who's first in line, and it sure ain't me or the EO - So there is some sort of self awareness hidden...

Bah!.. They're smarter than most people I know...
I am a hunter and have an understanding of what the article is really about. Most in this thread are thinking or talking about domestic cats. I would imagine that the article is related to wild cats; mountain lions, bobcats, etc. In the hunting and wildlife management view, there may be an overpopulation problem in Wisconsin. Overpopulation of a particular animal can be quite harmful to the balance of things. Mountain lions have been known to attack and kill people, and livestock.
As far as domestic cats, recently in Tuscaloosa, Alabama a man shot and killed a house cat for climbing on his freshly restored muscle car, and was sentenced to 5 years in prison. How's that for an eye opener?
Neither will a 2 year old toddler - So in that sense, no

Yup. 2 year olds aren't very self aware.

But they're still pretty aware about who's first in line, and it sure ain't me or the EO - So there is some sort of self awareness hidden...

You mean they're greedy? Yea. Not terribly loyal? Yea - well some of them are. Animals have natural instincts for self-preservation. They follow their instincts, but that's not necessarily anything calculated.

Bah!.. They're smarter than most people I know...

Well, a lot of people are really stupid. Remember, half of everyone you meet is below average.

As far as domestic cats, recently in Tuscaloosa, Alabama a man shot and killed a house cat for climbing on his freshly restored muscle car, and was sentenced to 5 years in prison. How's that for an eye opener?

Can you post a link to the case?
um... no.

That doesn't mean that it's ethical to go around killing animals needlessly or torture them, but this is certainly wrong.

Animals (minus dolphins maybe) are not self aware. Think of them kinda like Terri Schaivo - not much going on upstairs.

There's also considerable evidence that pigs - along with us and dolphins - are aware of their own reflection.

So from a pseudo-ethical standpoint, it's less moral to eat bacon than it is to eat cat.

Or something.
So from a pseudo-ethical standpoint, it's less moral to eat bacon than it is to eat cat.

Maybe, but it sure is tastier. Cat meat is horrible, and a CLT doesn't sound good either.
So from a pseudo-ethical standpoint, it's less moral to eat bacon than it is to eat cat.

Some people swear by pigs as pets.

Maybe, but it sure is tastier. Cat meat is horrible, and a CLT doesn't sound good either.

Well we don't call pig meat "pig". We don't call cow meat "cow". So let's come up with something to call cat meat.

How about corf?? It's like pork, and beef with a c.

Anyway cats don't get nearly as fat as pigs do, so the meat to cat ratio is small and makes them better for pets (plus they're cuter).
Who has the right to decide what life is most important. Animals have just as much right to live as I do.

I'll try to remember that next time we fry up some chicken.
Well we don't call pig meat "pig". We don't call cow meat "cow". So let's come up with something to call cat meat.

How about corf?? It's like pork, and beef with a c.

How about "New Chicken", and keep the original chicken as "Classic Chicken"?

"Urban Venison"?
As far as domestic cats, recently in Tuscaloosa, Alabama a man shot and killed a house cat for climbing on his freshly restored muscle car, and was sentenced to 5 years in prison. How's that for an eye opener?

Ridiculous. Here, in SoCal, murderers can often plea-bargain their case down to just seven years in jail and only do 3 to 4 years of it.
um... no.

Animals (minus dolphins maybe) are not self aware. Think of them kinda like Terri Schaivo - not much going on upstairs.

Part 1 : a single ability, one parameter of an IQ-like thing... not really important here
Part 2 : Bull****

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