Should GT5 release this year when two other racing sims are due 3Q09?

  • Thread starter geo1098
As for GT4 vs PGR4, I finished to play GT4 at 12% and completely lost interest

Translation: Waaaaah, it was too hard.

I've played all the games being discussed. Personally, in terms of realism and how the cars feel compared to actual cars, I'd rank them with GT5P being at the top, followed at a distance by GT4/Forza 2 being fairly close to each other (but for different reasons - they each have fairly significant flaws), with PGR4 following at a fair distance. PGR4 isn't particularly realistic at all - it's very easy to be quick in that game, and good technique isn't as important to quick times as it is in any of the other games mentioned. (Incidentally, though it hasn't been mentioned, I'd slot Enthusia in just after GT5P. And I'd put things like the Test Drive and NFS games after PGR4).

On topic: Yes - if the game is ready, I do think that GT5 should be released. However, I'm not one of the ones complaining that PD are taking their time, or that they're not releasing any info (to be honest, I'm very busy at the moment so wouldn't have time to play it even if they did release it soon), so if PD decide the game isn't ready by the 3rd quarter of this year, then it would be a bad time to release it regardless of whether other sims are coming out around that time.
Another example: comparison with Forza 2

I put Clio V6 on Tsukuba, the last long round corner is good for testing limits.

In GT4 the limit was 10 mph less and car was just sliding parallel outside the turn when over throttling, while in Forza 2 it oversteer and spin inside, how it supposed to be for mid engine RWD.

Actually clio v6 understeers very bad in real life and drifts are hard to control so GT4 does better job with THIS car in my opinion.
Translation: Waaaaah, it was too hard.

Ohhhh man that's good

However, I'm not one of the ones complaining that PD are taking their time, or that they're not releasing any info (to be honest, I'm very busy at the moment so wouldn't have time to play it even if they did release it soon),

I'm in the same boat as you, but I don't know. I don't see myself getting any less busy any time soon. So the sooner it comes the better.. finding time will be difficult regardless.

*edit* Oh and I can't imagine any good reason for GT5 to NOT come out ASAP unless it is truly GT2-ishly unfinished. But even then, we always have DLC to kill the bugs :sly:
Actually clio v6 understeers very bad in real life and drifts are hard to control so GT4 does better job with THIS car in my opinion.
Just as Gran Turismo has an issue with understeer, Forza has an issue with oversteer. Many times I'd be giving a car moderate power into a turn, and it would want to keep on turning till I jerked the wheel or something to stop it. It's a nice game, but even with the physics tweaked for Ferrari Challenge, it does the same thing.

Personally, I think the street tires have too much grip, but GT could benefit from some tweaks on the tire grip dynamics itself, as it feels like it could use a bit more grip.
OK, consider it as my opinon only.

In my opinion PGR4 is closer to Prologue than GT4 in terms of physics, and different cars drives different in PGR4 which is not the case in GT4.

Both PGR4 and GT4 are not simulators, it's a type of racing game with some physics like Porsche Unleashed was

OK, consider it as my opinion only.


For someone who only competed 12% of the game, that's only around 4-5 days of playing time. Whereas you play "A COUPLE MONTHS" in PGR4, clearly you're not even playing enough in GT4. You're probably just sulking because you can't even finish your licenses >.>

If you're comparing GT4 with Porsche Unleashed, then NFS Pro Street must've been god and surpassed at least 2 generations of what Gran Turismo will offer.

Btw, since the estimated date is in 2010, I wonder if Sony will be kind enough to lower the price for the PS3? If they keep playing the hard drive game (swapping hard drive sizes, but keeping the same price), then...that's kind of a turnoff
NFS Shift looks to be a serious challenger and a step up from GT5P.

I don't know about being a step up from Prologue, but it is definitely looking like a serious contender. One thing to remember about EA is that they are a different company then they were two years ago. They are investing in new franchises (such as Mirror's Edge, Left 4 Dead, etc.) and, for the first time, seem to be serious about creating good games instead of licensed crap. Add the GTR team to this, and you're looking at a game that could potentially be the sim to least until GT5 comes out. Polyphony shouldn't be worried (from a business standpoint) about Shift, and it REALLY shouldn't be worried about Supercar Challenge, because at the end of the day, Gran Turismo still sells more than both of those series. There's no reason why GT5 shouldn't release in 2009, if the game is done by then.

I'll put in my two cents about this PGR4 vs Forza vs. GT5P issue. PGR4, while being a very good game in my opinion, is NOT a sim. The whole purpose of the game is to show off, end of story. The first Forza was also unrealistic, as the cars in that game had way too much oversteer. I'll admit they fixed the issue slightly in the sequel, but it still doesn't stand up to either of the other two games because it is neither fun (as in PGR4) nor realistic (as in GT5P).

GT5P isn't perfect either. Unless you are driving a car with racing tires, there is too much understeer. Also, instead of the car spinning out when you lose control, it merely skids in a straight line. But out of all the games, it's the closest to realism.
I just saw the trailer for NFS:S, and it looks great. Hopefully EA can indeed rectify their ways.

As for being a competitor to GT, I haven't seen enough evidence to suggest this might be close to GT though, but this is a relatively new project, so we'll have to wait and see. Race Driver looked promising too...