Should GT5 release this year when two other racing sims are due 3Q09?

  • Thread starter geo1098
Both PGR4 and GT4 are not simulators, it's a type of racing game with some physics like Porsche Unleashed was


Saying that GT4 is not a simulator is like saying that both Keira Knightley's and Miley Cyrus's faces are ugly.

I don't know which game you've been playing, but Forza is far from the "Ultimate Driving Simulator" it claimed to be. In the one I played (the first one) braking without the ABS sucked, and the tire sound sounded like Crap.

GT4, while it wasn't perfect, was a lot better than GT3, because of the inclusion of more cars and tracks, the cars braked and handled better, and it also fixed the TCS problem (cars would spin out under hard turns even with the TCS on in GT3).

so, was GT4 perfect? hardly. but it was better than anything on the Xbox. (with the exception of Rallisport Challenge 2 & Sega GT Online, of course:D)
OK, consider it as my opinon only.

In my opinion PGR4 is closer to Prologue than GT4 in terms of physics, and different cars drives different in PGR4 which is not the case in GT4.

Both PGR4 and GT4 are not simulators, it's a type of racing game with some physics like Porsche Unleashed was

I just wrote a big response to you, but I then deleted, as no offence, but I think my long winded factual response is wasted on you.


Just a quick question: Have you driven a car, and can it go around a 50mph corner at 90mph like what is possible in PGR4. I think you will find that if you tried to do this in what ever car you may have driven or owned, you would find that it would understear/oversteer much like in GT4 and head straight into the nearist wall.
Just a quick question: Have you driven a car, and can it go around a 50mph corner at 90mph like what is possible in PGR4.

Well, there is no signs like "XX mph" on corners.

50 mph is too slow, you can do 60-65 in rounded 90 degrees turn with some crap Corolla using one line. To be more precise I usually used same road to work and passed this turn at 60mph just for fun:,-119.830552&spn=0.003119,0.004828&t=k&z=18

in GT4 you can't do it
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Another example: comparison with Forza 2

I put Clio V6 on Tsukuba, the last long round corner is good for testing limits.

In GT4 the limit was 10 mph less and car was just sliding parallel outside the turn when over throttling, while in Forza 2 it oversteer and spin inside, how it supposed to be for mid engine RWD.

I did same with Prologue and 350Z on Suzuka, this time traction limits are very consistent with Forza 2 and car behavior is very similar between both games.

That's why I have a feeling that traction limits in GT4 was lowered
I think new NFS game will be something like GRID, part Sim, Part Arcade. Not very interested in that. But lets see how they go :) I really want a Good NFS game, I did not pick up NFS since HOT Pursuit 2.

As well GT5 should have some sneak PICS at least of the MENUES and other stuff.

I have X360 and PS3 and enjoying two best racing games ever created. PGR 4 is pretty good as well, though not exactly simulator but at least has better physics than GT4.

Have a lot of doubts about Shift, the series turned to trash long time ago

PGR4 was fun, but its arcade physics.. LOL! GT4 was sim, even it's out dated now, it still more sim and realistic over PGR4. LOL! EPIC FAIL!
If by outdated you mean something like 1996 level, than yes.

Racing non simulator games of the year 2000 like NFS 5 already had more hardcore physics. GT4 wouldn't be consider as sim even 9 years ago

Funny.. So why cars in NFS react unrealistic compared to GT4?
The real question is: Should other racing sims release at the same time as GT5?

I think the games will be out in 09, and GT5 in 2010, early.

Lets say 09.. hmm.. should they release at same time? I should say no, GT will still dominate them with PS3 sales. NFS will be multiplatform, so it will do good because of Xbox360. But, for the super car challenge, they should release before GT5 because if player goes into a game store. He or she sees both games, of course he will pick GT game over the other game. GT has history behind it and sales charts to prove it's popularity.

So for the other games to make good profit, release before GT5.. But since GT5 is 2010, no worries.
It looks a way better than Nurburgring in PGR 4. And of course no comparison to GT4 due to old gen. I'm sure forest in GT5 won't be just collection of 200 yards long cardboards
It may look better, but the course layout is ****. It is nothing like the real thing. Some parts are way to wide or way to thin.

Oh, and last I checked, the rumble strips on the 'Ring are not a foot high, and do not send you flying on 2 wheels if you hit them at 60mph.
Another example: comparison with Forza 2

I put Clio V6 on Tsukuba, the last long round corner is good for testing limits.

In GT4 the limit was 10 mph less and car was just sliding parallel outside the turn when over throttling, while in Forza 2 it oversteer and spin inside, how it supposed to be for mid engine RWD.

I did same with Prologue and 350Z on Suzuka, this time traction limits are very consistent with Forza 2 and car behavior is very similar between both games.

That's why I have a feeling that traction limits in GT4 was lowered
What does Forza 2 have to do with this now? Both GT4 & FM2 have their ups and downs on each other, but PGR4 comes nowhere close to either of this titles, so why bring it up?
Both GT4 & FM2 have their ups and downs on each other, but PGR4 comes nowhere close to either of this titles, so why bring it up?

Both Forza 2 and GT5 have their ups and downs, not GT4.

First Forza just crashed GT4 like a plastic toy, GT5 is completely different story and now Turn10 must catch up in some points.

As for GT4 vs PGR4, I finished to play GT4 at 12% and completely lost interest, and PGR4 kept me busy for 1.5 month. The driving was more enjoyable, cars are harder to control and they were different in driving. So I rate PGR4 higher, in my opinion of course
OK, consider it as my opinon only.

In my opinion PGR4 is closer to Prologue than GT4 in terms of physics, and different cars drives different in PGR4 which is not the case in GT4.

Both PGR4 and GT4 are not simulators, it's a type of racing game with some physics like Porsche Unleashed was
You gotta put more tabaco dude that thing is too strong:crazy:! There isnt better physics then in GT series. And no other game will ever get near it. just my opinion. GranTurismo all the way:tup:
I believe otago is probably a clever troll, nobody can realistically believe PGR4 has better physics than GT4, unless they're trolling, or like twelve years old.

As for the OP, I don't think GT5 will have anything to worry about at all.
Oh come on mate, thats like me saying NFS Undercover feels like GT4.... even thought PGR4 is better graphics and gameplay wise then the dammned thing ea call a game physics wise they are similar.
And how on earth do you see more in Forza 1 then in GT4, GT4 was and is superior to Forza 1 in every way, Contents wise GT4 has about 2-3x as much, Car handling is far better in GT4 and I have played hardcore sims like Rfactor and GTR.
You seem like a fanboy to me? Please keep ur info straight.
I myself love GT but I do respect how well Turn 10 made forza 2 in such a short period of time and if Forza 3 were to come out before GT5 I will buy a 360 for it and wait for GT5 playing it ;),
But whats true is true you cant simply say wrong things no matter how much you like that game.
I would agree that GT4 does have a bias towards understeer as opposed to oversteer, and this is one of the features of GT4 that may not be the most realistic, though everything else about GT4 is more reaisit than PGR4, and and lots of cases Forza 2, though Forza in some instances betters GT4 but overall GT4 is more realistic than Forza 2 also.
On topic: GT5 has nothing to worry about because other racing games are to be released this year. It's the other way around, I guess all other publishers are worried about GT5 release.

Off topic: I never played PGR so I can't comment. GT4's physics, however, were "hit and miss", something GT fans (the ones that will always think GT physics are THE BEST no matter what) only fully realized when GT5P was released.
But when GT fans talked about GT4 physics being best they meant realism. Sure there are plenty of other games that have amazing physics, heck even Little Big Planet, but is it realistic physics? no. So I think when people say GT4 had best physics they mean simulation of the car. Besides what other game back in the day could compare lap times to real life?

And I agree, GT5 has nothing to worry its the other game companies that should.
I'm starting to think that otago is an troll just trying to provoke gt fans. Maybe he's an employee of sony trying to get us all fired up about the GT5 release... (lol I wish...)

The things he's saying just don't make sense... Who cares what turn you drive around on your way to work? what does that have to do with GT physics? 1996 Physics? better physics in NFS? or PORSCHE UNLEASHED? are you kidding?
Both Forza 2 and GT5 have their ups and downs, not GT4.

First Forza just crashed GT4 like a plastic toy, GT5 is completely different story and now Turn10 must catch up in some points.
Wrong. There are plenty of track folks here who have dis-proven your theory before.
As for GT4 vs PGR4, I finished to play GT4 at 12% and completely lost interest, and PGR4 kept me busy for 1.5 month. The driving was more enjoyable, cars are harder to control and they were different in driving. So I rate PGR4 higher, in my opinion of course
The driving is easier because its unrealistic, the cars are harder to control because the faster the car, the more sensitive the steering becomes (and ironically, also due to the unrealistic physics), and they were only different in speed.

Your excuses for PGR4 being better though, have nothing to do with its physics being "better" than GT4. And on that same note, you can not have an opinion that you think PGR4 physics are more realistic than GT4. Sorry, but that's like me saying, "In my opinion, a M3 is faster than an Enzo".
Well, I'm sure that most of you, like me, have played several games throughout these years, and, like me, many have been 'sims',or at least tried to be. It started with GT2 when I was around 7 or 8, and that racing passion grew as I grew older.I've played racing games in all sorts of entertainment systems, Arcade,PS1,PS2,Sega Saturn,PC,Xbox and Xbox 360,etc, and therefore, many different racing games.
This is very off topic,but it's intended to give some kind of credibility to my post.

Now,on topic, I thought GT4 was realistic when it came out. I mean, I thought GT2 was more fun because the cars felt looser and somewhat more real, but I had never driven a car at that point,so, how could I know the difference? But as time went by and a couple of other sim racers came across, I changed my opinion. For example, enthusia, it felt so real, like cars had real weight on them and I was actually able to perform powerslides,unlike GT4 - don't get me wrong, I did my part on GT4 drift, and believe me, I would drift anything with n1 and 300 hp. But with enthusia,it felt more right,more real, dunno why.Same with LFS,Rfactor, even GT3, which in many ways felt like enthusia, and it was such a marvellous to drift in. Recently, I bought a xbox 360 and Forza 2. I felt and feel bad because I'm a die hard sony and GT fan boy, but I had to do it because PS3's are way too expensive to me. But, I'm having way more fun with Forza 2 than with GT4,in all honesty. I mean, engine and drivetrain swaps?Customizing?Fun physics?Damage? Just the swaps alone made me WWWOOOAAAAAHHH it. As you may have noticed,I won't be picking up GT 5,but I will be picking up Forza 3,and I seriously look foward to it.

Bottom line is, don't bash on Forza, not without actually playing it. Trust me because I used to do that, and now I know I was wrong.
Well pick up PS3 and GT5P you will change your mind about realism. It feels so, way different then previous GT games, and better then Forza 2 in realism. Sure no damage.. yet.

offtopic lol
PS3 is not that much more expensive.. GameStop Prices.
80gig PS3 with 50 dollar GameStop online card is 400 dollars (so free game with it)
60gig xbox is 300 dollars. No free game, missing half the features PS3 has. plus 50 dollars to play online..

So in the end for ONE year of both systems.. 350 for PS3 350 for Xbox360.. same price.. one is missing half the features ;)
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I believe it is,but if you think about it, GT5P came after forza 2,and if they're making a new one,it'll be set to 'beat' GT5P, so it will only get better.
Well, that may be true where you live, USA, but, life here in Portugal is way different. I have to pay for my college, my room which is not in the campus, and even though the school and room are paid by my parents, I have to pay for everything else every month with roughly 180 bucks. Well, that being said, I don't have much room for extra expenses. I would never ask money from my parents to buy a console,something I don't need, so I sold some stuff and ended up with the money for a 'special' xbox 360 for 260 bucks.Special in the way that I don't have to go to the store to have games,if you know what I mean.Cheap way,but, I can't do anything about it. I don't play live as i don't have internet on my school room too.
I think Forza 3 wont change much from Forza 2. Unless they use new Xbox 3 (not 360)
When you play GT5P with wheel, then play Forza2, forza feels like it is on Original Xbox. Its that much better man. When Forza 3 comes out, then GT5 FULL game will come out. But release dates do not make games better, its quality put into them.
My biggest problem with Forza 3 will be the lack of a good wheel, besides Fanatec Turbo S which is limited and how well turn 10 will support such a wheel considering it is so limited.
Let me simply answer by saying what I and many of my friends will be doing when GT5 is released.

The day before GT5 release I shall be packing away my Xbox 360 into its box. This will be followed by a phone call to MS to cancel my Xbox live subscription. I may even trade my 360 in so I can save towards a G25.

Simply put when GT5 is released no other racing game will get a look in from me even FM3. I can see myself playing GT5 for many years because im a big fan of hotlapping (member of TRC racing club) and the vast amount of tracks/cars will keep me going for ages!
OK, consider it as my opinon only.

In my opinion PGR4 is closer to Prologue than GT4 in terms of physics, and different cars drives different in PGR4 which is not the case in GT4.

Both PGR4 and GT4 are not simulators, it's a type of racing game with some physics like Porsche Unleashed was

First of all, are you basing these statement while using FFB steering wheel for both games, GT4 and PGR4. In GT4, it's best if you turn off both the traction control and stability management (which entail would not try to control both oversteer and understeer). When you're in the steering wheel option, choose simulation mode (as oppose to arcade, yes even GT4 has that option). Instead of using R or even S3 tires (default for most cars), choose N2-S1 tires. PGR4 is closer to Midnight Club and oh so far away from GT4.
My biggest problem with Forza 3 will be the lack of a good wheel, besides Fanatec Turbo S which is limited and how well turn 10 will support such a wheel considering it is so limited.

What you mean limited? Limited by supply of units? I think fanatec won't stop producing the wheel if it sells. Why would they?