Well, I'm sure that most of you, like me, have played several games throughout these years, and, like me, many have been 'sims',or at least tried to be. It started with GT2 when I was around 7 or 8, and that racing passion grew as I grew older.I've played racing games in all sorts of entertainment systems, Arcade,PS1,PS2,Sega Saturn,PC,Xbox and Xbox 360,etc, and therefore, many different racing games.
This is very off topic,but it's intended to give some kind of credibility to my post.
Now,on topic, I thought GT4 was realistic when it came out. I mean, I thought GT2 was more fun because the cars felt looser and somewhat more real, but I had never driven a car at that point,so, how could I know the difference? But as time went by and a couple of other sim racers came across, I changed my opinion. For example, enthusia, it felt so real, like cars had real weight on them and I was actually able to perform powerslides,unlike GT4 - don't get me wrong, I did my part on GT4 drift, and believe me, I would drift anything with n1 and 300 hp. But with enthusia,it felt more right,more real, dunno why.Same with LFS,Rfactor, even GT3, which in many ways felt like enthusia, and it was such a marvellous to drift in. Recently, I bought a xbox 360 and Forza 2. I felt and feel bad because I'm a die hard sony and GT fan boy, but I had to do it because PS3's are way too expensive to me. But, I'm having way more fun with Forza 2 than with GT4,in all honesty. I mean, engine and drivetrain swaps?Customizing?Fun physics?Damage? Just the swaps alone made me WWWOOOAAAAAHHH it. As you may have noticed,I won't be picking up GT 5,but I will be picking up Forza 3,and I seriously look foward to it.
Bottom line is, don't bash on Forza, not without actually playing it. Trust me because I used to do that, and now I know I was wrong.