Should GT6 include cockpit view when 95% of players don't use it?

  • Thread starter Natino64
100% of players could not use cockpit view but it should still be there. What do you want PD to do, give the cars thick black tint like previous GT titles? Its nice seeing the drivers in the cars as well as the ability to admire each cockpit in replays etc even if you dont race from that view
Apparently I am in the minority. I always use cockpit view, unless it is too obstructed, or if I am having difficulty with an event. Then I have to switch to the 95 percenters and use a view that I can see more of what is coming at me.

Cockpit is most realistic, it is a bit more difficult because of the view, but that's why the real men use it!

I was also a big proponent of a generic interior view for standard cars, so that made me happy when pd gave standards cockpit view as well.

I only hope GT6 has an adjustable view within the cockpit view, that would help immensely!
5% versus 95%? Is Codemasters currently run by the Occupy-movement to come up with this daft decision?

Seriously, this isn't even up for debate regarding GT6 or future GT-games in general.
By the way, what's all this 'we don't need this' or 'name 5 things which should be removed' threads in this GT6 section?
I know the endless and gigantic wishlists are ridiculous but this is the other extreme.
This thread feels kind of troll-ish (nothing personal, OP). Just beacuse most prefer to use bumper cam, that doesn't mean that Cockpit view is useless.

I don't give a damn which cam gives you the best times; it's all about getting immersed in the game. Cockpit cam is the best that could've happend to Gran Turismo, and all cars should have it in GT6. I use it all the time even in the Citroen GT which has the most obstructive Cockpit view of all. And I dont care if I loose the race because of that, since it's the feeling that I get what matters the most to me.

I don't see the point of this thread, honestly. It's like asking, should the "custom" exhaust tips be ditched in GT6? They don't do nothing in reality, plus, most players don't even see them while driving. So it's a waste of time.

I am certain that if GT drops the cock-pit cam just to satisfy some group of "elitist" GT players who don't like it because they can't handle it, I won't be buying the game.
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Defiantly keep cockpit view.
If you took out cockpit view then you would be taking a step back instead of moving forward.

The interior of a car is important part of a car as well as giving you the impression that there is someone behind the wheel. It gives you immersion and adds a human side to it.
The thread title should be changed...

Should GT6 include cockpit view when 95% of grid players don't use it?

The answer is of course, yes.
The thread title should be changed...

Should GT6 include cockpit view when 95% of grid players don't use it?

The answer is of course, yes.

The way the cars bounce around in Grid, I wasn't a fan of their cockpit views. That being said, I love the dynamic feel of the GT5 cockpit view functions so I say 🤬 yes ;)
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In GT5, personally, I always use the cockpit view with the hud turned off, due to it's photo realism in premiums of course, watching at your speed on the dashboard, check your gas fuel during endurances, looking at the working clocks at the dash and looking at the mirrors is amazing. I wonder why players wouldn't use it? It's enjoyable and realistic.

Hopefully GT6 will have more working gas and time on the cars. I'm sure PD didn't finish implementing them on GT5.
No you can't. All you get is different zoom levels. He's referring to the ability to move your seat up and down, forwards and backwards.
I think the issue here is arcade racers are not suited for interior camera views.

While I don't use cockpit view on a regular basis, it's nice to have it there. It's especially helpful to see what the interior of a car looks like that you might not have the ability to ever see due to the car not being in your market.
No you can't. All you get is different zoom levels. He's referring to the ability to move your seat up and down, forwards and backwards.
Wouldn't moving your seat forwards and backwards be the same as zooming in and out? When you say "up and "down" do you mean adjust the players seat? I don't see the benefit to lowering the seat, unless different sized player characters are added. :lol:
If you've played a proper simulator, you'd find the abilities of moving your seat to be much greater than just zooming in and out.
Ditching the cockpit view would be a major step in the wrong direction for PD, in my opinion. As a matter of fact, ditching any view that is already in the game would be a major step back.
If you've played a proper simulator, you'd find the abilities of moving your seat to be much greater than just zooming in and out.
I said moving the seat forward and backward would be the same as zooming in and out. Explain what you mean by "moving your seat", what are you trying to adjust?
GRID 2 is ditching cockpit view, because according to Codemaster's research, 95% of players don't use it, preferring 3rd person or bonnet camera angles.

With this in mind, should PD "waste" development time by adding cockpit views to their new cars? Or should they focus on other things that everybody will use?

Personally, whilst I stick to bonnet view (I'm not looking at my dashboard when I drive in real life, haha) I feel the cars have a more "complete" feeling to them when they have the option of cockpit view, even though I don't use it that much. The only time I do use it is when I'm taking a leisurely Sunday drive around a track, haha :)


EDIT: 95% of players don't use cockpit views, source:

I say that this is a biased comparision because Gran Turismo and GRID are two completely different games. In Arcade-ish games like GRID, people tend to use the bumper/roof and 3rd person view cameras more often. For Gran Turismo, or any other simulator like iRacing, watch the percentage of users who use cockpit view rise.
So...let's recap.
5% of GRID players use cockpit view. This translates to about 12 people.
5% of GRID players were angry when the next GRID came out.
Does this mean 5% of racing game players use cockpit view? No.
Even if only 5% of GT players used cockpit view, should it be removed? No.
Will GT6 probably include cockpit view? Yes.
That's really cool :) . Adjust those mirrors and get rid of those blindspots :P .

Oh, that makes sense. So it was like an in-game survey or something?

You could just read the statement from CM that was linked rather than be lazy and let someone else do it for you.