Should I even trust my mom?

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United States
I've had many problems with my mom and one of these problems makes me lose trust in her.

Number 1. One time last month, a fight broker out early in the morning. My mom was about to call 911 but the people left and therefore my mom didn't called the police. What the heck? Have you ever heard of the word investigating? Don't give me that excuse saying that you weren't born in the US mom. You've watched plenty of movies to know what it means.

Number 2. My sister recently ordered a Zoroark plushy for me from Amazon. Since July, I haven't got it yet. Yesterday, I told my mom to ask my sister to phone Amazon to contact the seller. Unfortunately my mom keeps telling me to call Amazon. Seriously? Never have I ordered anything myself and I'm not even a loyal customer to Amazon. She keeps saying it's my responsibility to call them but it should be my sister's responsibility to call them in the first place since she ordered it. What the 🤬? Saying that is like forcing someone to go to war without any military training.

Number 3. I've had many people bully me on PSN. I've told my mom to contact sony to try and get them banned but because my mom probably think the earth will self destruct if she calls sony herself. She won't do it. Please bullying is a seriously thing and you want your son to be depressed or commit suicide over these 🤬? I wouldn't think so. A smart parent would of just call sony to get them ban. People like this shouldn't get away with this.

I hope my mom realizes her problems. It makes me think she wants me to suffer for all eternity. Why wasn't I raised by animals or was born as a wild animal? Instead I'm living through this hell.
Oh dear.

How old are you? Yes it is your sisters responsibility to phone them but it isn't like you can't! Do you have a phone phobia?
Your details on this fight are vague. Where did it happen for example? How much fighting was there? Was it a simple shove and 🤬 off? Or was it something more?
People bullying you on the internet. It isn't something new and it isn't something that will stop. Sorry but unless it is people you know then ignore them and move on.
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Oh dear.

How old are you? Yes it is your sisters responsibility to phone them but it isn't like you can't? Do you have a phone phobia?
Your details on this fight are vague. Where did it happen for example? And the police are a valid option. How much fighting was there? Was it a simple shove and 🤬 off? Or was it something more?
People bullying you on the internet. It isn't something new and it isn't something that will stop. Sorry but unless it is people you know then ignore them and move on.

Outside of my house. Regardless if there wasn't much fighting or not, it was still a seriously situation.
You have to understand that your mom won't be always there to solve your problems,like @1241Penguin said,you should grow up...about the bullying,just don't pay attention to that,move on.
If you're seriously getting bullied profusely, you need to personally take a stand on that. Your mother can help to a certain extent, but unless you personally take a stand against it, it won't go away. And as for Amazon, couldn't you just e-mail them and request an update on the order?
I've had many problems with my mom and one of these problems makes me lose trust in her.
I've had many problems with my mom and one of these problems makes me lose trust in her.

Number 1. One time last month, a fight broker out early in the morning. My mom was about to call 911 but the people left and therefore my mom didn't called the police. What the heck? Have you ever heard of the word investigating? Don't give me that excuse saying that you weren't born in the US mom. You've watched plenty of movies to know what it means.

Real life is not CSI. If the fight sorted itself out fast enough that she didn't even see it necessary to call police, then having them come down there would not change anything. If it had become more serious, and you were concerned about any party's wellbeing, well...

Why don't you pick up the phone?

Number 2. My sister recently ordered a Zoroark plushy for me from Amazon. Since July, I haven't got it yet. Yesterday, I told my mom to ask my sister to phone Amazon to contact the seller. Unfortunately my mom keeps telling me to call Amazon. Seriously? Never have I ordered anything myself and I'm not even a loyal customer to Amazon. She keeps saying it's my responsibility to call them but it should be my sister's responsibility to call them in the first place since she ordered it. What the 🤬? Saying that is like forcing someone to go to war without any military training.

Are you comparing not getting a gift someone bought you from an online shop to going to war? Or having to call? If you are that concerned with how long the package is taking to arrive, well...

Why don't you pick up the phone?

Number 3. I've had many people bully me on PSN. I've told my mom to contact sony to try and get them banned but because my mom probably think the earth will self destruct if she calls sony herself. She won't do it. Please bullying is a seriously thing and you want your son to be depressed or commit suicide over these 🤬? I wouldn't think so. A smart parent would of just call sony to get them ban. People like this shouldn't get away with this.

Would have. Not would of.

Shutting out abusive accounts is quite easy on PSN. If people are relentless, and it's your account, well...

Why don't you pick up the phone?

I hope my mom realizes her problems. It makes me think she wants me to suffer for all eternity. Why wasn't I raised by animals or was born as a wild animal? Instead I'm living through this hell.

I hope you realize yours, as there seems to be a consistent theme here. And no, this is not hell.
Number 2. My sister recently ordered a Zoroark plushy for me from Amazon. Since July, I haven't got it yet. Yesterday, I told my mom to ask my sister to phone Amazon to contact the seller. Unfortunately my mom keeps telling me to call Amazon. Seriously? Never have I ordered anything myself and I'm not even a loyal customer to Amazon. She keeps saying it's my responsibility to call them but it should be my sister's responsibility to call them in the first place since she ordered it. What the 🤬? Saying that is like forcing someone to go to war without any military training.

I'm confused, was this a gift or did you give her the money for it? If it's the latter I'd talk (directly) to your sister as she may have just taken the money and ran.

Number 3. I've had many people bully me on PSN. I've told my mom to contact sony to try and get them banned but because my mom probably think the earth will self destruct if she calls sony herself. She won't do it. Please bullying is a seriously thing and you want your son to be depressed or commit suicide over these 🤬? I wouldn't think so. A smart parent would of just call sony to get them ban. People like this shouldn't get away with this.

I have never been able to understand how someone gets cyber-bullied seeing as you can easily block them on just about every outlet possible.

Instead I'm living through this hell.

If you're 17 as your profile says (Which I doubt after reading that post), you should be solving your problems by that age. Haven't asked my parents for help on problems in a couple of years, but instead I sometimes ask them what do they recomend me to solve them, and mechanical tips from my father.
  1. Police wasn't needed because the "fight" broke up and I guess the involved didn't needed anything more than first aid
  2. Your sister ordered it and should be ideal that she solves that, but you can still contact them.
  3. Seriously?
You're 17. You should be able to solve problems that are as simple as picking up a phone.

Hardly "hell":rolleyes:

Never have I ordered anything myself and I'm not even a loyal customer to Amazon. She keeps saying it's my responsibility to call them but it should be my sister's responsibility to call them in the first place since she ordered it. What the 🤬? Saying that is like forcing someone to go to war without any military training.

I am lost for words.
I think this isn't so much an issue with your mom as it is with you wanting her to solve all these problems for you (which won't be forever). Lets look over these:

Number 1. One time last month, a fight broker out early in the morning. My mom was about to call 911 but the people left and therefore my mom didn't called the police. What the heck? Have you ever heard of the word investigating? Don't give me that excuse saying that you weren't born in the US mom. You've watched plenty of movies to know what it means.

Why does she need to investigate? Unless its a urgent enough threat towards your family or property, that is completely unnecessary. Whatever issue the two individuals in question had with each other is between them, its none of your concern until it actually involves you or your family therefore its irrelevant.

Number 2. My sister recently ordered a Zoroark plushy for me from Amazon. Since July, I haven't got it yet. Yesterday, I told my mom to ask my sister to phone Amazon to contact the seller. Unfortunately my mom keeps telling me to call Amazon. Seriously? Never have I ordered anything myself and I'm not even a loyal customer to Amazon. She keeps saying it's my responsibility to call them but it should be my sister's responsibility to call them in the first place since she ordered it. What the 🤬? Saying that is like forcing someone to go to war without any military training.

So you've never ordered anything for yourself, that much I understand. However instead of reacting in such a way, try to actually call them. She's not forcing you to do anything, she's simply telling you, the interested party, to call them.

Number 3. I've had many people bully me on PSN. I've told my mom to contact sony to try and get them banned but because my mom probably think the earth will self destruct if she calls sony herself. She won't do it. Please bullying is a seriously thing and you want your son to be depressed or commit suicide over these 🤬? I wouldn't think so. A smart parent would of just call sony to get them ban. People like this shouldn't get away with this.

Simple solution right here: Block them. No need to contact Sony and have them be the super police, just block their usernames and that's it.

I hope my mom realizes her problems. It makes me think she wants me to suffer for all eternity. Why wasn't I raised by animals or was born as a wild animal? Instead I'm living through this hell.

Its not her that needs to realize anything, its you that needs to realize you have to take responsibility and stop overreacting so much. You will be on your own one day so you shouldn't always depend on your mom to do everything for you, otherwise you won't learn anything and this sort of attitude will get you nowhere. As many others have said, you need to grow up.
  • I've had many problems with my mom and one of these problems makes me lose trust in her.

  • My sister recently ordered a Zoroark plushy for me from Amazon.

  • I've had many people bully me on PSN. I've told my mom to contact sony to try and get them banned but because my mom probably think the earth will self destruct if she calls sony herself.

  • It makes me think she wants me to suffer for all eternity. Why wasn't I raised by animals or was born as a wild animal? Instead I'm living through this hell.

Oh, come on! How old are you really? Because you're not 17. Don't lie to me, boy!
I've had many problems with my mom and one of these problems makes me lose trust in her.
I will assume your profile is accurate. You are 17. You have less than a year until you are legally an adult. What will you do then? Start learning how to do things yourself. The last thing you want is to be a 30-something still living at home, letting your mom cook your meals and do your laundry.

Also, don't be the guy in the neighborhood who calls cops over every little thing. I don't know how you are defining fight, but even if it were two people throwing punches and grappling on the ground, if it broke up and they walked away then that is a typical Irish Friday night not a crime unless either chooses to press charges themselves. The simple act of fighting without causing any problems for people outside the fight is not illegal. It's actually a sport in some circles. Also, unless you could identify them what did you intend to tell the cops, that two unidentifiable guys were fighting? The cop will file the report and move on to some real crimes.
As someone who's lost his mom last year, I cant help it and will respond emotionally to this.

Screw. You.

You might want to appreciate your mom a bit more instead of fussing over some crap like this. Especially the stuff about calling PSN? That's really not something you'd need your mom to hold your hand for.
1: Logic.

2: Common Sense.

3: Independence.

Those values hold solutions to all your problems. You'd think that they were common things to understand, but you'd be surprised.
Also, this.
As someone who's lost his mom last year, I cant help it and will respond emotionally to this.

Screw. You.

You might want to appreciate your mom a bit more instead of fussing over some crap like this. Especially the stuff about calling PSN? That's really not something you'd need your mom to hold your hand for.

As someone who lost his mom three years ago, I absolutely agree with this.

I'll even go as far as saying this as an answer to the thread title: Yes, you should trust you're own Mom. Just because she's not doing everything for you doesn't mean she "wants you to suffer".
I don't even understand what the "problems" are, but to be honest they all sound like things you're obsessing over and building up to a ridiculous level.

To be honest, given how much you seem to be bitching about her over tiny things, if I were her I'd be worried about how much I could trust you.
Number 3. I've had many people bully me on PSN. I've told my mom to contact sony to try and get them banned but because my mom probably think the earth will self destruct if she calls sony herself. She won't do it.


I was reading this seriously until this. Dude, you gotta stop.........holy ****.. I'm sorry. I can't stop laughing.

You gotta find out other stuff to worry about honestly. Your mom probably isn't worried about some little punks sitting in their chairs, talking **** to you. It's easier to just mute them or ignore them than to bug your mother to call Sony, which will probably lead to absolutely nothing. You call them, and they'll say they'll look into it, they hang up and just laugh and continue on with much more significant problems.

The question is if it's your mother or you that has the problems.
I've had many problems with my mom and one of these problems makes me lose trust in her.

Number 1. One time last month, a fight broker out early in the morning. My mom was about to call 911 but the people left and therefore my mom didn't called the police. What the heck? Have you ever heard of the word investigating? Don't give me that excuse saying that you weren't born in the US mom. You've watched plenty of movies to know what it means.

Number 2. My sister recently ordered a Zoroark plushy for me from Amazon. Since July, I haven't got it yet. Yesterday, I told my mom to ask my sister to phone Amazon to contact the seller. Unfortunately my mom keeps telling me to call Amazon. Seriously? Never have I ordered anything myself and I'm not even a loyal customer to Amazon. She keeps saying it's my responsibility to call them but it should be my sister's responsibility to call them in the first place since she ordered it. What the 🤬? Saying that is like forcing someone to go to war without any military training.

Number 3. I've had many people bully me on PSN. I've told my mom to contact sony to try and get them banned but because my mom probably think the earth will self destruct if she calls sony herself. She won't do it. Please bullying is a seriously thing and you want your son to be depressed or commit suicide over these 🤬? I wouldn't think so. A smart parent would of just call sony to get them ban. People like this shouldn't get away with this.

I hope my mom realizes her problems. It makes me think she wants me to suffer for all eternity. Why wasn't I raised by animals or was born as a wild animal? Instead I'm living through this hell.
Without having read all the posts, I want to say that it is probably you who is having problems. You are overreacting.

Ever heard of the word; parenting? Well, I think that is what you mother is trying to do. I can't be sure though because I don't know your mother.

I have been bullied, in real life, every day, for years, starting when I was 13 y.o. and no-one did anything about it and I turned out well, sort of, probably, hopefully. :sly:

My advice to you:

* call 911 youself if it bothers you that much. There have been little kids calling 911 and saving someones life in the proces.

* Call amazon yourself and see where it gets you. If you get an answer, all is well, if not ask you sister to call amazon. You can tell your sister or mother that you called and you did not get the answers you were looking for.

* Change your PSN and start all over again. If you do want to start all over again with a new PSN, well learn to live with being bullied, as I did for many years. I never told anyone, I bottle it up until a few years ago when I started talking about it.
You don't have to call amazon. What is this, the 90s? Get online and ask them where your order is through the link they provide on their tracking page. It's their job to help you and serve you. They're really good at it. Ask them why they want you to suffer for all eternity without your stuffed pokemans.

It's so obvious why you're being bullied-- let alone bullied over the internet. That, or you're trolling us. Bravo.
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