should I play gt5 in 720p instead of 1080p?

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The game runs with 4MSAA in 720p, instead of 2MSAA in 1080p being more prone to slow downs.
Its native resolution is 960x1080p. Also most games don't run at 1080p but in 720p and even less, and I know I'll have to make it a permanent change which will be applied to every game.

Problem is LCD screens native resolution. It wouldn't be the optimum for my TV, so the question is if games, and specifically gt5, will run and look better with 720p (with increased filters and most probably closer to textures resolution) or in 1080p (more resolution, matches the tv's native resolution).

The other game I'm playing now, or rather trying to play since GT5 takes away a lot of my free time just in its menus, is GoW3, which runs at 720p.

I didn't see any difference in load time in menus from 720p and 1080p and the only difference is more jaggies and more blurry textures and awful quality of distance on 720p.
If your TV is 1080p and is a decent make then 1080p is better, I tested both on my Samsung 1080p and 1080p is clearer and sharper.

Btw GT5 resolution is 1280x1080!

As for performance, the difference is negligible according to Eurogamers analysis.

Quote from Eurogamers analysis:

Intriguingly, the 1080p mode, processing 50 per cent more pixels than 720p, manages to keep pace very well indeed - sometimes it even outperforms the 720p mode.
You'll notice that performance is very much synchronous between the two modes in almost all cases. Yes, there is a small performance deficit (to the tune of around two frames per second on average) and occasionally there is more tearing - but to the human eye there is little that can tell them apart in terms of frame-rate perception. So how is this possible?
There isn't just a resolution difference between 720p and 1080p, of course, there's the matter of the anti-aliasing too. Dropping down from the 4x MSAA of the 720p to the 2x QAA of 1080p will help in bridging the gap, so one of the remaining differentiating factors will be in pixel-shading the cars.
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Same as the poster above me states. If you have a TV that isn't junk, 1080P is always better. Even if it's upscaled.
Test each and use what you like and think looks best.

Each T.Vs upscaling aren't the same.


I prefer 720P, but that is just me. I like 4x MSAA better and I seem to encounter fewer framerate issues when online with a large number of player.

Whether any of this is actually ture, I don't know, so try both and see which you like.