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  • Thread starter McLaren
Last purchases for now. I wanted to get some more t-shirts, but this’ll do. Its been a while since I’ve bought this much stuff in a month.



Bought a Lamy pen. $20 and an entry pen from them, I couldn’t find the one I wanted. It’s not sold in the US.

It’s all metal, stainless steel.

I lost my Zebra F-701. Similar to the Lamy, but the Lamy is better built and has better cartridges.
I’m just not used to it lol. Granted, I’ve been wearing the same clothes for the past 2-4 years.

I usually keep my things for as long as I possibly can. I may have to buy some new shoes as all of mine are starting to get holes in the sides or really scuffed :lol:

I’m looking at a Swiss shoe company by the name of On.


Gonna take a break, though. The wallet’s too hot.
If there is one thing that is not controversial about The Last of us Part II is that it's a visually stunning game. Grabbed this book for my small collection of video game art books.

Plastic cover makes it look damaged, but it's fine.
Got this just today! :D Back in 2014, the X button on my old silver PSP quit working and because of that, I cannot bypass the date and time menu on it, so I ultimately cannot play it anymore. (it can still power on though) I tried several times to fix it, but no luck, and the part I think I need to do it is pretty much non-existant outside just cannibalizing another PSP.

So I got a new one off of eBay and it came pretty fast! I intentionally chose a different color for this one just so I can distinguish it from the one I already have. It came with 3 games, Cars Race-O-Rama, Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition, and Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories, a charger, a protective case, volume control, and a 4GB memory stick.

I've already done a quick test with the PSP and it seems to work just fine with no apparent issues. However, the volume control cannot plug into it and the memory stick doesn't work for some reason, but fortunately, neither of them matters much to me. (my old memory stick still works though)

Eventually, I am going to get a new battery of higher capacity for it, one of those memory stick adapters that allow for micro SD's and I am going to install CFW in it like I did with my old one. Although I doubt I can fix my old one now, if something changes and I can, I'll still try to fix it. If it works, hey, I have two PSP's to use now and I can LAN play with my siblings! If one fails, I have another. So it's a win-win either way! 👍

Overall, I am pretty happy with this! It's going to be fun to revisit some old PSP games I ain't played in years now that I have a system that works! It's good to be back! :D
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Realised there was a Macro (Costco equivalent) nearby recently. Got a years supply papers; toilet and kitchen towels, 2kg of mozzarella, few months worth of kitty food and 10kg of charcoal for the BBQ.

Shouldn’t need to go back there for a while.
Pre-ordered Ghost of Tsushima. Was going to pick it up in store on release day but Amazon has it cheaper than any of the stores do. Only got to wait a few extra days. Hopefully it won't be any longer than that.
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Finally decided to pull the trigger on these. I bought a set of NGK plugs a few months ago, and now I've got the wires to match. Kinda pricey at $100, but they're US made, and just look at that blue.
Twenty years ago I bought my first MST3K DVD, Eegah! Twenty years later, I have finally bought the final DVD release of the original Comedy Channel/Comedy Central/SciFi run. This actually came out three years ago, but I so rarely watch anything on DVD any more I just kept putting it off. But I had all 38 previous volumes and all the single releases. I needed to complete the set so I pulled the trigger over the weekend. Now I need to get the Netflix revival series on BluRay.
Got this just today! :D Back in 2014, the X button on my old silver PSP quit working and because of that, I cannot bypass the date and time menu on it, so I ultimately cannot play it anymore. (it can still power on though) I tried several times to fix it, but no luck, and the part I think I need to do it is pretty much non-existant outside just cannibalizing another PSP.

So I got a new one off of eBay and it came pretty fast! I intentionally chose a different color for this one just so I can distinguish it from the one I already have. It came with 3 games, Cars Race-O-Rama, Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition, and Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories, a charger, a protective case, volume control, and a 4GB memory stick.
View attachment 936190
I've already done a quick test with the PSP and it seems to work just fine with no apparent issues. However, the volume control cannot plug into it and the memory stick doesn't work for some reason, but fortunately, neither of them matters much to me. (my old memory stick still works though)

Eventually, I am going to get a new battery of higher capacity for it, one of those memory stick adapters that allow for micro SD's and I am going to install CFW in it like I did with my old one. Although I doubt I can fix my old one now, if something changes and I can, I'll still try to fix it. If it works, hey, I have two PSP's to use now and I can LAN play with my siblings! If one fails, I have another. So it's a win-win either way! 👍

Overall, I am pretty happy with this! It's going to be fun to revisit some old PSP games I ain't played in years now that I have a system that works! It's good to be back! :D

Talk about nostalgia, I use to want one of these to play videogames during my downtime while working nightshift. But then cellphone videogames became a thing. Nonetheless, awesome purchase 👍.
Talk about nostalgia, I use to want one of these to play videogames during my downtime while working nightshift. But then cellphone videogames became a thing. Nonetheless, awesome purchase 👍.
Thank you! I've been on a bit of a nostalgia trip myself just being able to properly play these games again for the first time in years. I still have content on there from 2012 that still works. :lol: Really hope this one doesn't fail me over time like the other did.
A pygmy bear!

Recently kinda went on a game buying spree. Got the Code master pack off humble bundle. Came with dirt rally (anyone want that key? Pm me, first come) and rally 2.0, Dirt 4 with some DLC, F1 2018 and 2019 with some DLC, and various other games. Also picked up some games off the steam sale. Empyrion Galactic Survival, Mudrunner and Divinity Original Sin. Also picked up a Crucial 500 GB NVMe SSD to put them all on.
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So it recently occured to me that people sell old magazines on eBay. (Obviously, Roo... yeah, I know.) It took very little time to start looking for car and motor racing mags from my childhood/early adulthood - so ~1993 to 2003.

The first purchase was all 12 issues of Motorsport magazine from 1994. £16 and free postage? Yes please.


Then a goldmine. Over 300 issues of Autosport, the earliest from 1993, the latest from 2002, including every issue from 1996 to 2000. Also some other 90s mags and posters thrown in too. £75 off eBay, and a 900 mile round trip to Scotland and back to collect them all. They're not immaculate but they're more than good enough for me to wallow in childhood nostalgia. I keep grabbing one more or less at random when I think of a series that'll be covered - CART, ITC, BPR Global Endurance, GT1, WRC...




I should probably stop before this gets out of hand.
"vegan leather"
Unless something has happened with the world's supply of roughage and cows have changed their eating habits, isn't all leather vegan?

Perhaps that was the intent of your quotation marks.
Unless something has happened with the world's supply of roughage and cows have changed their eating habits, isn't all leather vegan?

Perhaps that was the intent of your quotation marks.

I think vegan leather implies that it's not made from any animal product, therefore suitable for vegans. Though why "vegan leather" and not just "imitation" or "fake" leather I can't tell.

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