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  • Thread starter McLaren
Well I just got the Armored Core for Answer and its not that great of a game if you compare it to the original game. Menu music just sounds just depressing in the game and it has a bit more complex menus and controls than the original.
Something a littte new Mosin Nagant M91/30
Sadly, I first associated that with Metal Gear Solid 3.

She asked for it? Sweet. I just figured cleaning products for gifts is usually a losing situation.
Well, she did get a day at the spa too. I was not going to be the husband that just bought her a steam cleaner.

And yeah, lost it all. Luckily I have my passport to get cash from the bank, but yeah it sucks. Is this what people did before credit and debit cards? Annoying stuff.
Well, it is easier when you have an ID handy. But yes, it used to be that you walked in and got cash from a teller. But remember that before personal checks even it was just taking cash or a paycheck in and putting that in savings while keeping your spending money on you. No ATM, no drive thru. You walked in and talked to a person.

And I made a new purchase:

Contagious by Scott Sigler. It is a sequel to his first hardcover Infected, which came out April 1st. Infected just missed making the NYT bestseller's list and so this time they are releasing Contagious today, after Christmas, so that there will be little competition from the likes of more mainstream titles.

He started out just doing podiobooks (in fact, he was the first to do this) and then independently published two books, which took top ten in their genres on Amazon. With more than 30,000 people downloading his podcast episodes and those independent sales he managed to strike up a book deal. Apparently that is easier to do when you have a built-in audience. It has apperently caught on even in the mainstream as Mercedes Lackey has her own podiobook series in progress.

Crown Publishing still allows him to deliver his free podcast content and this book itself is now 4 episodes in. Since I like his stuff and see that he is changing how publishing works (a few other podiobook authors are getting deals now too), and his publisher is allowing him to maintain his relationship with his fans, I have decided I will purchase every book he gets printed in order to support this.

On his site I am what he calls an OJ, or Original Junkie, fans that have been around since his first book, Earthcore, affectionately known as Earthcrack (hence the junkie reference). He isn't the best writer out there, but I think he tells good stories.

A note to anyone that thinks to check his stuff out: It is sci-fi horror/thriller so it contains a good amount of language and violence.

Here is the You Tube trailer for the book.
Nikon D40. I'm gonna miss being able to afford food.

Very nice. Was my first SLR camera and its a great little cam. People who fall for marketing gimmicks frown upon its 6mp ccd sensor but imo, its enough and very capable of taking excellent pictures :) 👍

oK here is what i just got. Not my latest purchase but rather a souvenir from my parents latest trip to vegas

Found this rare cut away poster of the WRC EVO III on eBay. Quickly snatched it up and had it shipped over from Japan. I'm going to have it framed here shortly.

Found this rare cut away poster of the WRC EVO III on eBay. Quickly snatched it up and had it shipped over from Japan. I'm going to have it framed here shortly.


That's awesome, man. 👍👍
For the MR-2?

Yase! My current motor has a small oil leak that requires a big fix which means the removal of the engine. Soo I thought if the engine has to come out I might as well put the engine I wanted in the first place in. Also then I can replace ye olde turbo fuelpump with ye newe walboro 255LPH pump.

Edit: In the jdm spec GTS and the GT version btw. I already have a 3SGTE in my car but it's a gen2. The gen4 motor is more better!
Me likey! 👍

And you might as well sell your new shovel. With that much clearance you won't need it!

If I didn't have a north facing house I would agree with you. Drive in that dang snow once and its ice for weeks.

That's indeed a very big truck. Congrats on the purchase 👍

Thanks, I'm doing my part to save the auto companies one truck at a time! :)
Yay MR2!! :D. Comgrats on the 3sgte. Did you already have one, or are swapping in place of a 5sfe?

Lol we didnt get the scrubular 5SFE in Europe, my car originally had a gen3 3SGE. Now it has a jdm gen2 drivetrain with a few other bits and bobs. And soon i'll ditch the stupid flapper afm for good. D-Jetronic speed density for the win
If I didn't have a north facing house I would agree with you. Drive in that dang snow once and its ice for weeks.
Mine faces north, too. Actually all of the houses I've either owned or resided in have faced north. :odd:
These are just a few of my most recent purchases. I bought a new printer, some games, and a couple bottles of liquid enthusiasm!

Sunbeam Rheobus 20W Fan Controller - $12.99:

My hunt for the right fan controller for my Vantec Tornado fans are at a end!:sly: