Show off your latest purchase!

  • Thread starter McLaren

Found it dirt cheap on Ebay. Couldn't pass it up.
2 La-z 4 pix:

- A quart of Valvoline Max Life ATF
- 5.xx qts of Castrol GTX High Mileage 10W-30
- Bosch oil filter (got a great deal with the GTX @ AutoZone)
- A pair of dumbbells
- Family Guy Vol. 2: Season 3
Yeah, im not going to wear it when its wet out ,I spilled coke on it the other day.. wouldnt of noticed it if it was any other tracky but it was this one,I wouldn't call myself a chav as such as I'm not into anti social behaviour and all that, I just like the chlothes, defintly not the music, I have a knowledge about my music, I collect records, i'd know what im listening to.. with chavs its just cheesy clubland stuff, eww..
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How does that video get this thread back on topic?

Also, I think Sunday I'm going to buy a 360 and Forza 2. If I do I'll post my a pic of my little entertainment area which consist of stuff less than 5 months old.
How does that video get this thread back on topic?

Also, I think Sunday I'm going to buy a 360 and Forza 2. If I do I'll post my a pic of my little entertainment area which consist of stuff less than 5 months old.

I picked up Forza 2 the other day, having lots of fun with it so far, looking forward to F3 even more.
I love The Libertines first album, Up the Bracket, so I decided it was time to get their second (and final) album, The Libertines.

Just bought this off eBay for £92, very pleased with the price I got it for. Can't wait for it to arrive.

Just bought this off eBay for £92, very pleased with the price I got it for. Can't wait for it to arrive.


Nice purchase! Although I wonder if you for the same price couldn't have picked up a BOSS GT-series panel, those are even better. But man, I'm jealous now, I've been wanting a solid BOSS board for a long time now, enjoy it. And when you've got the bucks, go get a GT-10 :P:tup:
Got 200 euros from holiday, so I'm spending it on a DSi, Wii Sports Resort and a Nintendo Points Card. Still haven't decided when though :boggled: