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  • Thread starter McLaren
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It easier to post a pic or just tell us what it is. ;)

Edit: SOLID!!!

Along with some shirts, a 1:24 scale Carrera GT and some hotwheels.
Not at the same time , I dont really like the look of them anymore, more into airmax ltds and airmax 90's. I have a pair of airmax 90 infared, best shoes ever 👍
My latest purchase, although I have to wait for it to arrive at the local shop:


Ruger 22/45 Mark III .22 caliber pistol for targets and plinking around. Fairly inexpensive guns and dirt cheap ammo. Perfect way to hone my skills for larger caliber handguns. Should have it sometime next week. Will post pics when it is in my possession. This is just one of a few fairly big purchases for me within the next month or so.
Shooting a .22 will hone your skill with .22s. A .45 is real different. :lol:
Nice purchase Icarus. That's some cheap fun right there.

Shooting a .22 will hone your skill with .22s. A .45 is real different. :lol:

Of course it is, but it's still a pistol and it will still be just fine for honing skills that will be used later on with a larger caliber handgun. I learned to shoot with .22LR rifles and pistols. To say they didn't help when I moved into firing large bore centerfire rifles and pistols is a lie. Learning with a small bore pistol or rifle would help you to not develop bad habits, like flinching, or jerking the trigger anticipating heavy recoil. (Which sometimes is not all that heavy depending on what your shooting with.) A .45 ACP pistol is not exactly a hand cannon, someone who has never fired one, could, with proper direction be doing just fine with a .45 after just a few hours. With prior pistol handling experience, no time at all, even without direction. In the service they first fire air powered and blank firing handguns, they would not do it if they didn't learn anything from it.
Well I figured he had that down already. You're right; they're great for people who have limited or absolutely no experience with handheld firearms.
Ruger is the best semi-automatic .22LR pistol on the market today. Has been for a long while. I cannot believe I bought something different several years back that bit me on the ass.
I was firing a .22 caliber pistol, and it was fun de-branching a tree in my way.
Then the person that was with me brought out their .45.

My ears hurt. Even with ear plugs.
I can should big handguns fairly well, and I can attest that .22 pistols can help you with stances and whatnot at least.

Bought one of these:

So I could do this:
Are there really any benefits to that?
There are if he has one DVI connector and one VGA connector vid card. I have so many of those adapters I don't need to buy them.
Unless you mean 2 monitors? I've done it but end up always going back to 1 and getting a bigger one.
I was talking about the dual monitor setup. I would imagine having the big gap in between the screens would get in the way.
I would imagine having the big gap in between the screens would get in the way.
That all depends on how you use it. For me at work, I have had AutoCAD open on one monitor and all my toolbars open on the other or AutoCAD and my email, etc.. You could do the same with Photoshop, etc. Having one program spanning the two monitors is a bit much, IMO.
That all depends on how you use it. For me at work, I have had AutoCAD open on one monitor and all my toolbars open on the other or AutoCAD and my email, etc.. You could do the same with Photoshop, etc. Having one program spanning the two monitors is a bit much, IMO.

Or a windowed game on one monitor and browser/im clients/etc.. on the other. I've always wanted that sort of setup.
Nice purchase Icarus. That's some cheap fun right there.

Of course it is, but it's still a pistol and it will still be just fine for honing skills that will be used later on with a larger caliber handgun. I learned to shoot with .22LR rifles and pistols. To say they didn't help when I moved into firing large bore centerfire rifles and pistols is a lie. Learning with a small bore pistol or rifle would help you to not develop bad habits, like flinching, or jerking the trigger anticipating heavy recoil. (Which sometimes is not all that heavy depending on what your shooting with.) A .45 ACP pistol is not exactly a hand cannon, someone who has never fired one, could, with proper direction be doing just fine with a .45 after just a few hours. With prior pistol handling experience, no time at all, even without direction. In the service they first fire air powered and blank firing handguns, they would not do it if they didn't learn anything from it.

I am familiar with handguns, this just happens to be the first one I bought myself. What I meant about helping with larger calibers was about the basics. Good shooting stance, focusing on the target, honing my senses, things like that. I was going to buy a 9mm but ammo is becoming a pain to find and it's getting expensive. If I had the means and the experience I would have gone straight to an FN FiveSeven. Most comfortable pistol I ever handled. I shot a custom 1911 once, and had a few real nice groupings albeit low and right of center-mass. It was way easier to shoot that the Sig .40 I played with after it. My arms felt like jello after about 20 rounds.
I was talking about the dual monitor setup. I would imagine having the big gap in between the screens would get in the way.


That all depends on how you use it. For me at work, I have had AutoCAD open on one monitor and all my toolbars open on the other or AutoCAD and my email, etc.. You could do the same with Photoshop, etc. Having one program spanning the two monitors is a bit much, IMO.


Or a windowed game on one monitor and browser/im clients/etc.. on the other. I've always wanted that sort of setup.

I do a lot of photoshop work and having both is quite handy. Plus all my IM stuff has its like own part of the screen, while browser stuff sits on the other... I can't go back to a single monitor setup now, I'm just so use to having all the space to work with...

Picture of my setup...
I was firing a .22 caliber pistol, and it was fun de-branching a tree in my way.
Then the person that was with me brought out their .45.

My ears hurt. Even with ear plugs.

.45s aren't that loud, at least for me. The .357 magnum some guy brought out really got my attention though. (ow)
That all depends on how you use it. For me at work, I have had AutoCAD open on one monitor and all my toolbars open on the other or AutoCAD and my email, etc.. You could do the same with Photoshop, etc. Having one program spanning the two monitors is a bit much, IMO.
Most managers have a dual setup at work. You can run a teleconference on one side while still tracking your email and regular job activities on the other. Or many cases are where one is a permanent Outlook monitor while the other is for everything else.

But yes, spanning one program over two monitors is overkill.