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  • Thread starter McLaren

Great book đź‘Ť $27
MP3 player (creative MuVo V100) the 2GB version.


a TuneCast (Belkin) for iPod or MP3 player
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Oh nothing major, just a new frikken car! :D

Went for a test drive today, put down a deposit. Should be home by Wednesday :D:D:D
The label says its a brand from New York, are they big over there?

You see their stuff every now and then. They're kindof in between mainstream and exclusive small brand status though. Too small to sell alongside LRG and too big to be sold in those little specialty shops.

A buck:


so tasty.
I didn't know there are plasma tvs smaller than 42".
There have been plasmas smaller than 42", but the manufacturing costs compared to LCD don't make them worth it, especially for all the disadvantages that come with plasma technology. Just a few months ago Panasonic, the largest manufacturer of plasma TVs reported significant drop in plasma sales rates, and announced plans to end production of smaller sized plasma screens.

That said, I think he is just mistaken, as that appears to be an LCD display, not a plasma.
The should start making oled tv's and monitors.
The image quality and costs will need to be improved dramatically.

For now OLED's main target is miniature displays for devices wanting to be ultra thin and light... and even bendable. I suspect we will also see them used for laptops long before we ever see them sold as even average sized HDTVs.

SED looked to be very promising in terms of using a similar technology, but applying it to an HDTV product... but that dream died.
I just bought this for Heather since she is an absolute monster as a gunner in the Warthog in Halo 3. She currently has 455 kills in social games as a gunner on the warthog. lol
^Cool! Have you tested it yet?
Not yet, but I hope to this weekend!

Thanks to a heads-up from JR and LaBounti, I was also able to find one of the last few copies of an early release of Uncharted: Drakes Fortune:


Also, it's been like Christmas, as my new 500GB eSETA drive from the sale arrived today as well:


I can't say I'd ever imagine a time where I'd be paying $90 for a 500GB eSETA drive when just ten years ago the price of a bloody slow and unreliable 1GB drive was close to $300 and ten years before that, a 10 MB drive would cost you about $1,000!!!! :eek:

If the cost of memory was still like that, a 2GB USB flash card that can be bought today for less than $20 would cost $60,000 and over $100,000 if you also took in account inflation!!!! :eek:

Bless technology, innovation, competition, and of course Moore's Law!

Because its the desert and its like 115 on a good day in the summer. Plus its great when someone can look into your car as hard as they can and not see you in there.
Oh yeah, youll have to scrape it off right then and there.........if they catch it :D. I get pulled over weekly for my exhaust even though its stock sounding compared to the civics that drive around here with open header and they get nothing of course. But it hasnt been caught yet, or it has and they dont care because its the desert. But it looks normal (looking out of the windshield anyway) at night and its like wearing sunglasses all the time in the day. Its nice to have, jump in an all black car with tint like mine then jump in one without it and notice the heat difference. I worked for Cadillac for a while and during the summer we used to point infared thermometers inside the cars with the door open. The ones with tint were around 140 inside while the ones without we've seen reach at the highest 191. No BS, 191 degrees. Of course thats after about 6 hours in the blazing sun... But yeah, its just nice to have limo all around with 38% in the front.