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  • Thread starter McLaren
Gran Turismo 5 Collector's Edition Pre-order

Product Total: $99.99
Shipping: $2.99
Sales Tax: $8.75
Order Total (charged to credit card): $111.73
Jeebus! :eek: <looks at location>

Oh yeah. My sales tax is $6.00.
Product Total: $99.99
Shipping: $2.99
Sales Tax: $8.75
Order Total (charged to credit card): $111.73
Jeebus! :eek: <looks at location>

Oh yeah. My sales tax is $6.00.
Mine tax clocked in at $7.00 but the really annoying part is GameStop's website didn't have an option for in store pickup (more specifically they have it as an option but it was grayed out) and I certainly wasn't about to pay the $10 for 1 day delivery when the store is a round trip of 600 feet off of my normal route.
It helps the Govenment get itself out of debt whilst helping it's citizens slide further into it.

Not even. As long as I can remember, ours is set at 21% for most goods. And in terms of debt Belgium is almost worst of class with close to 100% of its GDP. By the way, after negotiating for more than 110 days, our politicians realized they where heading a dead end.:sly: A solid retirement plan should become my next “purchase”.:ouch:
Although it's exempt on some Food and is reduced at home fuel (I think), there are still many essentials it applies to, petrol/diesel being the most obvious.

2009 fuel duty (as of 1 September 2009) in the United Kingdom is:

* 56.19 pence per litre for main road fuels, unleaded petrol and diesel
* 65.91 pence per litre for leaded petrol
* 36.19 pence per litre for biodiesel and bioethanol
* 22.16 pence per kg for road fuel natural gas
* 27.67 pence per kg for road fuel liquefied petroleum gas ('LPG')

That is outdated though. VAT was at 15% at that time (a brilliant plan to encourage people to buy more, did naff all), and we've had two 1p rises since then and another 0.76p planned for January, so it's probably another ~3.5p on top of those figures for now, probably another ~5p in total come the VAT rise and fuel duty rise.

Average price of petrol is about 122p per litre, diesel about 123/123ppl.

There was only a 2p increase in fuel duty on unleaded petrol between 2000 and 2005 due to some fuel protests in 2000.

60 litre tank of diesel is about £36 in tax, which is about $55.

A few other taxes road users pay on top of that.
Now I have Taxman by The Beatles going round my head....and am slightly depressed, at least I don't smoke anymore.
Illegal mexicans ain't cheap. I suggest your state don't get any.
We have them, but since the farms around here check they mostly all work at one of the five Mexican restaurants you can find in a 1 mile radius in the city and make normalish wages.

The real bonus is I can get Mexican food no matter where I am.
I was just trying to point out that calling something that increases the price of goods "Value added" is a misnomer. I know how it works.

It was a reference point for anyone interested if there was a difference in the systems.
Our VAT goes up to 20% next year.
NZ GST just went up from 12.5 to 15%, and I thought that was bad :crazy:

Then again, everything over here is way overpriced, so 15% here is probably a lot more money than 20% in the UK :grumpy:
Some painting goodies for my models.





I went to the bookstore to buy my nephew a birthday present and just couldn't resist buying this as a gift to myself:




It was just released over here. There was an earlier version of Atlas Shrugged released during the 1980's, and with a different title (Quem é John Galt? (Who is John Galt?)) but it's been out of print for a while and I never managed to find a copy.

This new release was a joint effort from some institutes and companies which are listed in the bottom of the third pic.

I like how they made it in three separate volumes, makes it easier to carry around.
Just bought a 750GB hard drive for my ps3 from for $89.99!! one of the cheapest on the market for its size. I just can't wait for it to arrive!! 3-4 more days!