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  • Thread starter McLaren
Millet DMS-1 scope in a LaRue SPR-E mount for the AR-15:

Laser checkered rosewood grips from for the S&W 442. THey replaced a set of Crimson Trace lasergrips that were on it. I also took the lasergrips off the M&P45 as well:

Nothing was wrong with them really. I just couldn't get 100% comfortable with the grip size on the M&P, and with the j-frame I just wanted a classic wood grip. The 442's Crimson Trace grips were sold, but I still have the M&P's. I had them stippled by Dan Burwell(M&P Gunsmith -, and refuse to sell them. I still enjoy target shooting with them on occasion, but don't feel comfortable carrying the gun with them. The M&P's come with 3 grip sizes - small, medium, and large. The CTC grips for the M&P are about the same size as the large grip, but I like the small grip.


The stock on the AR is a Magpul UBR. They still have yet to release them full run, but I was lucky to get one of their limited pre-production models. Expensive for a stock at around $250, but worth it to me, and many others.

Ordered this:

Sennheiser PC166 USB headset
Not cheap, but i can use it for the ps3 via the usb and for the tv via the normal 3,5mm plug
Typical responses when it comes to firearms.:rolleyes:

I own them simply because I can, and it's a hobby of mine. My hobby used to be cars, but it's not something I find more entertaining, and rewarding - guns. None of them are automatic. All of my firearms are semi-automatic. While automatics are completely legal for persons 21 and older to own in many states, I don't own any as they do nothing for me, and are extremely expensive.

Also, yes, I'm 22. I'm also married, have an 18 month old daughter, and have a son due early next month - I'm not compensating for anything. I've always liked guns, but my passion for them really kicked off when a guy tried getting into the back seat of my car one day [I was in my flightsuit, mind you] while simueltaneously telling me he was going to kill my daughter - who was 5 months old and in the back seat at the time. THe next day I applied for my concealed weapons permit, and as soon as I got it 87 days later I've carried a gun ever since.
Wow, you must feel really proud. Chances are if you had a gun that day, what you feared would've happened. :indiff:
Wow, you must feel really proud. Chances are if you had a gun that day, what you feared would've happened. :indiff:

Excuse me? Care to elaborate on that first part? If I had a gun it would've enabled me to protect myself and my daughter instead of sitting there helplessly had the guy actually managed to get into the backseat where my daughter was. When it comes to my daughter's life I do not play around. Period. Had I been armed, and he managed to gain access to the backseat after stating his intentions to kill my 5 month old daughter... I 100% without question or hesitation would have used a firearm to hault him in his tracks.

The sad part about that day; my parents live 20 minutes from where this event occured, and they were able to get to me before a SC State Trooper...

You're implying if I had a gun he would've killed my daughter?

Even the AR-15?

Yes. Safe/Fire are the only selections on that gun.
You're implying if I had a gun he would've killed my daughter?


It's been my experience that in cases where the armed felon is, say, surprised with a gun, his first instinct is to shoot. Mostly because I'm guessing pulling the gun on your part would've been a sudden movement, which would probably tense/scare him up and shoot.

I've had people pull guns on me, and most of the time it's guys who are very scared and jumpy to start with. The least you want to do is make them more nervous by making a sudden movement or even pulling a gun... they have little to lose to start with. The rest of the gun-packing people I've seen are guys (mostly men, so yeah, guys) who are pretty insecure to start with, and when some would buy a Porsche, lift weights, or snort cocaine to make them appear bigger (figure of speech), others would carry guns. So I tend to see guns as more of an intimitadion tool than an actual weapon.

Out of all the times I've been pulled guns, I've only had to pull mine once, and that was when the other guy wasn't watching... of course, that was in another time, another place, and probably another me... but keep in mind, I say all this on personal experience/opinion.

Don't start this over here.

We're just having a healthy exchange of viewpoints. I'm not planning on lingering on this for too long either, but if you feel there's a better place to speak of this, link me and I'll take my opinions there.
Is that on all AR-15s?

It looks like it would be fully automatic.

AR-15's are all semi-automatic. You can buy something that is called a Lightning Link, which is something that goes inside the lower receiver and trips the sear and turns it into full auto. You can also purchase a RDIAS(registered drop-in auto sear), which again goes in the lower and convertes it to full-auto. Or you can buy a registered M-16 lower receiver, which either has SAFE/FIRE/BURST or SAFE/FIRE/AUTO selections. Your average Lightning Link is around $7k, RDIAS $10K, and registered lower receiver is around $12.5+.

They're all so expensive because they're all pre-1986/Assault weapons ban items. No civilian can purchase new machine guns unless they have an FFL/SOT, or are a manufacturer, etc.

It's been my experience that in cases where the armed felon is, say, surprised with a gun, his first instinct is to shoot. Mostly because I'm guessing pulling the gun on your part would've been a sudden movement, which would probably tense/scare him up and shoot.

I've had people pull guns on me, and most of the time it's guys who are very scared and jumpy to start with. The least you want to do is make them more nervous by making a sudden movement or even pulling a gun... they have little to lose to start with. The rest of the gun-packing people I've seen are guys (mostly men, so yeah, guys) who are pretty insecure to start with, and when some would buy a Porsche, lift weights, or snort cocaine to make them appear bigger (figure of speech), others would carry guns. So I tend to see guns as more of an intimitadion tool than an actual weapon.

Out of all the times I've been pulled guns, I've only had to pull mine once, and that was when the other guy wasn't watching... of course, that was in another time, another place, and probably another me... but keep in mind, I say all this on personal experience/opinion.

First off, please realize if I had a gun that day he never would've known unless the events that happened changed, and he either drew a weapon of some sort, or actually managed to gain entry to the vehicle. I'm not about to brandish, draw down on, or shoot a guy simply because he's acting a fool or making hollow threats. I'm more than adequately trained in the same, effective, and legal use of all of my firearms. With the exact events that occured that day had I pulled a gun on that guy I can promise you I would've been in jail that night. Had I shot him, I'd still be there. I would've been much more comfortable knowing I had more than a cell phone to protect myself and my daughter, though, had the situation worsened.

Also, I don't carry a gun for a coolness factor, or for any sort of intimidation factor. I carry as an absolute last resort. If my gun comes out it means someone has put my life, or someone around me's life, in jeapordy. I'm aware of what situations I would, and would not, be justified in the use of a gun. I'm not a person who would pull a gun and say, "stop, or I'll shoot,", or pull to scare people. If my gun comes out it's an absolute last resort, and someone [me or them] is going to die.

I'm not a Porsche driver, I don't lift weights or body-build, and I sure don't do drugs(military wouldn't exactly like that). I don't carry because it's cool. Only people who know I carry are my parents, my wife, and a few forum people like yourself. But, on various firearms boards I frequent I've definitely seen the folks you describe.:scared: I might be young, but I'd like to think I'm not dumb. I'm very anal when it comes to the safety of my wife, and kid(s). I would literally do anything to protect each of them, and so far I'm doing everything I [legally] can...
Yeah... it's a scary thing. I had a friend who is gay and would carry a gun just so when he came out people wouldn't ridicule him. He used to carry it out in the open, on his belt, without any sort of concealment. He got shot with his own gun... someone came behind him and put a metal tube behind his neck and told him "Don't move"... took out the gun and shot him... apparently it was just to prove a point, since the shot was a lousy flesh wound and ever since then he carries it hidden, but still.

Anyway, I was under the impression the guy you mentioned was armed... if he wasn't it changes the scenario completely. Then again, I realise you're not the type who carry it just for show. 👍
Yeah... it's a scary thing. I had a friend who is gay and would carry a gun just so when he came out people wouldn't ridicule him. He used to carry it out in the open, on his belt, without any sort of concealment. He got shot with his own gun... someone came behind him and put a metal tube behind his neck and told him "Don't move"... took out the gun and shot him... apparently it was just to prove a point, since the shot was a lousy flesh wound and ever since then he carries it hidden, but still.

Anyway, I was under the impression the guy you mentioned was armed... if he wasn't it changes the scenario completely. Then again, I realise you're not the type who carry it just for show. 👍

That's why I'm not too fond of open carrying. I'm not a huge fan of letting people know I'm armed because it's kind of unncessary, and it freaks way too many people out. Plus it gets rid of the element of surprise. I don't care if others do it, but it's not for me. I used to post on until I realized most of the folks over there were just out to flaunt their guns, and start confrontations with people out in the streets.

If the guy was armed there's no telling what I would've done. Cried? Complied and hoped for the best, or waited until he was distracted? Scary thought. That's one of those situations I pray never happens. One of those situations where you're damned if you do, and damned if you don't.:nervous:
To try and get this thread back on track, here's two pics of the 75gallon aquarium me and my wife bought last night. It was a mix n' match from SuperPets and PetSmart. Got the tank, pumps, filter, etc. from SuperPets, and the stand, and some other things from PetSmart. It took almost an hour and 20 minutes just to put the stand together. I was nervous as hell filling the tnak up... just waiting for the whole thing to come crashing down. Luckily it's holding. We're gonna let it all stabilize for a few days before we add any fish. Took from 11pm to 3am this morning to get everything done! Crazy... but worth it.



Still has a lot of work as far as cleaning up the wires in the back, adding plants, etc. We just threw some basics together as quick as we could so we could get to sleep.
I traded in both copies of COD4 and just bought 2 of these. Its insane fun with up to 50 players online! Like Battlefield MC on steroids.
Josh - Awesome tank, I wish I had room on my house to hold one of those. I don't have any because I don't like the small ones. What wood is that stand made of?

Anyway, here are my most recent buys.




Picture sucks, but it's the same box. The fluffy WWF panda I will give to my ex tomorrow, she loves big cute keychains.


Not exactly this one, but same brand and also 4Gb.


I always buy the 10packs as I go usually by 2/day.


Apple juice?...
Josh - Awesome tank, I wish I had room on my house to hold one of those. I don't have any because I don't like the small ones. What wood is that stand made of?

Anyway, here are my most recent buys.


Don't forget to take photos of cars for the DYSAGT thread.

I was thinking of getting one as well. Very good purchase.


That evening i popped down here to pick up some ingredients, and made a lovely stir fry and steamed Dim Sum for dinner.

Was bloody awesome!
New camera and still no picture of the new system. :grumpy:

I'll try to get some up tonight, I promise. :D
I was meant to do so yesterday but was too pissed because of the PS3 screwing up like that.

Don't forget to take photos of cars for the DYSAGT thread.

I'll start with mine, as soon as I get it washed. :lol:
Don't expect shots from me to that thread, though. Unless I take a day's afternoon here and there to get to some 'in' zones near Lisbon. The area where I live only has the occasional 911 and a Ferrari or Maseratti if I'm lucky.