Show off your latest purchase!

  • Thread starter McLaren

I am addicted to these things.
This is what happens when you don't even get the movie line correct. The correct phrase is "Open the pod bay doors."
Yeah, I botched that up. :ouch:

No excuse, other than a long Easter with a two-year-old
Seriously? I buy several packs of them a week. In fact, there is a box on the table in front of me as I type, it's really not worth posting to be honest.
So what? It's the "Show off your Latest Purchase" thread. Whether it be an Agera or a pack of napkins, anything's fair game.
Show off what you ever you last bought. It could be anything for anyone.
You really want me to post the contents of my daily shopping trip, everyday, even when it may contain tens of items ranging from soap to sliced ham?

I don't think so, and if you do, then nobody else does.
That's not the point. He's not doing the same thing over and over again. Posting that he bought a pack of those stick-things is OK. It wouldn't be if he did it everyday.

160gb PS3 Slim, since my old one was filled up and had a habit of not spitting discs out, plus it seemed almost like it was going to YLOD any day now...
Seriously? I buy several packs of them a week. In fact, there is a box on the table in front of me as I type, it's really not worth posting to be honest.

I prefer the Strawberry flavor from my local Oriental market :P

I am addicted to these things.

Oooh, they're called Rocky here. Same company though. Not relevent, but my favourite is strawberry. It's true though, you'll get addicted to it :lol:

So, I recently bought this FLEET PU grip (yellow) for my badminton racquet. It feels the same as my previous Gosen. Only one for MYR10 which is pretty expensive compared to MYR13 for Gosen (for 2!).

for my birthday i got,


In Vinyl of course, when it comes though, because Amazon sent the CD eventhough my wife ordered the Vinyl.


She also got me one of these, I have a bonafied collection now! (i don't know wjy i like gas masks, but i do! lol)

and i got the best gift ever. like, the kind of gift that makes you realize all over again why you married her in the first place.

She got me Motorcycle lessons! I've been asking for so long and it was always a "No, those things are dangerous, you will hurt yourself. i forbid it" but now, were taking lessons, because A. I want to. and B. shes scared to death of them and maybe this will help her get over her fear! (and get me a motorcycle!)

Soundtrack from iTunes. Cracking music, just wish I could get a better sounding version, rather than MP3.
Ooooo shiny. What is it? An MPod3?

Yep. I was looking at getting one to replace my aging Sony Walkman NWZ-E443 but I figured I would wait until I brought my new phone.

Anyway, this is my latest purchase:


Bought for my own use...the samples works really great on my oily skin :)
No, it's not to whiten my skin to make me look like Korean/Chinese pale skin which is quite a trend here for some in South East Asia :rolleyes:
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Logitech Stereo Headset H110, for only £14.

I still need buy a pair of good headphones too, but I'll get those online in the next few days.
Oh yes! Some pre-opened MLP FIM blind bags of Applejack and Rainbow Dash came up on Trademe! Just bought them without hesitation, but I'm only keeping one, I'm going to give the other to my friend who's favourite character is Rainbow Dash. As a thanks for shouting me food after school so many times.