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  • Thread starter McLaren
Yay, pony stuff. Doesn't that lead to mass amount of bullying, or have times moved on so much since I was a kid?
I got teased for having Transformers lunch box when I was at school. Kids can be so cruel. I suppose I should have grown out of it by the age of 15 though.
:lol: Bullying isn't very bad here to be honest. They just say things, and soon give up trying to bully people like me. Eventually they learn that there is no way to hurt me with words about my personality, because I'm already aware of my faults that they pick up on. Though for my friend I'm giving one to, I have to keep it quiet for him as he isn't as proud.

And what, at age 15? Lunchbox? Times have moved, either use a paper bag (I started that trend) or buy lunch which comes in a paper bag. Looking like scum is fashionable around these parts.
And what, at age 15? Lunchbox? Times have moved, either use a paper bag (I started that trend) or buy lunch which comes in a paper bag. Looking like scum is fashionable around these parts.

I still use a lunchbox. Paper bags are wasteful.
I still use a lunchbox. Paper bags are wasteful.

Depends on how you use the paper bags. I use the same bag for about 5-10 weeks. Then I change. I haven't changed mine at all this year. I'm going to use it until a rotten fruit explodes and ruins my lunch. You wait and see and in a thread somewhere you will see me complaining about it.
My lunch box doubled as a tool box for my engineering class needs, so very useful, although, greasy sandwiches aren't so nice.

I'm only joking, I stopped using the Transformers box when I left infants school, I switched to regular Tupperware tub.
Hmmm, I've seen people around the school with some rather childish backpacks. Like Action Man, or Spider Man. Some little girl things that aren't My Little Pony. Those little toy skateboards that the turds (year 9, aged 12/13/14) play with and then grow out of about 3 months later.
Yay, pony stuff. Doesn't that lead to mass amount of bullying, or have times moved on so much since I was a kid?
Netflix Streaming just signed a deal with Hasbro to get all of their cartoons. You'll probably see an increase in the pony stuff, as well as Pound Puppies, Transformers Prime, GI Joe, etc. Then this summer they will be adding the original cartoons from the 80s. I predict a retro rebirth.

I got teased for having Transformers lunch box when I was at school. Kids can be so cruel. I suppose I should have grown out of it by the age of 15 though.
Time has proven you to be the cool one, I believe. The people who mocked me and my comics are now asking me how The Avengers story plays out, and asking how crappy films like Wolverine and Green Lantern played out in the comics. Suddenly it's all cool and I'm the guy that knows what's going on.
Kind of excited for when my motor finally dies, and I get to put this in my buggy. I've been meaning to buy a P5 for awhile, but kept getting something else instead. Got a decent deal for 185$ so i went ahead and ordered one.

Realised, I've never played Grid so I grabbed a copy off E-bay yesterday. (For $30, I figured I couldn't go wrong)


And also bought myself a year's premium subscription to GTP.
Also gets stale. I wish there was a way to turn the Rubber Band effect down.

Ugh, Rubber Banding is almost a complete turn-off. Still considering how cheap it was, it should be good for a week or two of entertainment.
Ugh, Rubber Banding is almost a complete turn-off. Still considering how cheap it was, it should be good for a week or two of entertainment.

It's not the rubber banding that is the issue for me, it's the fact that the AI is set on permanent demolition derby mode. Codemasters loved their damage model so much they made the game into a crash fest where it is next to impossible to finish a race without a lot of damage, even if you are way in the lead at the end.

It's still good fun though. I'd play a sequel.
If you are familiar with the recent DiRT titles (which I also enjoy, though some of it is a little insane), it is basically the same game with road cars instead of rally cars. Here's to hoping the second one is great.
The AI unfairly catches up to you based on how far out front you are. They will run slower lap times when you are behind, inhumanely faster ones when you are out front.

I have a compulsive urge to buy new lights every time I visit my bike shop. These are my 8th set of new lights in a few months. There isn't anything wrong with the others, I just like to try new styles all the time. Only £2. :)
Everyone needs one of those in their life.

Totally. You can never have too much efficiency, especially when that efficiency allows you to sit on your backside on a fully-sprung seat in an air-conditioned cab, enjoying your favourite tunes, and getting paid for the privilege!
Sounds like a good gig. Where do I sign up?

By the way, recent purchase, as seen in the "Real Guns" thread.

With my new computer just around the corner, I just bought F1 2011 a second time - on Steam. I guess my PS3 will collect dust once everything's arrived and set up. :)