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  • Thread starter McLaren
Stuff for my trip, about $400 worth of stuff, the backpack was $200 of it. I love spending a huge sum of money in about 2 hours.

I need the books for my class at Oxford, trust me I wouldn't just go out and buy them.

And the backpack is a 75 liter backpacking backpack. It's the only thing I'm going to travel with.
I need the books for my class at Oxford, trust me I wouldn't just go out and buy them.

And the backpack is a 75 liter backpacking backpack. It's the only thing I'm going to travel with.

oh ok. I was going to say, you can just go to Walmart and pick up a good one for less than $20 :lol:
Got this for my brother for the bargain price of £20!!

Olympus M:robe 100

Its soo beautiful I really want it but ive already got an Iriver.

Didnt come with instructions though. Having trouble putting music on it so if anyones got something similar and know how to use it drop me a pm please.
I just done a google search for m:robe and they have a website that you can download a manual for it there. Didn't open it but it was a 5.5 mb file.
I already had the watercooling stuff, as well as all the junk that goes in it (not shown).. I just wanted something flashy for my case. Unfortunately my video card and motherboard are on RMA, so I wont get to hook everything up for about a week.

After finding out last night that the full series of Monty Python are now available on DVD (rather than the poxy compilation DVD's that have been the only original TV material available up until now), I was set to fork out £15 for the first series and another £15 for the second. But the helpful comments on the vendor's website pointed me in the direction of the German version of the site, where they have a 7-DVD boxset which contains all four series for a grand total of £36 incl. postage and packaging. I can't wait to watch the original episodes again, since my VHS tapes with them on are on their last legs.
After finding out last night that the full series of Monty Python are now available on DVD (rather than the poxy compilation DVD's that have been the only original TV material available up until now), I was set to fork out £15 for the first series and another £15 for the second. But the helpful comments on the vendor's website pointed me in the direction of the German version of the site, where they have a 7-DVD boxset which contains all four series for a grand total of £36 incl. postage and packaging. I can't wait to watch the original episodes again, since my VHS tapes with them on are on their last legs.
Great find TM! 👍👍

I got in my order from DeepDiscount from their recent MegaSale:

For people who frequent guitar forums, you'll no doubt have seen my latest purchase. High quality Burst (long tenon, nitro, duncans etc.) imported from Japan. It turned up with damage warning stickers (Aussie Customs) in a murdered box…


I've already got a refund, though as I order a tonne of gear from the U.S and Japan each year, it's certainly shaken my nerves a bit.
What shipping company did that?
EMS- I've not had a problem in the past (over 15 shipments) and I can only guess that it was a freak accident. As the damage was so very clear, (noted officially by Customs) claiming the insurance was a quick and easy affair. The problem is that I'll no longer be comfortable having lower values declared (saves a great deal on brokerage etc.) on potentially fragile items.
My purchases from vacation:

- Armani Exchange:

- The Collection:

Lets put it this way; I don't get to buy really nice clothes too often, so me spending this much money at once is a very strange thing...
Armani Exchange? LOL. I can't believe you bought clothes at Miami Beach.
Armani Exchange? LOL. I can't believe you bought clothes at Miami Beach.

He was on vacation. So, you can forgive him.

I still have bath towels from my trip to Paris back in '83. Every time I see them, it reminds me how horrible Parisians are. The country side folk in France are a lot nicer. Especially the blond chic I got to... never mind...
He was on vacation. So, you can forgive him.

I still have bath towels from my trip to Paris back in '83. Every time I see them, it reminds me how horrible Parisians are. The country side folk in France are a lot nicer. Especially the blond chic I got to... never mind...

Yeah, but, Miami Beach...

Great find TM! 👍👍
Cheers! It just arrived this morning and I've not had much chance to check it out in detail yet (I'm at work!) but it looks great! It's in English (thankfully!) and looks to be an absolute bargain. With almost Pythoneque sillyness, this still isn't available in the UK yet. I have no idea as to why... :boggled:
Yeah, but, Miami Beach...


When in Rome...

I have a thing for nice clothes, and we don't have an Armani in Grand Rapids that I know of. Other than that, it isn't as though its hard to find Polo, Guess, or Gap stuff around here...

...Still, the jacket was technically bought in Coral Gables...

(lol) the nicest way possible:)

but thats really nice...i want one:grumpy:
8gig iPhone... I'd consider one if they put the 30gig HDD inside.