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  • Thread starter McLaren
OEM Seat Cupra R front lip for the Clio - not the easiest thing to get when they don't sell Seat in your country, but luckily it was an unused 2nd hand find.


And the subtle difference it makes to the car (which is dirty as it was after a little drive day with some guys up in the mountains...)

I have the same thing on my car.
I bought a new jacket, too.


Gerry Cathole

The kids have had good luck with the Gerry brand and once I saw the name of this jacket, I knew my search was over. :lol: Thirty minutes outside shoveling yesterday when it was -15F, it was still plenty warm and a fantastic deal for less than $100.
Just bought this brand new BenQ XR3501 35" ultrawide monitor for half the RRP. Consider this as the completion of my sim rig stage 1. Until VR headset displays are affordable and better display quality which won't happened for another 3 years, this screen will be one of the most important investment for my rig.

Amazon is selling BenQ XR3501 35" 144Hz ultrawide for only USD$599. Super bargain if you ask me for a gaming monitor of this calibre.

Angle grinder with adjustable rpm. From the Lidl, for the shocking price of €24,95. :lol:

Now I know it will die on me if I use it as a replacement for my Hitachi, so I won't. I'll be using this one for low speed paint removal.

4hp and 50cc all at a weight of around 11lbs. It has a computer chip, that automatically adjusts the carbeuter for the temp and climate you are operating in. No more manual adjustments. I have a 16" bar on it now, but I can put up to a 20" if needed. German Engineering at its finest. 👍


My sim racing experience just went up 200% with this (300% with the T3PA-Pros).

A big thanks to @Scaff for his thoughts and photos of this product, and for being kind enough to answer all my questions. 👍

Glad you like it, its a great bit of kit in my opinion, particularly if you need a rig you can put away and set-up quickly.
View attachment 613098

4hp and 50cc all at a weight of around 11lbs. It has a computer chip, that automatically adjusts the carbeuter for the temp and climate you are operating in. No more manual adjustments. I have a 16" bar on it now, but I can put up to a 20" if needed. German Engineering at its finest. 👍

Later that night...


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