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  • Thread starter McLaren
Just signed up for this:


Should be fun, provided the weather cooperates. For those interested, here's the route I'll be riding. The red one, not the blue.
Got my ass kicked but I finished! It was self timed so I'll have to wait for people to post their times to know how I did but I think I ended up pretty much where I thought I would.

My legs are absolutely trashed.
A new pair of bike shorts are being researched because my ass hurts, too. The pair I have absolutely suck.

Am I doing it right? :lol:

👍 yep that's right.

In reality bike shorts are a riders most important piece of kit and good ones make a huge difference. Not only in ass comfort but all over. The top notch ones however don't come cheap.

If you need some advice yell out. 👍
5 litres of Ronseal Decking Cleaner & Reviver:

7 x 2.5l tins of Cuprinol Ultimate Decking Stain - Slate:

Decking now looks awesome and is good for a couple of years. I, however, have just gone through the toughest, most back breaking, most arduous, sunburning, 3 day DIY session I've experienced in a long time. I'm a broken man.
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A new pair of bike shorts are being researched because my ass hurts, too. The pair I have absolutely suck.

After the 4 hour mark my butt starts to get sore, even with fairly comfortable shorts, I think it's a normal part of the suffering process.
My old computer chair had broken (weld in the backrest gave out, putting it at a weird angle), the tech store was doing a 25% off deal on these and I had $150 of store credit that I wasn't going to end up spending on anything, so it was a no-brainer. Very comfy, and goes great with racing games!


Purchased this back in March but was on print delay so wasn't shipped until now, super excited :D

Tile floors and grout in the kitchen are an absolute mess after the winter, and I'm too fat and lazy to get down on my knees and scrub by hand.



Also got these scrubbers for the bathroom tile/glass:

5 litres of Ronseal Decking Cleaner & Reviver:

7 x 2.5l tins of Cuprinol Ultimate Decking Stain - Slate:

Decking now looks awesome and is good for a couple of years. I, however, have just gone through the toughest, most back braking, most arduous, sunburning, 3 day DIY session I've experienced in a long time. I'm a broken man.

There is a joke to be made here, but I cannot nail one down.
There is a joke to be made here, but I cannot nail one down.
Off topic, but speaking of deck cleaning, this reminds me of a time when I was in Australia and a commercial came on that said something along the lines of, "Do you hate cleaning your deck?" Well Australians pronounce "deck" differently than I do, of course, so I giggled.

Edit: Got another Blipshift shirt
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After going backwards and forth between many different options and price points, I finally settled on my first pair of enthusiast headphones.

SoundMAGIC HP150


Big thanks to @Terronium-12 who helped me through the entire process and answered all my questions. At the same time, screw you for starting a probably very slippery slope for me. :P :lol: