Regarding Photomode and particulary PAN. 95% of the time I use PAN 3 - motion picture. PAN 1 i only use for standing still pics, however, for advanced users, it's possible to use the diferent pans, filters etc, if you manage it.
For basic users in motion pictures, I higly recomend PAN 3 or at most PAN 2.
(This is from GT5 but it's exactly equall in GT6)
Panning - This setting is available only in Replay Photomode. Another quote from
Mode 1: The camera stays in a fixed position and turns to follow the car. Because the car's distance from the camera varies, this can cause it to blur slightly.
Mode 2: The camera moves with the car. When taking a photo of a cornering or spinning car, focus will be centred on the middle of the car, which can cause the front and rear to go slightly out of focus.
Mode 3: The camera moves with the car, and is positioned face-on to the front of the vehicle. This allows you to take a photo where the car is sharply in focus, and only the background becomes blurred."
*Tip for new users; The further away you focus on object, ALONG with a smaller F value, the more blured the background will look. Now try going faaaaaaar from the car and put the zoom on max (500) and F on 1.0. Focus on car.
Then use PAN 3 and speed at 60. That will give you a very blury/motion case you want a very high sense of speed/movement.