SimBin Studios Confirms GTR 3, Scheduled for 2018

  • Thread starter adam46
United Kingdom
Isle of Wight
As you may know, SimBin is back!

And it sounds like we might be getting what we all want...

To me, it sounds like this might be the modern equivalent of the first two games; AKA, the official game for the Blancpain GT Series. Maybe that's my inner fanboy jumping to conclusions, but I can't stop thinking about having the Sprint, Endurance and GT Sports Club grids on an official game!
Quite exciting. I still recall the teaser site for GTR3. Think it was a Engine switch and when you flick it on, a glorious engine roars to life.
Quite exciting. I still recall the teaser site for GTR3. Think it was a Engine switch and when you flick it on, a glorious engine roars to life.

Ah yes, it was the Zonda R that they used for that.

Just a note as well for mods, I thought this development was worth starting a new thread for due to the age of the old one, and the fact that this new project almost certainly shares nothing with whatever they were teasing in the early 2010's.

Apologies if that was an incorrect assumption.
I really like GTR2, I'm looking forward to GTR3.
Any word on mod support? PC version should have mod support like most other PC racing games, not sure how it would work for consoles.
Why must everything cater to sim and casual fans these days? :banghead: Make a game for one or the other, you're never going to please both sides!

I hope all content in RRRE is included. Glad I didn't get caught up in all that microtransaction crap.

And mods. Please let it be moddable :bowdown:
I really like GTR2, I'm looking forward to GTR3.
Any word on mod support? PC version should have mod support like most other PC racing games, not sure how it would work for consoles.

I will be surprised if Simbin won't like people modding GTR3, seeing how extensive modding is with other racing sims such as AC and rF2, and also their previous titles.
Looks good. Never got the other GTR games. (Sadly) This looks to be brilliant if they fulfill their promises and hopefully developments like weather and proper flags can trickle down into Raceroom.
Why must everything cater to sim and casual fans these days? :banghead: Make a game for one or the other, you're never going to please both sides!

I can understand your concern - Here's a quote from the comments section of the article, from the author, in case you didn't scroll that far.

"I worried about that too, but when I pushed them on the subject I got the impression that those of us looking for a realistic experience need not be worried. All the good serious stuff will be in, with options to make it more user friendly possible to turn on and off. I'll not go into the conversation we had here, but I finished the chat with a contented feeling that it will be suitably "hard-core" enough to satisfy those wanting that kind of experience.

At the end of the day time will tell I suppose"

I personally feel that when compared to the more modern sims, a majority of SimBin's back catalogue is actually quite accessible. I'd consider myself quite a casual gamer in some respects, and GTR2 felt like a very natural transition from Console titles when I first gave it a go. I think they have the ability to compromise without really compromising.

Also, to echo others, I would be incredibly surprised if GTR3 was unmoddable.
Doesn't mean that they won't think about it, if they want to attract more casual players for consoles.
There are actually a lot of solutions, which already used in many games: arcade modes with catch-up and lack of damage, tons of assists, AI settings. As well as in shooter games, developers ask player about his skills at the start and configure optimal in-game difficulty.
Just to set people's mind at rest. RD have a good article on this and here are a few bits from an interview with the devs.

"The plan will be at some point to branch off" said Allan. "It will be proper simulation but for the console version the casual user is just as important. At some point RaceRoom will switch over to the technology we are creating and we'll just take that a different route, as in simulation with support for both console and PC."

"I think another point we need to take note of is, whilst the PC community would love this hard core simulation thing which is fine, as Allan said there is a console community that aren't going to fully adhere to that. The product at the end of the day needs to appeal to both sides, hardcore racer as awell and the casual gamer. A game that does that really really well is Formula One. I can have fantastic fun in the simulator on PC and I can have just as much fun as a casual gamer on a console. They do it really well. I'm not saying that's something we are going to follow completely, I'm just saying that they've done it and it's possible... The best way to put it is neither side will be forgotten."
GTR2 is still my favorite PC sim, so can't wait to see what they can do with GTR3. I hope they don't cater too much to casuals on console though. GTR2 had a perfect balance between being realistic and accessible so I hope it continues with GTR3,
Hopefully the actual GT classes going around in 2018 will be good enough for the GTR series.
Sorry if it's already ben discussed else where.

  • Is GTR3 going be developed based on RRE?
  • Simbin is still part of Sector3?
And I was just enjoying GTR2 with the F1, GT2, GT1, and BPR series mods added. When I didn't mod GTR2 before the Murcielago R-SV, 911 GT2, and 550 Maranello were my favorites plus Enna Pergusa was the track I used the most thanks to the AI screwing up in the chicanes. Excited for GTR3 though.

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