GTR Evolution Announced

  • Thread starter Gabkicks
I started playing yesterday. Recorded my first lap of Nurinburgring ( not that it was anything good ) but i will post it up later..

Also the AI on this track seems to be broken. When you turn off the GP course to the left to get onto the main ring the AI goes right and continues around the old track

part 2
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I tried this game yesterday. I'll stick with rfactor and GTR2 mods. GTREvo is graphically old and its not so big deal at all. I wait WGTS mod for GTR2. It would be better.
Wouldn't really call it the same game mate. More Tracks and Cars. Also if you own Race 07 you can get it as an expansion pack so its cheeper.
I'll wait for folks to convert them. Some of the cars such as the C6R, DBR9, & R8 GT are cars the modders have already created.
i hear the full version of GTRevo is going to be $20USD for Americans. if you didn't buy race07, id recommend it

im more so, buying the expansion to show my support to simbin
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I live in the USA, I got to two game electronics/gaming distributors. One Game, and it is 20$ I do not see any extension. Well today suppose to be the realese date, but usually my area is bit late one day, So tomorrow I will Head out and try to find store with this game :). 20$ is cheap :). I was thinking this game EXTENSION will be 30 and full game will be 50!

the 360 version of the game is gonna get the Lizzard engine, i think. The graphics are much better for that game. Much closer to GT5.

I've seen the 360 verion, I think the name is called RACE PRO. Graphics do not LOOK as good as the PC version... Do not even mention it's as close to GT5 because it's way way off. And 8 cars on track in 360 version? NO THANKS! With only 15 tracks... I bet Physics will not be as good as PC version.

He says it's Realistic, but as watching the gameplay it does not look that much of a sim.
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the lizard engine is much better than the current engine. I'm gonna wait till that one comes out. Graphics are better too, maybe you weren't viewing it on a good TV, but Lizard is much better looking.
haha, many feel they already have w/ all of their previous releases. numbers and performance of some of the cars is very 'off' in simbin games. Getting the most realistic handling and performance out of the cars they make doesn't appear to be the main goal of simbin.
Anyone else getting it?

One of the mod (from another forum) I know had a review copy, he said the cars are simply too easy to drive like GRID, not true race sim feel. I will get the expansion anyway just for Nordschleife alone, I was told it is the best version of Nordschleife among sims.
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Ok this is Lizard's still under development. It's a old picture from their website. They say They will work on the lizzard engine for NEXT Gen such as PC, Xbox, and PS3. I am guessing PC will always have best graphics out of the 3. Xbox version will be toned down.
This Could be PC version

This Is Xbox360

Still looks good on the 360 but its toned down from PC version. And it only has a hand full of cars on a track.. I think 10 most. And Shadows look bad.

PC- GTR Evolution

It may not look as good as the LIZZARD pic from very top, but it looks better then Xbox' version. And Shadows are looking great, and more then 10 cars on track :D
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Anyone else getting it?

One of the mod (from another forum) I know had a review copy, he said the cars are simply too easy to drive like GRID, not true race sim feel. I will get the expansion anyway just for Nordschleife alone, I was told it is the best version of Nordschleife among sims.

I came here to write same things. Last night in GTREvo I was in a time practice with DBR9 in nordschleife endurance layout. I was driving with g25 all aids of and my lap time was 8:17. after I played it 1 hour I switched to rfactor's nordschleife with dbr9 mod. Those two nordschleife experience are totally two different world. GTREvo is much easier than rfactor. you can easily control your car. GTRevo is for more fun rfactor and other sim are more realism
GTR Evolution - Steam Release in 5 Days

After the release of the boxed version in some countries including Germany and the United States, GTR Evolution is now making its way to Steam too!

The game can now be bought online, the GTR Evolution expansion pack is available for $17,99, the full version including RACE07 sells for $35,99. The game can already be downloaded but won’t unlock until September 1st, the official release date on Steam.
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the elevation changes and corner positions are spot on but the track is too "smooth" to other racers. remember that this is a 2008 rendering of the track and its been repaved a whole lot of times since 2004.

oh and here's something GTR2 owners. GTR evo isnt just an expansion for race 07 anymore

It is a great video!!! Some elevation changes were not perfect. But hey they got it pretty darn close :)
Maybe smoothness changed over those few years? They always put new pavement in, and do minor changes. I hear after GT4 release they change few corners of the NUR track. SimBin did nice work!! 👍

Hehe, now we need some GT5 vs GTR2 comparison when Nur comes out!
GTR Evolution Downloaded by Steam +

New PC

-Tower Antec 1200 6 Fans incl. 200 mm Fanboy
-Intel Core 2 Quad Q9650 à 3.0Go
-4 Go Ram DDR2 800
-Nvidia GForce 280 GTX 1Go
-DD Velociraptor 300Go à 10.000 Tr/m

Screen TVHD Philips 42" en HDMI reso 1920x1080
Sono Logitech Z5500 5.1

The all game in Full details = Nurburgring :sly::sly::sly::sly::sly: Fanstatic

See ya all on track Soon 👍
lol I got opteron 175 2gb ddr400 ram 512 ati radeon x1800xt
and I play the game highest details what so ever in 1920x1080 stable at 60fps :)
Ok guys, I insert the game into the disc tray, tray closes, makes some noises like it's loading, and then nothing. I go to my computer to check the drives and it is as if the disc is blank. HOwever I tried on my dad's laptop and the installer opens.

What the hell am I supposed to do doods?
It works and I'm mainly testing out road car atm, very impressed :)

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