Source? In your own opinion is that a natural disposition, something that comes from society, or something else?
Here's a science video I found which is true because it's on YouTube
Oh you haven't
You are right to not believe all you see in Youtube, continue with that
Source ?
Genetic programation and my life

I've known lot of people (I'm forty yo) even women who like cars, driving, or emulate their fathers since their childhood. I'll give you two simple examples,
*they prove nothing but if you want believe in the opposite world good for you* : for example a daughter of rally-driver (I know her very well since 4 years) his father is dead and she wanted (from hers 3 yo) do the same activities he did, she has bought the same motorbike than him, she wanted a sport car for her first one car. His brother has a Sport car garage, And you know what ? She doesn't know how many cylinders her car has, she doesn't know how to brake or accelerate while cornering (she accelerates always before the apex and I told her not to do that hundreds of times). She tested some simulators but she is not interested in any technical aspect of it so she drives 2 laps and she goes off the simulator. Another example, Fernando Alonso's father built a kart for his daughter 5 years older than Fernando, she didn't like it... you know what happened with Fernando...
From around 40 or 50 or 100 women I've talked about this matter NONE of them were sure of how many cylinders their daily car has of if their car has electronic inyection or not or what their tyres good pressure is... Ask your near women for it, ask them for more technical aspects (even in informatic areas) and do the same with men.
In Europe I don't know any law that forbids women to know how many cylinders theirs cars have. Maybe in your country there are 90% of men that doesn't know that and 90% of women that do know
Males and females have differents roles in each species, in some species female are the hunters in others they keep responsabilities and safety of the group. The risk and the emulation of risk are connected to that, stadistics here are that natural evidence of that.
Now, you can deny my source, you can deny genetic programming in animals... or you can prove your good intentioned argument, or ask men and women, make your own tests and educate 1000 girls and boys from 0 years to prove the opposite, I wish you good luck
Every human, female or male, has no limits in their pontentiality, some of them push their genetics instincts, others push against them, others copy what others do, others do the opposite that others do. No excuses, no complaints, you can choose your implication in racing-sims from 0 to 100 is a personal choice. Instead of victimhood, we have to keep our own responsability for what we want to practice or achieve in life.