That's irrelevant outside the effects that cause animals to form symbiotic social groups. Are you suggesting that there's a disinterest in cars which is innate in female humans and which is therefore genetic?
Patronising tosh, but go on...
I know lots of women who do know the mechanics of their car far better than me and plenty of men who know it's a particular model and not much more. Neither of our samples is very meaningful.
I've educated around 5 times that between the ages of 4 and 16, I needed the luck (so thank you in retrospect) and I saw nothing - nothing - to suggest genetically innate preferences outside social interference.
Utterly incorrect although limitations that exist do not do so along gender lines.
Which are?
Most people do both, particularly at important developmental stages in the organism. How does that support your argument?
You lost me there.
Too often it seems that "banter" is just an coverword for rude, alienating conduct that the speaker doesn't see a need to apologise for. Cus bants.
My text is very clear if you are lost or you don't understand it, I have no advice to give you.
Social interference is inevitable, we are social beings, but is not the only reason for everything. Most of times the choice to practice or work in something is a free individual choice, more in modern countries, even more with free information and free inspiration coming from internet, sharing inspiring stories and examples from facebook or twitter (out of conventional medias and out of conventional education), etc.
If in Europe in 2017 only 6% of women play with racing games is because their free choice, and their free choice follows their instincts and attractions. Genetic programmation, brain differences and testosterone levels make men been attracted to risked activities and to battle each other, racing or even fighting.
This is not an absolute sentence, it's only a relative and stadistic affirmation that we can deduce from the Simbin statistic and many others. Of course, women can be attracted to male-stadisticly-predominant activities and of course they can be better than men if they apply the same time and passion to it.
Women are more naturally attracted (but not only) to social-family-friendly games instead of war, combat, racing, technical or high competitive games. It's been passed 50 years from some of most important equality battles (it's not a new matter at all), now, every woman is free to do everything she wants, even more in anonymous offline or online play.
You can agree or not agree, your experience can be the opposite of mine, good for you, I've lived in 9 cities over 4 countries in Europe, and that's my experience and my opinion.
The stadistics from this post are a fact and, at least in Europe, no law forbids women to play racing games. In my case my parents forbiden me to play videogames till 18 yo, so I did what I wanted from 18 to now as any woman can do.
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