
  • Thread starter Goosemandu
bet it is toyo. i skated round school on the last day of school last year. my mate was pushing me and i was flying along the paths............................until i went past the vice principle who we just call HITLER (he actually looks like hitler). i told him to keep pushing, go faster get away from hitler. then luckly, the bell went, home time. he had no power over me anymore, so for fun we went past him again, this time even faster

fun times
:lol: And quite dangerous as well. :D

I whipped out the board today, and I'm a tidbit rusty, I couldn't land all my tricks within the first few trys, but I'm working on it.
That happend to me the other day, it took me so long to land a 50 50 in a quater pipe and it is usualy so easy!
i went back to the gnarly drains today and stacked it in the big slimy river like thing. but today me and my amte found a bit where there was no river and got a few good runs going. you had to miss the cracks and overgrown weeds and all.
my plans for today were to meet some friends down at cleveland skate park, until i found out the weather forecast. 41 degrees today, way too hot. i dont want to pass out due to heat exhaustion
I went skating when it was about 40, I thaught it was 35! I didn't even realise it was so hot because I was skating.
I almost thought you guys were discussing in Fehrenheit, but I remembered that the United States is pretty much the only place with it. :D That's just shy of freezing in Fehrenheit.
Went to the skatepark yesterday and was doing awesome on the quarterpipes. I was reaching the coping and even getting my front wheels off some times. Next time, I'm trying some rock-to-fakies or axle stalls. On the small quarterpipe I was able to do some 50-50's, 5-0's, and some Rock-to-Fakies/Rock-n-Rolls. I feel so proud.
My local skate park only sorta has a halfpipe, we use the quater on the side of the fun box and just a normal quaterpipe, we call it "The gnarl pipe":D
I might be going skating this weekend at a local park. This would be the first venture, here in Des Moines. I skated a ton at the local park in Wisconsin, but haven't dones so since I moved to college.
I'm back, almost got the 360 nosegrab, I got an early grab method tho:D ummm I almost got an early grab disaster:) I saw a Craig lowndes look a like!:lol:

When I got down to the park all these little kid's were saying "Hey it's Jack"!
I was thinking "What the ****".
I was also rippin up "The Gnarl pipe" and I learned how to do frontside early grab melon's in it!
I also jumped a bike and people!(Not at the same time tho.
Originally posted by millencolin
did he has massive eyebrows like lowndes? then THAT would be funny as all hell. give him a set of car keys and see if he can drives as good as him

He looked just like him but with blonde hair.

BTW today I still didn't get the 360 nosegrab, but I did get a 180 melon:D I have also been trying to early grab a table top about 1.5 meter's long, I have gotten so close!:)
Originally posted by radicool02

but I did get a 180 melon:D

ha, i was so close to landing one today at my local. i went up, grabebd and spun. but when i went to land, i wasnt standing up, still leaning with the grab, got the deck down and it skidded from under me, smack face on concrete. all in good fun, BUT I WAS SO FARKIN CLOSE.

i also nearly landed a nosegrab today, havent tried one before. back foot keeps slipping off.

but today was the first time ive properly skated for about 2 months. and it showed. but i managed to pull off a fast 50-50 stall on the REALLY sharp&steep quarter.