SlideFX -- Did we tandem?

  • Thread starter SFX_Pwner
JSI Rhythm is an idiot.
We've established this already.

I wish I could tell him that without some moderator being a Ms. Nancy about it.
He's such a fanboy of V8s. I know I probably sound like a Daigo fanboy to most, but people who know me, will know I've be a huge fan of him for years.

I don't expect him to dominate and win every round, but I expect him to do really well. After all, look what Aasbo done in his 1st ever FD in his Red Supra!
You ain't no Daigo fanboy.
most of the people in that thread are.

"Daigo's gonna come over here and become the new FD champ!"
"He's the V8 killer!"
I don't even know what V8s have to do with skill level.

You have no idea how much I've grown to hate his fanbase.
Most of them probably wouldn't even know he used to have a JZX90.
Fking bandwagoners.
Fanboys. Fanboys everywhere.

I'll enjoy watching the event and just be happy and what we're presented with. Expectation leads to disappointment. The Livestream Chatwindow will stay closed this time. I'm not having those returds spoil my fun.
Most of them probably don't even know he was 08 champion and his engine failed just after he beat Imamura!

Edit; We should all jump in a XBL party when we're watching the livestream
I thought you already was? Well that's what you told me when you said I won the Ugandan lottery
You are stil yet to collect 2478909864357988822488996434368997433215477990966 ugandan dollars!
I want to be king of BMWs. :3 I want them all.

Oh for those who saw on my Tumblr about the perfect car, I changed my mind on the colour, it now needs to be MCR Purple, not White, lol.
Only if you build me an S14 in MCR Purple.

Edit: Any of you seen Gittins new paint yet? 2012 is the year people ruin their cars!
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Yeah I saw it.
I had to strongly resist calling it ugly in the thread.

Haha, do it! Then sit back and laugh at how many Gittin lovers jump all over you.

It got released like last night right? Ill have a look now

And yh 2012 is ugly

Get the sick bag at the ready.
That is one ugly livery. o.o

Edit: Anyone seen the '12 livery for the SATS Supra? :nervous:
I know >.< T'is ugly in yellow. :(

Has the DW '12 S15 livery been released yet?
I think it's staying the same. I know Phil said the R32 is coming back out again this year so I can't wait to see that.
Oh that'll be cool :3

The R32 was sexy, shame they didn't run it often though. :(
It ran a full season in 2010 with Bon Bon, then it had a major rebuild over 2011.
I know >.< T'is ugly in yellow. :(

Has the DW '12 S15 livery been released yet?

Phil is driving the R32, and he might be parking up the S15 for a year. I mentioned leasing the s15 and Dan chapman agreed with me.
I actually like Gittins new livery. Looks pretty hot compared to the old one and ESPECIALLY compared to what Matt Field and Ryan Tuerck are sitting in.

And how does one become King of said Europe-Country?
What about me Group? :nervous: I'm north of Adam. XD

In other news... DROOOOOL!!!!!


:drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:
I thought you were going to be the Arch Bishop of BMW?
First you must take over Bavaria, then...THE WORLD.